Purified by Fire (Dragon Reborn/Paragon/R.I.C.H.)

Cant wait to add Dragon Reborn! Have a stack like this:

Dragon Reborn St1
Paragon Ultima
Love Bomb Ultima.

At the moment I have no interest for my customs. I will resume them in the future, theres plenty of time for that. Right now its the perfect time for a deep dive healing experience. Right into the core of what it means to be an emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy man.


Doing my Love Bomb loop, right before taking a shower… gonna check how the world behave through this crystal.

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Went out for a couple of hours, walked the streets and talked to a guy, to see if I like his appartment enough to rent it.
I felt weird the whole time I was out, like I wasnt really there or here or nowhere. I felt out if sync.

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Today Ive started with Dragon Reborn! Finally its time.

Dragon Reborn (as my main program)
Paragon Ultima
Love Bomb Ultima


Did my loop of Paragon and Love Bomb really early, before taking a shower. Now Im ready to go out to work.
In between clients its time for the Dragon!

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Today Ive been aware of different parts of my body that aches or that have been in pain. Suddenly I was sorrounded in a feeling of despair. Why am I inhabiting a body thats in pain, a body thats sick… and I began to feel really sad.

Its weird because Ive never seen it before from that perspective… which triggered a search in the back of my mind, to a point in time in which I was very little and my family was really worried about the health of my great grand father and that he might die. I was just out of the hospital for an operation, got really scared that I might die too, that the body could just stop working.

I got a huge emotional release!! Even though I feel Paragon contributed to that, its my impression that Dragon triggered that process.

So far… so fucking good!!


So you’re listening to DR and Paragon?

Thats Correct! Dragon is my main program… Paragon is the booster, so is Love Bomb, but the latter is more occasional.


Stand back… I think a wave of universal healing is about to be emanated from you…

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Im feeling it getting bigger and bigger… ready to emanate from within, through the cosmos and back.
Its a healing spree!!!


Ive been releasing emotional baggage since yesterday, with very little rest in between. It just keep pouring out.

Since last night I have more pain, both my hands, a shoulder, both my feets, amd some serious heat in my knees.

Ive just finished Love Bomb and started Paragon. The overall feeling is one of repressed hate.

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You were right! Im speechless! I cant believe what just happened!!
Let me process it and I will give a report, its probably one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.

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Ok, so here it goes!

Like Ive already said, this morning I listened to a loop of Love Bomb, followed by a loop of Paragon. This was really early, starting at 6am aprox, with headphones and in bed.
After Love Bomb, starting Paragon I felt I had lots of repressed hate, so I decided to take care of it and I did with ease and felt pretty good afterwards, like I was somehow different as a person.

Still listening to Paragon I decided to explore the emotional cause of inflammation, since I was experiencing more than yesterday. This is what happened four times in a row… I ask my unconscious mind to show me the emotion thats directly related to inflammation and immediately felt despair, a pressure in my chest, but I felt like I was kick out from the feeling, my mind immediately went to something else, like I was fleeing scared from that emotion.
I had the intuition it was better to work without being consciously aware of what happened because It might be too painful.

Thats when it started to get awesome! I rolled to the side and fell asleep instantly and began to dream. It was so quick I couldnt even process I was asleep. Dream became lucid right away. I stood up from bed without realizing it was a dream until I became aware I was floating.
I moved my body so my head was down and feets up, I got scared but it faded when I remembered myself I was having a lucid dream (last lucid dream was like 20 years ago and drug induced) Im floating down until Im seeing the carpet fully detailed, that “uninportant” activity convinced me Im in a lucid dream.

I went “Cool!! Time to get things done!!!” I start to bring to me the emotion thats behind the inflammation, thats directly related to inflammation, I begin to feel it instantly… a mix of despair, loneliness, anger and whatnot. Then I traveled back in time to the first time I felt that way, to discover what happened. I visited 2 memories, one when I was 3 years old and one when I was only a baby.

While in those memories I was fully in, I was a child living that experience again, fully immerse, I had full access to my complete conciousness though. I relieved the experiences over and over again, until all the emotional charge drained completely and I could understand the situation differently, under a new light.

The one when I was a little baby, it was just me being scared and feeling alone, needing the help of my mother but feeling unable to call her attention in the middle of the night.

Anyway I woke up right after reframing everything, feeling absolutely wonderful!!! I still have physical pain, but emotionally I feel resolved, happy and light, with a strong sense of confidence that I will heal completely.

@SaintSovereign @Fire you guys might be interested in this, thanks for such wonderful products!!


Whoa! Hang on to your photons… it’s time for an overhaul!

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Did my early morning loop of love Bomb then Paragon, boy Paragon put me to sleep very hard.

Now Im ready to get up and do stuff, since yesterday experience I recovered motivation for a lot of stuff and Ive been more active. When the pain goes away I will resume exercise.


:sunglasses::+1::dragon: on!

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Todays has been an interesting day. Pain has gone down significantly and attitude has been quickly rising up.
Went out to do some chores and I felt really good and calm, no more of that out of sync feeling from the last time.

Lighter attitude in general.

I feel Dragon and Paragon are digging some heavy deep stuff.


it’s interesting with healing that we expect the physical to heal first and then our mood/state will be improve but it it seems from my more recent, and your experience here, its our mood and experience that improve first and then the healing follows. I remember some healing influencer said something like-‘people reach states of such profound fullness and well being they don’t care about their physical issues any more…and then the heal’


I fully agree with that!! That has been my experience before and the experience of many other people. I think the hard part is to remember that and do the work when we are in pain and the mood is really low.

Fortunately Im good at that, it might take me a while before I move my ass, but I get the job done.


Im running a loop of Paragon, something inside me was craving for it, besides that it makes me really sleepy and Im in bed.

Tomorrow Im gonna do some regresive changework on my lower back pain. Which isnbetter but still signaling for attention.