Custom ME sub or just BDLM?

I’m thinking about building the following ME focused custom:

NDE Core - NDE
Legacy of the Spartan Core - LotS

Male Enhancement - MaEnQ
SPS: Fat Burn - SPS:FQ
SPS: Cardiovascular Systetm - SPS:CQ
SPS: Endocrine System - SPC:EQ
SPS: Reproductive System - SPS:RpQ
Epigenetics & DNA Modulator - EpDnQ
DEUS - DeusQ


Should I just give the BDLM title a run first?

Have you not run BDLM yet? If not, do that for a cycle at least. Same with LotS.

The store subs are good to run before making customs. Especially as customs aren’t refundable. You wanna check for a synergistic fit first.


No, I haven’t. The more I was looking at the custom, the more I thought I should just start off with something simpler though.

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I have BDLM in a custom. It does indeed kick. I’d def recommend the store version for at least one full cycle. add in LotS after that if you want it still.