Custom Build Ideas

For my first custom i am thinking of something like this:

Wanted Black Core
Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer Core
3rd core: ?? (not really necessary to have a 3rd core but also why not)

Cashflow Catalyst
Sexiness Unbounded
Ultimate Writer
Sexual Manifestation
8th: ??
9th: ??
10th: ??

Any ideas what i might add or cut on if there’s unnecessary modules?

Goals: Sexual life happiness, Becoming an author, Independance, Freedom, Financial Freedom…

You might want to look into New Romance Experience / New Wealth Experience since they are unique to Customs .

Other than that , your custom idea looks great :+1:

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Sounds a bit like Richard Castle ZP from Castle TV show.

The multiple bestseller author and most wanted Bachelor of NY :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


For the core: New Limitless, New Sanguine ASBR, New Daredevil, Mogul. Or New Wealth Experience.

Would recommend one of the first three, especially the first, or atleast have them stacked.

I’d take out Ultimate Writer, UWX is all you need. No harm in keeping it though, but if I were pressed for 10 modules, I’d take it out for something else. I’d also drop Sexiness Unbound.


Glory Seeker. Omnidimensional. Furious Ascent. JOB SEEKER and Nomad combo.
Productivity modules (Unrelentless wealth motivation, productivity unleashed, Machine Action… whichever suits you)
Carpe Diem Ascended/Joie de vivre
Sultan, Dominion, Aura amplifier,
Kings Radiance/Hegemon
New Dawn, Financial Success Reality, The Lines
Pragya, Reading Mastery

Including some wealth modules wouldn’t hurt.

Key ones I’d include for your goals are something like:
Kings Radiance (this one is just brilliant), Furious Ascent, FSRS, Omni, Pragya, Glory Seeker. Nomad and JS if you’d like to make money from writing in general.

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Well that’s the idea :+1:

Good advice man, i will check out the modules. Also want to ask 10 modules is the minimum limit right? It cannot be 5-6 modules? I can push to 20 modules later too.

I happen to like Joie de vivre and Victory’s Call after latest observation. Pragya and Mosaic seems nice to add in too.

It can be 5 or 6 modules.

But do select No Module in the slots where you don’t want any.

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Lion knew better :sweat_smile:


The lower limit is 5. Confirmed by support.

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Just stack Khan multistage and Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X.

Do you mean all 4 stages of Khan in there?

No. One stage at a time

I think he meant to stack them, not to put them into a custom.
Or perhaps put stage 4 and UWX in a custom once you’ve run all 4 stages.


For the goals you stated (Sexual life happiness, Becoming an author, independence, Freedom, Financial Freedom), I don’t see the need for a custom. Go through Khan multistage in order (Stages 1 through 4 sequentially). Add Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X to it and don’t remove it.
Khan will take care of the sex, finance, and freedom aspects because that’s exactly what it was designed to do. Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X will take care of the “Becoming an author” side of things.

Run that stack for a full year and you should be good. I really don’t see the need for a custom yet. If you run that stack for a year then you need to tweak it, a custom would make sense but right now, Khan + Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X covers everything you need and more.

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I understand, thank you for the advice. Currently i am running Wanted Black and after the summer i was thinking about diving into Khan.

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@Bull_of_Shiva_999: If you’re patient enough, to go through a multistage without rushing, you’ll see how deeply it will change you. I went through the entire EOG. I might not be a millionaire yet, but EOG completely altered my relationship to money and wealth to the point where not having money feels unnatural to me and at the same time it’s no longer an obsession (if it ever was). Now, I’m more interested in what money can help me achieve as opposed to hoarding it into a bank account. I’ll go through EOG again when they launch the new version.

Don’t underestimate Khan. As far as status, personal freedom, wealth and empire building, it’s probably the sub that goes the most in depth. Give yourself time and patience, take action and you’ll see what a multistager can do for you.


Anyone know good creativity modules from the Q shop? can’t find much :thinking:

Edit: Found some (Rembrandt, Sanctuary, Visionary…)

When I start wondering about modules for a certain objective, I go do a thorough Q shop search, which sometimes means I read about dozens of modules to see what might help.

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I’m planning to go through all modules before building my first custom. There are so many incredible treasure in there, and don’t know even half of them.
I did a quick count and found about 390 modules. Minus roughly 100 cores leaves something around 300 module descriptions to read…
But it’s still time until fall when I plan to build.

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