Don't discredit subs rule

I have read lots of you saying that. but cant understand what this mean… Even if I like the idea :slight_smile:

I dont want to sound funny but there is a definition of time, here an example

Definition of time

(Entry 1 of 3) 1a : the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues : duration. b : a nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future.

I understand the perception of time may vary from one person to another but it is only perception/focus because the independant clock will show the same time spent.

Besides nobody has never grow younger, or gone back it time.

(dont want to hijack the thread of course)

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Imagine it like “cause and effect” but in both directions of time.

Where each moment in time implies not only the future events which flow from it. But also implies which “past” events had to be present to converge into that moment.

Since the only moment of “time” we actually have access to us now, if we do stuff to change something about this current moment. The future will obviously change, but it would also change “past” events around to now support this new moment.

It’s a trippy mindfuck.


And here you have spelled out the precise limits of this debate.

Because we can then ask:

“Show to whom?”

Who, in our scenario, is watching this so-called ‘independent clock’?

Is it a person (or persons)?

(Probably, yes)

And does this person—similar to all persons—operate vis-à-vis habitual patterns of perception and consciousness?

(Again, probably, yes)

Thus, there is no independent clock.

Rather, there is an external reference point for systemically-generated perceptual processes.

To put it in everyday terms, ‘the clock that you’re seeing outside of you is actually being experienced (and generated) inside of you’.

I’m not saying ‘There is no reality outside of our minds’. That statement strikes me, personally, as inaccurate and as also rather self-important.

But what I am saying is that if there is an objective reality, then you and I—We, humans—are not particularly well-qualified or well-equipped to comment on it.

Consider also that, as recently as one millennium ago, in the same way that the ‘forward march of time’ today appears to be so unequivocal, unidirectional, and irreversible; a very similar view would have been applied, by many people, to the direction: ‘UP’.

The very reasonable notion that ‘There is UP and there is DOWN; and all significantly mass-bearing objects that go UP (in the air) must sooner or later come DOWN.’

That view would have been simple common sense to the majority of people—educated and uneducated alike.


These could actually be happening constantly. And probably are.

If the entire Cosmos were to, simultaneously, ‘reverse in time’, including your memory, how would you even know that it had happened?

If the entire Cosmos were to ‘pause’, including your sensations, perceptions, and constituent processes, again, how would we know?

We use memory and perceived contrast to establish a flow of time. Our perceptions of Time are thus subject to the limitations of our Memories and of our Awarenesses.

(Which may start to suggest why people—once they have begun to work significantly with their awarenesses and to cultivate developments in awareness—often begin to report quite unusual changes in the ways that they are experiencing time, space, and phenomenological orientation.)


I’ve experienced things that could be explained as really remarkable coincidences, but could also be explained as echoes from the future. There are certain days where I wake up feeling a certain way, and the feeling grows until it meets the event, circumstance, etc that is a cause for that feeling.

I don’t mean I was in a bad mood and later got into an argument because of something I said, I’m talking more like a growing sense of unease, leading to just plain WRONG, culminating with a phone call that someone close to me has passed away unexpectedly, for example.

For me, it’s not merely an indicator of whether something unusually good or bad will happen that day, but rather more a reflection of how I’ll generally feel after the event has settled. If something bad happens but I deal with it or feel at peace with it, then I’m fine… if it really bothers me, not so much.

That’s probably annoyingly vague, but the best way I’ve come to understand it is… yeah, echoes of emotions, from the near future. Does that make sense scientifically? Maybe, but probably not… Is it useful to me? Sometimes… other days I just worry, wondering what is coming my way, if I woke up feeling off… :hot_face:


I’m generally pretty clueless about it and then the connection just comes and slaps me from out of nowhere; similar to how I experience sub results.

I think the flows and connections are happening constantly; but I only notice when the Cosmos dumbs things down and makes things obvious enough for me.


There’s this interesting feedback loop going on when it comes to running subs in that it is in your best interest to credit as much as possible to the sub, as that will subconsciously allow you to benefit greater from the sub.

The opposite is also true, where claiming coincidence genuinely hurts your overall subliminal usage and leads to stone-walling. You ideally want to be as receptive to the subliminal programming as possible, and even if the results seem coincidental they are still results and that’s what counts.


^Sidenote to my previous comment (and off-topic), but the combination of product design and marketing to create something that borderline forces its users to give great feedback is truly a feat of genius on the part of SC.

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Suppose there are 2 results. Result A is due to the subliminal. And result B is not.

What happens when we handwave away both results? You will experience a decrease in results similar to that of A.

What happens when you credit both results to the subliminal? You get more results like A. Sure you can be wrong and considered delusional about result B but it doesn’t hurt to be so. You only encourage your subconscious to manifest more results in your favor.

PS: all the RICH manifestations makes me wanna run RICH. And ask for RICH Experimental.


I can work with this. Sounds like the placebo effect. The placebo effect can be very powerful.

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This is interesting. I ran Paragon, then the next day, my Oura Ring got fixed. Didn’t think of it being about Paragon because “I already planned on fixing it before listening to Paragon,” but you’re right. Thanks Paragon!

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Look up Andrew Huberman’s “Expectation Effect” or videos on Mindset.

Much different and much more powerful than Placebo effect.

Subliminals are all about setting goals, taking actions towards those goals, and reducing limiting beliefs stopping you from thinking you can achieve those goals.

if you’re thinking “it would’ve happened even without the sub” that’s a proof that the subliminal is working because the limiting belief that you need external sources to get results is being weakened.

Subliminals help you stay oriented to the goals you’re on, as well, so that once you want an outcome, you’re more likely to stick to it till you get it, as it gets all your thoughts pointing in the same direction.

Ultimately, even if the underlying physical reality would’ve happened with or without the subs, I credit the subs for helping me notice it, appreciate it, learn what caused the good outcome, respond appropriately to it, and then have more of that happen in the future.

Subs help me have sex by helping me notice IOI’s… of course I would have sex anytime I noticed IOI’s, and any time I wanted sex, but subs help me notice them, and help me want sex (instead of thinking about why I can’t have it/aren’t good enough for it) which is hard to attribute to subs, but is definitely a result.

Subs help me take sales calls with conviction. But they also help me have the conviction I need to sign up for courses, which give me more conviction, which give me more sales. Would I sign up for the courses without the subs?


(Maybe… I seem to be in less of a “optimistic, action taking” mood when I don’t listen to subs, am more stressed about money, and less willing to invest in courses.)

But that’s besides the point.

If I do buy the course, and get better at sales, could I ever say “that would’ve happened without the subs?”

I could say that, but it’s probably not true.

First of all, subs are what help me stay excited about my goals for the long term, and help align what my subconscious thinks the best decisions are with what my conscious thinks, so that I know decision like a course are in my best interest.

And then, I get

  • Willingness to study
  • Optimism to learn
  • Enhanced attention
  • Gratitude
  • Access to subconscious to apply what is in memory

So even if I was able to get better at sales without the sub, maybe I got 10% better at sales with the sub then I would’ve without the sub. Maybe 80% better. It’s hard to say.

Without the subs, maybe I would’ve stayed stuck, been depressed for a day or two, been distracted, not taken action, or started taking action and then quit, meaning subs were 100% responsible for keeping me motivated, even if all they did was combat that one negative thought that I would’ve had, the tiny little voice that says “quit.”

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This happened again today, more specific than I’ve ever experienced before. I had a ton of anxiety, as well as some rather specific bad (ie fear, negativity) thoughts, pertaining to a financial matter. Turned out that the fear was 100% correct and I discovered something that nearly gave me a heart attack. (I uncovered an egregious breach of a contract, it IS being remedied now that I’ve caught them red-handed… but my next actions are still TBD).

So either I have precognition to the extent that I can tell roughly what an issue is (this was literally exactly on point) OR I shape reality according to my thoughts.

Either one works for me as an explanation, obviously, I like the latter better, as I can change my thoughts.

In any case, what a f* * * ing day. Not the place for any more details, but based on how I’m feeling now, I can see why I’d have felt so bad before, if it is indeed rippling out. If it’s the latter explanation, f*** you past self for having unpleasant reality programming thoughts! :exploding_head:


Personally I give credit to the sub for everything. Good or bad.

Good? Because I get manifestations that suit me right? I ran Khan on Sunday, today I’ve had a bunch of social interactions on Instagram. Bare in mind I deleted my Instagram and have hardly been on it since Feburary. That’s definitely a manifestation of Khan. I’ve had many other manifestations from subs too.

In February I had my worst fears come true whilst running CFW, and prior to that a year or so earlier the same happening whilst running DR.

However I want to clarify that DR and CFW also manifested the healing out of those situations and gave me strength in my worst times.

I’m not necessarily saying they manifested them, but I’m crediting them regardless. It opens my mind to the power of the subs by association.

Same with recon.

Everything is a manifestation to me. So if I’m running a sub and something good or bad happens, I credit the sub.

Good = My 4D reality catching up with my 3D and acting smoothly.

Bad = (normally recon) my 3D mirroring my old thoughts and having some resistance against getting me to my 4D reality.

Hopefully this makes sense and is in no way a factual thing, just my own theory on crediting because I’ve done it for a while.


Actually, we have :wink:

You have to realize that this definition was done by someone BOUND to that specific thing we call time. He was involved in it, so there wasn’t an objective outlook on it.

We know that time is changed by gravity. The closer you get to a star, the slower it moves. There have been many experiments.

There is no such thing as objective reality. Reality is how you perceive it. What we call “objective” reality is a collection of possibilities within the unified field.

For example, I ran RICH a while ago and a few days later my mother gave me gold coins from my grandpa. Nobody knew he collected these. This isn’t a common thing in our family, and they were worth about $5k, pretty much what I needed.
Coincidence? There are no coincidences.
The past was changed to accomodate the future I need.

It is tough to explain this properly, probably because I don’t understand it fully, either. But the only thing that IS real is the present moment.

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As you can see from reading all of our responses, the literal answer to your question is:

‘We don’t know’

Instead ‘We choose’.

And each person has her or his own style and considerations in making this choice.

It’s not purely subjective or purely objective. It’s a mixture of both.

How do you know what color shirt would be best for you to wear today?

You choose.

On the other hand, it’s objectively important (in many locations) that you wear a shirt at all. (Don’t want to get sick.)

Your mind (and subliminals as extensions of your mind) are going to create effects and results by working with the conditions that exist around you. As such, it will (almost) always be possible to come up with an alternate explanation for any result that you get.

At the end of the day, I think that pragmatism is the atittude that makes the most sense.

  1. I wanted 20,000 dollars by March 2023.

  2. I used Method Q that promised that I would have 20,000 dollars by March 2023.

  3. It’s March 2023 and I now have 20,000 dollars.

From a pragmatic point of view, this is all you need to know.

Independent of all other conditions, did the method deliver?

Yes, it did.

As long as that continues to be true, a pragmatist will continue to be at least somewhat open to that method.

Beyond that, we’re basically just talking philosophy.




I love your mind, malkuth.

Always a delight to read your posts!

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It depends on the metrics used, but yep people have grown younger. Longer telomeres, altered methylation rates/amounts, re-grown thymus cells… we’re approaching what Ray Kurzweil calls “longevity escape velocity” within the next 6-8 years, which generally means lifespan increases at a rate exceeding that of aging. If you grow younger biologically at a rate of 1.5 years relative to every 1 year chronologically, you are effectively growing younger.

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Thanks, @AlexanderGraves, I really appreciate that. :pray:

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