Does me figuring out and putting plans together count as actions?

I really dont wan’t to appear as an asshole, I really just want you to realize how that sounds and how flawed your thinking is.

‘I dont wanna do something or improve myself until I have everything under control’ (Which is NEVER- no one has it all’

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I realized that😂. That’s why I’m asking this question, as well as asking around on how to stack my current stack of subs considering some of the rules have evolved.

I’d avoid web design. Most of it can already be automated by A.I. and have a professional created A.I. in seconds. Might work for 6-12 months or in local businesses but definitely not the best long term business plan.

Could possibly create a service or YouTube Channel which would be completely passive teaching people how to use A.I. to automate website creation though.

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With current market conditions/inflation a lot of people will be opting to manually do services they would normally outsource. Try and come up with a service that’s going to serve wealthy people, who still have buying power in any market condition so you can make your business recession proof.

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Action is basically movement. There’s ways to look at any action and its potential to manifest, so I’ll keep it basic.

In the way popularly used here, action is movement towards (goal/objective/fulfillment).

Journaling can be seen as either active or passive action. Depending on the person.

Jotting down goals or aspirations can be seen as pre-emptive action; jotting down the fulfillment of those goals afterwards I would call re-emptive, for lack of better word (meaning; reliving the experience).

There’s many levels to manifestation, and plenty of subtleties even in what I shared; that’s about all I am willing to go into now.

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It’s a start - but just like any starting line you want to get moving from it as soon as possible.

Do not get stuck in perfectionism and overanalyzing. Do not idly watch life tick by. You will learn more, be more knowledgeable and be better equipped for further action - by taking action, rather than waiting for the perfect moment.

Planning, patience and strategy come once you have the data to do so - you gain the most data through action.

Subliminal wise, again, it is a start. You’ll experience the most incredible results with concrete action taken and journaling - on the other hand, for some individuals even finally getting up and doing a basic workout is akin to a miracle, so the issue is also subjective. Hence, the advice is to always strive towards more and more concrete action that lead you to your goals and dreams.



You must become first, then you get

You start w/ Habits first and then it will manifest into your goals and plans

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That’s why you wanna work for and with rich people lol

I don’t work with broke ppl cause there’s nothing to gain there

You can make money doing anything really

I’ve been thinking about making a business for the rich as well as a recession proof one, but i have no idea what skill or service these types of people would even look for that I could provide. That and I want something that provides disproportionate returns fairly quick, at least for my situation and in the next few months.

Thanks. That’s definitely helpful friend.

That’s very helpful. Imma take that into account. How’s saint been? Heard he was quite sick some time ago.

What are the best services you can think of for people to sell to well off people?

stop asking what services to “sell”

Start asking what problems can I solve?

For whom do I want to solve problems for? What industry? What businesses do they run? How can I build skills to help them?


Quality of your life is based on the quality of your questions, change your questions and the answers will present itself

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I mean, learn marketing (advertising and lead gen for local businesses), learn the skillset of copywriting, sales and you’re good to go.

Look up Jeremy Miner

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I’ll look into

This. ^^^

Don’t look for something to sell, look for a hungry market with the means to pay for a solution, and then find them a solution.


Yupppp much better articulated haha

^^^ I want to draw further attention to this. I don’t mean to cater to the 1%, but don’t target people that can’t reliably afford the product either.