Does me figuring out and putting plans together count as actions?

I mean, learn marketing (advertising and lead gen for local businesses), learn the skillset of copywriting, sales and you’re good to go.

Look up Jeremy Miner

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I’ll look into

This. ^^^

Don’t look for something to sell, look for a hungry market with the means to pay for a solution, and then find them a solution.


Yupppp much better articulated haha

^^^ I want to draw further attention to this. I don’t mean to cater to the 1%, but don’t target people that can’t reliably afford the product either.

Thanks !

Cant wait for the subliminal masterclasses


Great advice, and I somewhat already know this but nothing is really coming up right now. The only ones I can think of is making video games for very specific niches of people who are underserved, niche websites, making a new video sharing site. Those are the only ones I can think of the top of my head, and I currently don’t have the knowledge and expertise to build any of this yet. For now I need something to give me a very decent chunk of walking around money and a bit of breathing room.

It sounds like you’re still thinking of a product first… find a problem that you can provide a profitable solution for. You don’t need to be able to provide the product or service yourself, as long as the margins support outsourcing. You just need to connect a problem with a solution… provide a good enough solution and the customer likely won’t care how.

If one of your considerations is an online business, of any sort, try the book Choose, by Ryan Levesque. That’s a great process to help find one that will be worthwhile. It’s applicable to e-commerce, niche content, courses… most online stuff, really, as it gauges the overall interest of the market and compares it to buyer intent.


Would it still be applicable today with chatgpt and ai art?

The process is about vetting markets, what products serve those markets come after. Find the customers first, then you’ll be able to see if ChatGPT and AI art can serve their need.

Or put another way…

Don’t make a red shirt and then look for people to sell red shirts to.

Find people who want shirts, find out what kind/color they want, and then make those and sell them to the people! Maybe everyone wants blue shirts… or something else entirely.

But if hardly anyone is looking to buy shirts online, it won’t matter what color you make, as the market isn’t big enough. Or maybe it is, but it’s dominated by huge competitors that can sell for cheaper than you can produce, and the customers might not care enough to spend the difference.

Find a good market, THEN look for a product.


When I said “would it still be applicable today with chatgpt and ai art” I was more referring to freelancing with coding/web design and graphic design/animation.

Also I feel like I do a little bit of both practices. Looking at things or industries that make a lot of money, and then looking at underserved pockets/niches that not only I can break into but also has the potential of monopolizing.