Custom plans 2025

What if what I was looking for was right in front of me this entire time?


You should stay two days in absolute solitude and think about what you have done, then stay in solitude another two days and think about what you can do better from now on.

While I wait for EOG, I will continue to run my 2 customs, Good and Suavemente.


Chosen Core
Limitless Core
New Result Enhancing Experience Core

Synergy: Semper Praesens
Virtue Series: Temperance
The Aligner
Job Seeker
APS: Head
Synergy: Winner Overdrive
Synergy: Wisdom of the Ages
Synergy: Master of the World
Synergy: Subconscious Mastery
Extreme Exercise Motivation
Inner Voice
Synergy: Wonders of Life
Synergy: Machine Totality
Synergy: Harmonic Conflux
Synergy: Carpe Vitam
Book Blitz
Synergy: Breath of the Storms


Khan Black: Stage 4 Core
Heartsong Core
Daredevil Core
Love Bomb Core

You Are Not Alone
Enchanting Smile
Dance Mastery
Deep Sleep
Lifeblood Fable
Synergy: Apollon Unbound
Synergy: At The Top
Synergy: Divine Dominion
Synergy: Energetic Transcendence
Synergy: Inescapable Gaze
Synergy: Iron Law
Synergy: Secrets of Seduction
Synergy: Wonders of Life
Synergy: Wisdom of the Ages
Synergy: Preordained Vitality


I think making a physical/health custom is a good idea for the future, as I often find myself running a health sub during random times of the year when I’m either on vacation, fasting or in need of a reset. Instead of just running Paragon, running a whole health/physical custom could be the way to go.

Also finally getting a chance to look at the new modules and there are a few standouts.
Art of Trust for greater trust and alignment with your decisions is a great module for me, as I often struggle with indecisiveness.
Breaking the Cycle looks like a must have module to facilitate growth. This is a must for my V2 of Good.
Deep Listening sounds like a life hack for social interactions and would pair well with Suavemente V2, and it might even give me the effect of genuinely hearing better.
Flowing Freely to navigate the limitations of one’s subconscious is a brilliant idea.
Sheesh, there’s so many good ones from this module pack, it’s wild. I can’t go through all of them, they’re all great. If these modules are being farmed from the new Genesis subliminal, it feels like I need to start running that next.

I definitely still want to build a health/physique custom however. Hypothetically, I’d include this:

Paragon Sleep
Legacy of the Spartan
Genesis: The Art of Happiness

SPS: Endocrine System
Synergy: Preordained Vitality
Synergy: Harmonic Conflux
Extreme Exercise Motivation

Can a 10 module custom be done? Ideally I’d make an 8 module custom to be honest, get rid of the 2 synergy modules.

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Good ZP and Suavemente consistently achieve what they’re aiming to accomplish as subliminals, so the only things I can add are optimizations to further the goal they aim to achieve (Good is about career, intellect and productivity and Suavemente is about the social and romantic element).

My 3rd slot has been in limbo for quite some time because I have been waiting patiently for Ecstasy of Gold’s release. With Revelation of Wealth being announced, it’s clear that RoW is the key to the 3rd slot and how the use of that sub unfolds shall determine whether or not it will be included in Good v2.

I want Suavemente v2 to focus less on love and romance, and more on fitness and physique. Synergy: Glory Incarnate should make its way into Suavemente, which would replace Lifeblood Fable.

Deep Sleep and Dance Mastery are expendable, because Good covers sleep and I don’t dance anymore (though I do want to go back to it). Hegemon can be seen as expendable because I have multiple modules that address the same goals as Hegemon.

Extreme Exercise Motivation & The Aligner looks out of place in Good, so a v2 of Good should have something else in its place, but at the same time the former is linked to productivity.

3 module movement for Suavemente can be considered, with all 3 concentrating on physique-related benefits, “Bellamente”.

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