Difference between New Sanguine and Sanguine: The Elixir


What are the primary differences between the two? When would it be more appropriate to use one vs. the other?

Let’s say I wanted to create a stack for keeping calm under stress, developing patience and maintaining a positive attitude. How would this stack work: New Primal - New Love Bomb - New Sanguine?

STE is an upgrade of The Elixir. It’s just in the sanguine line now. So no real comparison as they’re different titles.

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The elixir is more of a healer, sanguine is more of an added boost of zen & sanguine to your life.

If you want to feel calm, run sanguine.

If you want to drill down on healing the things stopping you from being calm, happy, and joyful in the present moment, run Elixir.

They’re both “feel good” titles though.

Sanguine has a side effect of reducing recon from a stack.

Elixir has a side effect of removing the “blocks” that stop you from fully expressing other subs. For example, my wealth manifestations were stronger with HOM + Elixir opposed to solo HOM. The elixir helped me heal the things coming up from HOM that I needed to heal


Thank you. My current goal is “calm under pressure” and reducing stress. I have been expressing too much anger lately, perhaps from recon or stress. Given what you said, I think New Sanguine would be better. What do you think of my stack idea?

New Primal - New Love Bomb - New Sanguine


And perhaps microloops instead of regular loops. Maybe 5 minutes of each sub in the stack. What do you think?

Ayy that’s the stack I’ve just started. Haven’t run Love Bomb yet though.

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The duration of a (micro-)loop can vary between titles.

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