Early Emperor v4 Impressions Thread

Had the most scariest moment i had to wake up and share it with you guys. On my 5th loop of listening whilst asleep. I felt very uncomfortable like i did not want to listen anymore. Then suddenly I felt i was leaving my physical body like I was levitating. I felt terrified. At that moment I stopped listening.

I then fell asleep and had a dream where I was talking to my brother who i have lost contact with. I told him to talk to me and tellme whats wrong. He was silent and it made me upset.

Next I found i was in a building and saw a sign that said Subclub upstairs. I walked upstairs and saw Sovereign at his desk talking to a girl. I asked Sovereign “mate sorry to interrupt are you busy I have to talk to you about V4”. He replied can you come back later I am busy. I nodded my head and walked away then woke up.

@SaintSovereign what the hell is going on mate please explain ?


Just wanted to throw this out there. I started running E-V4 ultrasonic at night, and either my roommates were talking about imposter syndrome while I was half-asleep, or I had a dream about it.

The next day I saw Saints comment about imposter syndrome scripting, and thought it was a weird coincidence.

In general, I realigned all my goals that I was slacking on the past few weeks while finishing up Khan ST4 (in retrospect, there was probably reconciliation going on).

Suddenly I’m back to waking up 5am or earlier and working out like a beast, and just feeling super alpha and, no hesitation when talking to people, interactions being super smooth, and just super in control. I identified the 3 things getting in the way of my career goals, and hope to have them tackled by end of tomorrow. This sub is the good shit right here. (Note: ran V3 for 4 months earlier this year).

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Hi @Abu_Nasir, Alchemist and Emperor V4 right? Do you feel something different with the synergy?

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Being short, Emperor makes me much more aggressive with ANYTHING that I feel that’s threatening me. Also, I’m definitely cutting many things that was holding me back in regards to my goals.

Alchemist, it seems, is guiding me to question, reconsider and reshape my metaphysical/spiritual practices.

My plan is to use my metaphysical/spiritual practices in order to build my empire and I already can see, in some ways, what this combo is doing with me.


Sounds like energy blockages being released and your subconscious sending up a fear response.

Remember, characters in dreams are just representations of parts of your psyche. The “Sovereign” in your dream most likely represented the part of your subconscious responding to your subliminal use. If I had to guess, this dream was dealing with some deep subconscious fear, and you’re attempting to clear it. However, you’re not quite ready, hence the subconscious telling you to “come back later.”

I know it’s scary, but keep at it. QuantumTech is exceptionally potent and is attempting to make some profoundly deep change VERY fast.


Emperor v4 sounds like a barrel of laughs. I’ve penciled it in for the new year, to stack with QL.


My first tip would have been hanging out with Saint on the astral plane.
Jokes aside, your post reminds me I should keep an eye on my dreams aswell

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Well i am still hitting hard with Emperor V4. Today i am feeling rather spaced out. I am suffering flu like symptoms constantly sneezing. Despite this i am going to stick with V4 and barrel through whatever emotional challenges i am facing.

V3 was a walk in the park. V4 is a different breed.

Whats interesting is i am more motivated to go to body balance tai chi and yoga classes. I really dont know why.

Is anyone feeling tired and wanting to sleep ?


lol I also caught a flu a few days ago. It is gone now but I still sneeze very strongly sometimes. Seems like there are many people experiencing this. Very interesting

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Can Emperror V4 used during studying?

@mercharc i listen to it whilst learning new subjects.

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@TheBoxingScientist subjects related to?

You can listen and study same time mate :slight_smile:

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Listen to it while you study. You’ll get to see a pretty nice mind movie, I can assure you.


All day suffering from running nose and dry throat. I am not saying its the subliminal but its just an observation. As I said perhaps its coinciding with the winter season. Whats strange this is the second time in the space of a month i have been experiencing a running nose and dry throat like symptoms. Weeks ago i did actually have a cold and recovered.

Whilst taking a nap I had another dream of my brother i have lost contact with. In the dream I confronted him and asked him “Why cannot you just talk to me you never talk to me”. He just looked at me stone silent.

Even experience is failing in front of V4. One hell of a product. One hell of a product it is. Love it.


@MavericKobra V4 does not feel like Emperor it feels like a new product.


@TheBoxingScientist can’t agree more.
Oh! I’m agreeing with you. Is there any miracle module added in V4 or what? Surprise. Surprise.


Perhaps there is my friend :slight_smile:

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I am having a lot of issues sleeping at the moment; I’m awake half the night many nights… Wide awake at 3am, finally get back to sleep around 5-5:30. Even so, with my stack of QL ST1 and EV4, I feel pretty awesome. Except for the deep muscle aches from the intense exercise and hiking I’ve been doing lately.

I like EV4, quite a bit!