Early Emperor v4 Impressions Thread

7th day of listening to V4

x 10 loops of Emperor V4
X 2 loops of PCC
X 2 Daredevil

In my dream I was walking around in the city. This woman walked upto me angrily and started shouting at me “you should give your money to the poor you earn too much money”. I looked at her and replied “What I do with my money is my business not yours good bye”. I then walked away.

As I was walking down the road two police man approached me. They began questioning me asking me why I was rude to the woman earlier. The woman had complained to the police about me and fabricated some story that I had been giving her verbal abuse.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a USB stick with the full recording of the conversation. I handed it over to the police “Listen to the recordings on the USB it will explain everything”

Both police went silent and I walked away.


All the dreams i am having on emperor V4 are vivid :slight_smile:


Interesting, I never had multiple vivid dreams on consecutive nights or every other night , for that matter, on Emperor v3 and/or v4…so far.

I guess everyone’s diffenrent.

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I have to say so far that this is the strangest feeling sub I’ve ever run. Granted I am running it with other programs but a majority of the play goes towards EV4 since it’s the biggest in my stack. I might be feeling this way because my subconscious being challenged is starting to strip away old parts of myself. It feels similar to when I experienced what’s called a “zenith point” which is what happened to me on another producers subs.

That sensation of not feeling like “you” anymore and not quite being able to identify who or what you’re becoming.


I’m seeing that myself on Kahn once again, and I had it on Ascension when I began it a year back. There’s something in their base script which made me feel relaxed, yet truly consider the question “who AM I?”

Answering the question makes the journey really fulfilling! I found that nervousness about not knowing temporary, and answering the question became a primary focus of mine for a while.



Sounds like Khan ST1.

I liken it to the mythological descent of Persephone into the pit of hell where everything about her person was stripped down until naked. Then you ask “who am I?” without the clothes?


I’m having the strangest of dreams since running Emperor V4. The characters displayed in my dreams are most often the ones I got most memories with from real life. Either good or bad memories but those characters keep coming back in my dreams. I’ve had this weird scène were I went into an elevator that got at the top of a huge building like reaching the clouds in the sky. Not sure what it ment yet. It might be a symbolism for reaching heights in my carrier. I’m not sure yet.


[I think this belongs here, more than in the Early QL thread.]

So I had my first “Wall breaking dream” after one day of stacking Ev3 + QL1.

Nothing violent or catastrophic, the apartment complex that I grew up in was going to be taken down & rebuilt. The project had just begun.

Some scenes from the same episode:

  • A flying mirror, floating around on a thread like a lost kite
  • A young woman - who has anime-superpower of taking down any wall/building by separating bricks apart just by touch - watches, interacts & flirts with the workers, but doesn’t help them
  • A cousin brother helping me out with some books
  • Nostalgia about the old & current playgrounds
  • Mention of a sighting of a work colleague from this year (his real father is into real estate development)
  • Three floors of the first building disappeared one-by-one through the dream. No debris or dust in sight though.



Simon why dont you stack with V4 ?

Yesterday I experienced extreme tiredness where I had to sleep the whole day, a bit of neusea and headache. Today I’m already feeling a bit better but still not 100%.

Can this happen as reconciliation from a sub like Emperor? I have stopped listening to it for now…

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@infinite that depends, are you using subs for the first time ?. Then yes one will experience fatigue the good news is over time the brain will adapt and you will be able to listen to it over longer periods without feeling tired.

If you are a long term user of subliminals and its your first time exposure to V4 yes you might experience reconciliation and this could translate to tiredness. Having said that overtime the more you listen your brain will adapt. I suggest you keep on listening perhaps drop to 2 loops a day and add on one additional look every week.


Ev4 gave me strong headaches.

I’m using Ev3+QL to ease into it.
I plan to test Ev4 after my new business/plans are already in motion - maybe in Feb 2020.

But, who knows! :wink:


I’m a new user of SubliminalClub as well, running Emperor V4 & Quantum Limitless Stage 2 whole day long. Yet I don’t experience any headache.

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strange this is, I ran V4 already for 1 week with great results and no sideeffects. It just happened now and before I heard Khan.
I guess I’ll just take is slower and see what happens.

Guys, when you’re showing clear signs that your subconscious is having issues with the sub, cut back on the number of loops and give yourself a rest day. Drop it down to one loop if necessary. These are immensely powerful titles — there may not be a need for you to run 10 hours worth.


A couple of times now, I’ve woken up with my chest and upper arms feeling pumped although I had not worked out. Similar to the feeling you get when muscle is growing in 2 or 3 days after a workout.

I don’t like trading wild, dramatic stories. I want my feet on the ground. But this happened.

Just walked the 3 miles home from work and passed through the park close to where I live. Went to the pull-up bar there and found that I was back up to 10 pull-ups. Haven’t done pull-ups in over a month and last time I did the number had dropped to between 5 and 7.


Headaches have gone. Head still stays heavy for major part of the day. 10+ loops in a day.

A lot of dreams which I’m not able to remember properly. Which never happened with me before. But deep sleep.

Something unexpected is happening with me. I’m becoming a lot more social then before. Yesterday I went to a funeral of a relative and made many of the relatives there laugh, like proper belly laugh. Along with introvert and sigma behavior, I have always been a funny guy in IRL(not online, i like provoking people online. Sarcastic dry humor online.). Yesterday was next level at funeral. Everyone wanted to be with me. Some of them told me that they needed those laughs. Nice feeling

I m also meeting my friends on daily basis. I want to meet them which is rare. An ich to fuck every women is strong. Which is not new but a feeling that i took for granted and ignored last year. @SaintSovereign, is there any change in script to make the listeners more social. Or is it only me.

I know this thread is to post dreams but I’m not able to remember them for some strange reason Which is frustrating. Like a dreamer is having a dream block.


No shit, I’ve been getting massive gains without going to the gym.


Dont know if I posted this here but I lost this mind-cinema-ability for now. Had it for 2 days.
Am sure it will come back eventually.

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Its been 9 days on V4 and today I felt angry i had this urge to m*sturbate to porn. Never had that in a a very long time. Managed to get myself out of the house to a social event but I just didnt want to socialize. Even after a a gym workout I felt this urge to watch porn.

I think the best I drop to 2 loops and mix in daredevil at 4 loops to see how things go. This is obviously me resisting whatever the sub is doing right ?

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