Does anyone else finds this depressing?

For a more recent example: Peter Freuchen, Arctic Explorer and all around badass:

Hilarious summary of why he was so badass


He was a prolific writer too, so it’s easy to find literature by and about him.


I understand you, you are in recon. Take 1-2 days as extra processing time before next loop and try lowering the minutes.

Aside from that, in our times if you are a CEO of a company and you make mistakes you will get voted out but still live (at least in western countries), as a conqueror trusting the wrong person or making a mistake can easily cost your life.
Sounds exciting? A lot of things are, that is why fun sports like bungee jumping for the kick but not the death experience were invented.

And there is still a lot to discover and conquer, it wasn’t easy back then (to go by boat over an ocean and through storms losing some of your crew, not certain you find land before your food runs out), and to discover or invent new things today is also not easy but 0,01% achieve great thing that will earn them to no longer have to think about a job for the rest of your life.

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Khan is working within you…yes…let your frustrations simmer…transcend reality…mold it to your desired state…become the Khan…yes…yess…


I think you should give it a shot first

Start with a horse obviously and then… assemble an army. Free the prisoners perhaps. And then… get an axe… actually… maybe get the axe before that.

If youll have enough prisoners and enough horses and enough axes you could catch quite few people by surprise. Im sure you could conquer something. Or just burn the cities. Hell you might even get fans on the way.

I would personally before all that start practicing that horse and axe thing though. Just to make sure you got that xp before the new expansion


LMFAO who is this guy

and he was seeing this as a vengeneace of trojans(visited torjan ruins after the war), mehmed was intellectual man he knew so many languagues and known that he read iliad from its original text(ancient greek)