Dragon Reborn, Survival Instinct

Woke up after having crazy dreams, intended to write down dream, got distracted, totally forgot content of dream.

I just recently added Survival Instinct and I always have crazy dreams upon starting new subs.

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Haha same here

This is a very interesting stack. Hope you get what you are looking for.

Yes. I find I get results from subs, just that my results seem to be less dramatic than what others post on the forum.

I figure this combo should be good for helping to create a solid foundation in life. I saw some discussion somewhere about chakras, and I see this combo on some level relating to muladhara, the root chakra.

I have also been burning candles for Mars, Ganesh, Archangel Michael and for more generalized and localized spirits of protection every day.



Eventually I plan to add Renaissance man, but that could be a long way out, and, since I like to avoid too much stacking, I may drop out one or both of SI or DR or radically lessen the amount I listen to them.

I likely, after a period of time, will only run Survival Instinct in my workout area.

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I have Spartan playing next to the workout area in my basement. Conceivably this will simply be a permanent set it and foeget it set-up that I likely will hear, under present circumstances, at most once a day, probably less.

I previously had this same set-up for several months and for about six months using a custom that contained Spartan.

Essentially, my stack at the moment is Dragon Reborn ST4, Survival Initiative and Spartan.

After slightly more than 4 months, I have once again moved away from what I had hoped would be a winning strategy - listening to one title at a time + a compatible Ultima.

While I could feel things subtly shifting, but the bigger shifts have been elusive, even over relatively longer periods.

I keep trying to figure out what will be most effective for me.

I guess it was not my set it and forget it brainwashing method that kept me listening close to 24 hours a day, but I have also not seen significantly greater effectiveness by listening to one title maybe 2 to 6 times in a day, not listening at night, and taking weekends off.

So I continue to experiment, and have reinstated Spartan, which felt like possibly my most effective Sub, brought in Survival Initiative, which I had also listened to some as part of an extremely dense custom, and which gets at some crucial issues for me, and continue Dragon Reborn ST4, which I felt has had positive effects, though very subtle. I began DR with ST1 in mid January, so I am more than for months out with that.

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Its even older, its a stoic concept :slight_smile:

Interesting that you’re sharing this because I was considering my own internal association of subliminal usage with subliminal efficacy.

Here, you’ve outlined your subliminal usage patterns and made a correlation between their usage and their respective effectiveness.

I’d be curious to know, what actions have you taken that both align with your desired goals / transformation and the subliminal you’re using to facilitate that change? Have you tracked the effectiveness and results of those actions (besides listening patterns)?

For example, I listened to a couple loops of Wanted and then went to a public area to be around people. The differences between how I have normally behaved and felt to what I experienced after listening was very obvious.

I think the only reason it was obvious was because I put myself in a position to “use” the new programming my subliminal stack contained.

So, what actions can you directly map between your subliminal usage and your desired goal?

Running Paragon Ultima.

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Back in the office running DR ST4.

Wed. Will be 28 days.

Surv. Ins. Running since last Thurs. But only at home. Not played at all in office.

I am finding frequense a great tool to check to see if the sub is running. I just need to check for the big spike just under 20 khz.

Back in office, playing DRST4 ultrasonic.

In my workout area I have Spartan playing. I probably have about 8 total months of Spartan exposure as part of stacks under my belt.

I am figuring getting maybe 4 or 5 total hours of exposure to Spartan every week is probably enough to activate the previous listening and give me a strong Spartan influence in my life.


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