Does anyone actually get results?

Are there any good testimonials where people have actually gotten results from these products? I have been reading the journals… probably went through 15 of them and they were all a joke.

I am not about to continue going through all of them. If there any legitimate testimonials/journals/experiences etc that aren’t a complete joke, such as the person going through a “reconciliation” process for 2 months of depression and anxiety…
Can you save me some time and point me in their direction.
That is, if there even are any.



Check out this user’s experience with a really cool subliminal.


Honestly dude life is a journey and you will have to experience to manifest things. I have went through plenty of reconciliation the last few years but have had great results with Emperor though i keep switching which limits my results.

Have you used subliminals before?

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For over 1 month of listening, the results you have gotten are something… but I am not impressed at all. I am looking to read user experiences that make me feel like “wow this is awesome, I want to buy this product and use it”.


This guy has multiple journals plus they are all pretty interesting I think so atleast. He is also an OG member who has multiple experiences with Emperor and other huge subs.


Yes, with great success… from a competitor which I won’t reveal because

  1. SubliminalClub will probably delete my post if I did that
  2. I respect and understand business, I am not here to advertise.

All I am here for and want to know is if these products are actually worth my time. Has anyone had impressive results? Yes, impressive is subjective but from my previous comments you can by now gauge what I am looking for

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Our journals are written to track our own personal journeys. We are not writing to impress people. As a bonus, it could inspire you. And there are many journals here that do so.

Also, not all is sunshine and roses. We have a lot of negative programming that we have to get rid of. And without these subs it would take longer.

But forget about us for the moment. Try it out for yourself. There is 30 day money back guarantee. What’s stopping you?


@diegosanchez69 can you tell us about what results in what domain you are looking for? Social, career, spiritual? That would give a better idea.

These subs are action based and are not magic audios. They work with your subconsious to bring about lasting changes in you. Yes over time …the more you run the sub the more you take action you will achieve drastic results and the best part is that they are permenant because you took action.
The more you run around a field consistently…after couple months the field becomes a small passage to run with no effort…where as another person will see you as superhuman


Yes I am reading journals trying to interpret them as testimonials. The journal format is terrible for that. A whole lot of nothing… whereas a Testimonial is concise and gets to the point which is: what are the main defining results that the individual got from using the product.

Obviously they are not written to impress people… My question is are any of them impressive or have an impressive highlight/experience and if so can you direct me to them?

I think it comes down to what kind of growth are you looking for?
Looking for impressive results from others will not be the same for you…your childhood is very differebt from others…your environment is also very different…what you define as results can be different compared to others…
Are you going to waste your time on subclub? NO definitely not!

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This is just a thought but why not get ascension or Emperor or an ultima use it for 29 days and then if you aren’t satisfied get your money back.

No matter how many journals or testimonials you read and bash or belittle you can’t really talk about anything till you have given them a chance yourself. It is no ones job to impress you or show off, these subs work whether you like it or not.

Also maybe you should stop expecting things and just let things happen in life, expectations can kill growth in life and ruin your journey also make results take longer to see because you won’t admit to anything happening since they aren’t like you expected.


You know what? Try out the free sub that’s coming out tomorrow and see for yourself. Anyone else agree?


I’m not clear on this,

What results did you get on previous subliminal that you consider great?

What would you consider impressive for you personally?

I’ll answer honestly in relation to that and keep you from wasting any of your time.

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If you want testimonials, try searching for the word “testimonial” in the search option (it’s a looking-glass icon on the top of this page). I got 50 results just by trying that out.

To make it easier, here you go:

If out of all these hundreds and hundreds of posts on this forum, I don’t find anything impressive and all I have read is light trivial results and a lot of “reconciliation” aka depression, anxiety, tiredness and negative emotional states caused by these products.

Why would I even bother with trying for 29 days or trying a free version?

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That all cool buddy
Have a good weekend and continue with the other subs your were using


Look here, man. First of all you come here, describe our journals as a “joke”, then want our help and don’t take it even if we offer it.

We are not paid to do this. We are merely here to help each other out. Several people including me have posted some links to testimonials here to point you in the right way. And in-addition, advice you a trial run.

If all this doesn’t help, we don’t know what else to do for you. Maybe you feel you are better served by the competitor you mentioned and you can go back there. That’s all I have to say.


I am looking to read user experiences that make me feel like “wow this is awesome and amazing, I want to buy this product and use it".

Out of everything you’ve read on this forum, did anything on this forum make you feel like that?
If yes, send me the link