Does anyone actually get results?

I am looking to read user experiences that make me feel like “wow this is awesome and amazing, I want to buy this product and use it".

Out of everything you’ve read on this forum, did anything on this forum make you feel like that?
If yes, send me the link

What do you think is gonna happen when you try changing your mindset lol. Nothing is all green pastures and roses dude, it takes time and lots of emotional baggage to change your subconscious mind. Think of all the shit you have accumulated in it over the past how ever old you are years. Probably a lot of negative shit and crap in there that has to be thrown out and sorted through which will then be replaced over time with more positive ideas and other things. But it is a long term process so if you are expecting a magic pill keep living your life the way it’s going and keep being a troll lol. But if you want to actually change your life and put in the time and effort to make it happen get ascension or emperor or stark give it 3 months and if you aren’t satisfied ill refund you the money personally lol. That is how sure i am that these subs are life changing if you let them work and take action.

So come on man i will personally guarantee you what $40 for one of those 3 subs that if you run them consistently for 2 days on 1 day off 2-4 loops a day that it will be a life changer especially emperorQ and ascension. For 3 months lol

But you have to make a journal and track your progress on here honestly


what results did you get that you consider great from a previous subliminal?

What would you consider impressive?

I will direct you to it on this forum if it exists or tell if you it doesn’t.

Please do not refuse to answer and just say you want to be impressed.

Personally since starting here 6 months ago, I’ve increased my income $36,000 this year, feel confident and comfortable everywhere I go, slept with multiple new woman through next to zero effort. Am treated with a level of respect in everything I do etc. blah blah blah… but to some people that’s small fries-to me it’s a great start.

Your not saying what you would actually value or want or what results you’ve gotten previously as the benchmark.

If you actually interested answer those questions then great, someone can give you an honest answer.


I wonder what will impress you.

Become a billionaire from a pauper within 1 week?

Turn into God’s gift to women from an incel in 2 days?

Become the next Einstein in one day?

Or be the next President of the US?


I know for a fact that my standards for what fits the criteria of impressive is way higher than everyone else’s on this entire forum. This is why I have rephrased my question

Out of everything you’ve read on this forum, what made you feel like “wow this is awesome and amazing, I want to buy this product and use it"?

If 0 people can give 1 instance, then that means I’m out… it’s very simple

The results you mentioned for yourself are great, good for you. What was your state 6 months ago? Did you already have confidence, income and women? Or did you start with nothing as a complete wreck

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But what are your standards? What does it take to impress you?

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At the time, I was average with both woman and money,
and lower on confidence. I was in a rut as well.

Why are you so dodgy? We’re trying to direct you , I don’t think that’s what your really looking for

Here’s two below. They’ll always be dirt with gold in journals though so happy sifting.

Guys I’m running PCC- and this guy reeks

I’m out, I suggest no one else waste any more time playing this game, but to each their own.

Best to you whatever you decide @diegosanchez69


Thank you. Someone here actually has a brain

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There is a search function on the forum…and we dont have brains :joy:


Emperor def has a bullshit meter in it too lol


Thanks for the replies, they were all useful.

Subliminal Club can delete this thread/post. I would advise it, since my questions can threaten perceived legitimacy from a consumers standpoint… especially with how poorly my extremely simple question was answered. It’s not a good look.

I am not against people’s preferred methods of progression (no matter how inefficient I personally deem them) and would not want to interfere.

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Which company are you from :joy:


Or maybe you’re just a troll…

In the past year of listening to SC subs I’ve more than tripled my personal income, have dropped nearly 50lbs, invented and patented a novel biotechnology product, and have taken my company from a semi-struggling startup to a 7-figure valuation. (edit: I forgot an important rule of using the internet… don’t feed the trolls. My finances aren’t anyone’s business but my own so I removed the specific number)

Are those results impressive to you? That’s rhetorical, actually… I couldn’t care less if you think so. I’m here to improve myself, not to impress anyone else…

If you want to insult people, you’re more than welcome to go back to the competitor you’ve had success with before and see how their users enjoy your delightful observations. If the journals that the members here so freely share aren’t up to your standards, then I suggest not getting your panties all in a bunch here and go find other people to bother.


If you are honest you will listen to the free sub Executive which will be published this weekend.and see what happen to you !

For me, I was really impressed by the subliminal Sanguine. My goal was to reduce fear of public speaking… I am using Sanguine and a custom subliminal based around Sanguine. And really after 3 months I can say that this goal is closed to be reached ! I am impressed by these results if I compare to my situation before. But probably you will not be impressed !


Look at
„Becoming a Khan“ and „Honest Review of Khan“. And to top things of, at „Longterm Review of Khan“.

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Thank you. Yours is the best one so far, good for you.
Keep progressing and same to everyone else.

I am not going to be reading any more replies here. I got what I need

I hope I did not demoralize anyone with my questions, I am just trying to extract information for my own agenda. This stuff works and it works for you, keep elevating (This is directed to people who have participated or read this thread.)

Subliminal Club can and should delete this thread/post because it’s not beneficial at all and it has served its purpose.

Good that you found what you were looking for but stop the judgement of reported results in good or bad. While 10x more sexual encounters might sound awesome for you, for others it is equally or even more outstanding to finally have the confidence to talk to his crush, or confront the boss, whatever. Even if you are not impressed, I am. Everyone is on its own path.
I am immensely proud of this community here because it is one of truly genuine people and of badass action-takers. We are all here striving to become the best version of ourselves, leave the past behind us and truly reach a whole new level. So stop this ignorance.


With that kind of attitude you’re likely to end up successful but emotionally and mentally unstable with no friends to support you.

Some friendly advise from someone who actually wishes you the best. I’m sure you’re having some drastic reconciliation not even realizing it because of your own self-centered focus. You’ve got your questions answered by attacking Subliminal Club’s legitimacy, having a few trusted members trying to back it’s owners up through helping you see clearly.

This post won’t be deleted, none is going to wash away your shady footsteps. We see through your intentions here. Get out.