Does anyone else finds this depressing?

I find it very depressing to live in this era, you can’t be a great conquerer like Alexander The Great or Genghis Khan, you can’t be a pirate and explore the world you can’t do nothing

All you can do is study study study then find a shitty job and pay taxes

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I mean… you still can be a pirate and you still can conquer the world given you have enough resources lol

Jokes(not really) aside, if you think that all you can do is get a shitty job, you probably should run some EoG, Genesis and maybe something like Ascension

The goal of conquering the world is still there, just the means to achieve it are different

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You mean you can’t be a guy who occupies other people’s land, kills people, rapes women, exterminates cultures, and become a genocidal maniac? By the way even back then very few people could actually do that.

You can be an entrepreneur and work for no one else but yourself. You can start companies and and create products and services that change people’s lives. Why not do that instead of lamenting a period of time where a conqueror could use violence to deprive people of their land?


Can i really? If i could i would already

I have no idea what to create

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What makes you think being a conqueror is easier?

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It’s easier to take by force and with strategies than innovate and create

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Easier to take by force!!! Take by force something that’s not yours instead of creating your own. No wonder the world is still such a messed up place! 🤦

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As I said, the pirates are still there. So are wars. What’s stopping you, if taking by force is easier in your opinion?

It’s not that i want to take by force, you asked what makes me think being a conqueror is easier

I would much prefer the ability to innovate and create and help people with my creations

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Got you! Here is what you are missing. People don’t just sit around and wait for a conqueror to come and loot their land. They fight back! Throughout history, conquerors get killed trying to take someone else’s property.
Now the question is whether you’d risk death while doing something morally wrong or uplift people and add value to their lives while doing something morally right (and not even risking getting killed)?

Just start observing the world around you and look for problems that you can fix and sell the solutions to people. There are literally millions of problems that are still unsolved on this planet. You’re one step away from being an entrepreneur if you realize that.


@RagnarLothbrok : You see this guy? I’m pretty sure that at that moment, he wished he was an entrepreneur instead of trying his hand at conquering! :joy:



Think long and hard about this and decide if this is a truth about reality , or just a limiting belief.


Lmao :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

It’s just a limiting belief, it’s a strong one though

Except that all these conquerors you listed lived hard lives full of challenges that would make most of us eagerly crawl back to the comfort of our sofas. Ever read about Genghis Khan’s early life? Not exactly a walk in the park. Think pirates were anything like our romanticized notions of them? Getting into piracy just because the navy is paying shitty salaries and then getting hunted down only to be hung from some place and then gradually decompose in a cage for everyone to see in a public square is neither fun nor a masculine lifestyle worth emulating.

I get that you detest what modern society offers as a “perspective” to most people, but the point of subs here is to help us facilitate the shift from a mindset(=set of assumptions) we don’t like to one we desire to have and maintain.
Both your ideas about these so-called conquerors and what you’ll have to become in modern society are rooted in assumptions. Question them.


The challenge, growth and adventures you seek exists still today more than ever before in history. You just have to look outside the box

The most people do is only ever peak outside then go back where its comfortable


Yup. 100% …because that’s a depressing outlook. It’s a seemingly helpless situation.

Or is it?

It sounds like you no longer want to live the way you’re living, so that’s good.

And I think you already know your stated belief isn’t 100% true…dig into it.

Whatever sub you’re running is working. Keep going.


Also i am not much of a historian but many people felt the same back then. Either grow up becoming a farmer, a soldier or someones wife and thats all there is to it. Times change but inventors and adventurers dont.


i disagree, I think we live in a perfect time.