Custom with fewer than 10 modules?

Anyone knows why custom subs can’t contain fewer than 10 modules?


Because those are the rules set out by @SaintSovereign lol.

It was mentioned before

This part

If there isn’t enough scripting or too much, the Q-powered subs will cause an incredible amount of reconciliation. 10-20 modules is essentially the length of all our major titles. This is the reason some of the stacking modules increased to 1 hour.

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Thank you for being the archivist @Meng123!

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Thank you for tagging me.


The short answer is I don’t know. And that is also the long answer.

@SaintSovereign or @Fire might be able to explain more.

You could contact customer support and explain what you want to do and they perhaps could give you ideas.

It’s not that important, I’ll probably stop at 15 modules. I don’t need 20. I just want to keep things focused. I was just curious why fewer than 10 isn’t allowed.