Death & Rebirth of Cairo

Emperor - House of Medici - WANTED Black + RICH as Booster


Vinci chased everything and got nothing,

Cairo will learn from this past life, focusing on ONE Thing.


What exactly is the ONE thing?

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Business only. No distractions just a maniacal dedication to it

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Plus language learning, in 10 years I wanna pick up 2 languages, I already speak Arabic and English

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Something very special about it, I’ve been almost like spiritually cleansed in a way by placing such intense focus on business…

Only through focus do you réalise your heart and souls desire

Only through focus do you realize the power of your conscious mind, everything else, the body and its emotions are secondary distractions

Outside of that exists you. Not your thoughts, your feelings, emotions, etc, those are body but not connected to the soul.

Having a hard time expressing this but I’ve felt more in tune with my conscious lately, It’s like I’ve been asleep for all my life and I’m just waking up to the show.

Been much more present, mindful of watching the body and feelings like an observer… Taking what’s beneficial and removing what’s not…

Maybe its my brain finally maturing as I’m about to reach 25 but its been great

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From this day forward, I move with a new ferocity
Ferrari coupe velocity, a fail-proof philosophy
Success is in the effort, so if a [moderator edit: forbidden word] tried his hardest
I’m at peace knowing God ain’t deal it in this group of cards for me

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Found my forever stack. Khan & HoM


Weekly review:

  • Khan has been making me super sensitive to how I spend my time, I quit so many things this week including coffee and switching it out for tea, It’s like this inner coach teaching me the path to long term greatness
  • I’ve been feeling super sad almost, like I’m leaving behind everything I once loved, Killing my identity in every way because that old me would’ve never achieved what new me can do…. Will this sadness stay? We’ll find out.
  • HoM has been making me itching to start a business and hop on sales calls etc, so I think I may have to swap it out for Emperor Black for the next 9 months as I won’t be focused in business at all in the next few months
  • Saw my ex and didn’t speak a single word… Old me wouldve been cordial but now I don’t really care… mind you… I couldn’t get over this girl for years. And instantly when I see her I just brush it off and carry on with my day. Ridiculous is one way to describe it. Khan is a savage.

That’s it.


Where the fuck is the sun? It’s been a while
Mama, look at your son, what happened to my smile?

I wanna run wanted black for 3 years being celibate…

I wanna cultivate my most attractive self possible… I feel it suits my personality extremely well, the old wanted I manifested damn near everything on that sales page.

Let me see the results of this. I know I’m celibate and all but I really wonder what the results I could get with this stack would be like… so consider this my experiment.

In 3 years time I wanna be 10/10 on all aspects of my life: dating, finances, health, spirituality

Khan + HoM + Wanted Black…

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Correction Wanted og. Wanted black is too much for me at the moment

Gotta love fasting and reading on sundays. Best decision I’ve ever made was to dedicate sundays for growth

Meditated today and realized I’ve been in such misalignment with my subconscious. I gotta switch khan for emperor…

I have had such immense desire for being social it’s been crazy. I gotta attribute it to Khan.

I’ve also been thinking of ending my celibacy numerous times.

I need discipline and willpower in this stage of life which emperor offers.

Khan is the sub to run when my empire is built, not now. Emperor is the builder and khan is the decorator.

As much as I love khan I need to turn into an emperor to achieve my goals.

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I hate Emperor but that sub and what it stands for is what I need to transform myself into.

I’ve had a convo with my friend the other day, and I told him how I loved the high highs and low lows… He said he hates it and prefers being in the middle ground.

That convo sparked everything. I gotta change my identity and become the man who achieves my goals with ease. I’m too airy, too wild. I need to tame myself. Temperance is a virtue that I must learn to cultivate as it is the biggest weakness of mine.

Khan version of Cairo still desires endless scores of women, endless hunger to achieve success but hates the process…

The real Cairo desires one Incredible woman who can be my partner in this game of life. I want generational wealth for my kids. I want to love the process rather than the result of it.

I want to be Zen. I want to be in the middle ground. Cool calm and collected always like my friend.

The sub that gives me the most recon is the sub that will make me transform the most. That’s why I’m running Emperor.

Last time I ran Emperor I manifested my dream reality in months. Let’s see what the celibate Emperor is able to achieve.

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The goal is to achieve absolute peak 10/10 in all possible metrics of my life in the next 10 years. Financially, Physically, Spiritually, Romantically, Relationships

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Trap music, Future during the grind

House music, Zhu during the celebration

Changed my routine from working 12 hours a day to 10 hours per day with focused pomodoro timing.

Currently went from 45/15 min splits to 25/5 x4 before taking an hour break. I do this 5 times.

Legit haven’t even procrastinated once and it’s been super easy to stay focused like this.

And to think it’s been recommended to me numerous times yet now I’m finally realizing the power of it.

Welp gotta run, 5 mins is up.

Back to the topic of focusing on the ONE Thing. I must admit focusing on learning French is a luxury I cannot afford at the moment.

Chat GPT’s Reasoning:

I gotta say AI is a great strategic partner.

Refining my plans more and more, my goal is wealth in Tech. New Money, then shift to Old Money Empire.

10 years to become New Money. My lifetime to become Old Money.

So… I asked ChatGPT and gave it a list of top 10 programs of mine and got it to create a stack.

In short, gotta turn back into Stark.

Gonna Run ASBR - NR - WB.

Emperor HoM is great, but it’s not the person or stack for the job. I need Innovation, Intelligence, Productivity.

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