Conscious Ceation/Deliberate Manifestation?

Anyone actively working on consciously creating their lives? (more along the lines of esoterism)

If yes, who are the biggest influencers in your life and how do you integrate your subliminal routine alongside focus work to manifest your desires (meditations, visualization, scripting, affirmations, SATS etc.,)

I stumbled across Neville Goddard quite recently and it was through further research that I even came across subliminals and the power of reprogramming via this route so I’m intrigued to see if anyone here also resonates with the same.


I do manifest in addition to subliminal work. This kicked off after I started running my custom which has Mind’s Eye in it. Neville Goddard is the man. Here’s what I did on New Year’s.

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These days (after having run the Informaticon :smile:) I’ve discovered Ormond McGill and Dean Radin (they both approach “magic” from different angles).
Up to now I am being influenced by Rudolf Steiner and Napoleon Hill.

I do a lot of meditation myself, including guided meditation to my clients, and I aim to blend hypnosis and subconscious reprogramming.
I rely mostly on my intuition, which I think is a form of communication with myself, directly or indirectly, indirectly being other dimensions routing, as in sending my intention to the system I believe in - right now this system I call God.


Same here, Neville Goddard :slightly_smiling_face:

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Interesting to see Joseph Alai mentioned, he was my introduction into the world of Neville and the SP community. However, I did feel pretty intimidated given how he did heavily talk about SATS and that was something that didn’t come naturally to me.

Do you follow any other YouTubers that practise the teachings of NG?

Beautifully said. I will definitely look up the names you’ve mentioned in relation to Magic (Magick?).

Meditation is a broad topic and there seem to be so many kinds. I’ve been recommend Transcendental Meditation so I’m going to look that up but to me meditation isn’t necessarily sitting in the lotus position and shutting off the world, to me it can even be experiencing a state of “flow” while working, doing chores or just walking around.

I’ve tried hypnosis for weight loss and while it seemed to have worked great for the first few months, I snapped back like an elastic band and not too sure why. I have developed some resistance to even listening to the tapes now which is why subliminals are such an exciting prospect given how I can’t consciously hear the suggestions thereby creating less resistance in comparison.

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How did you come across NG and what’s your routine like when it comes to focus work? Any tips on how to use focus work in tandem with subliminals effectively?

I used this one to manifest a brand new longboard for 20$


This guy seems so interesting, I wish the audio on this was slightly better, I’m having a hard time understanding what he’s saying

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Yeah the audio isn’t the greatest. But it’s valuable nonetheless

I discovered Neville in May of 2020.

I began manifesting my desired sex life, but couldn’t seem to “let go” or “detach” from my desired sexual manifestations, until just a few days ago.

Then late last night, I found this forum, and I do believe that I was led here. I purchased Ascension, and I’ve listened 3 times so far.

My female friend, who I met on the Neville Goddard subreddit, thinks that buying subliminals is me trying to do things myself, where I am thinking that it’s probably a part of my bridge towards my dream life. I’m interested in reading the replies to this thread, to see other’s opinions on this.

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We are always manifesting according to what we believe, so any work we do to change our beliefs, such as listening to subs, is manifesting. IMO.

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I’m of this opinion. I can trace back stuff in my life (pre-Goddard) that relate back to thoughts I had prior.


Subliminals are Mental Diets. :+1:t2:


I can very much relate to your story.

I stumbled across Neville Goddard in September 2020. Ironically, I came across NG while searching for videos on forgetting one’s past partner via Hypnosis. I didn’t know this at the time but I was led to NG and the community of conscious creation because I had a deep desire to learn more about reality and always wondered how people seemingly got “lucky”. I also knew there was more to what meets the eye and I am so thankful to my higher self and the Universe (my subconscious mind) for leading me here.

Ever since, I’ve been actively doing focus work on manifesting my SP back. I’ve gotten through some really dark days of anxiety, insomnia, depression and only as recently as 2 weeks ago, I hit the point where I thought to myself, “I’m going to be okay no matter what. I’m now ready to let things be just the way they are. I trust I’ve done my part and now the Universe will forth what I desire”. This I believe is the detachment and letting go/letting be that people describe naturally hitting. I also manifested detachment via setting intentions when persistence started feeling monumentally hard for me in light of anxiety. I intended to emotionally detach from all outcomes in life, I would chuck this out a few times during the week and I strongly believe that naturally hitting the stage of detachment was a result of setting this intention.

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100% of the time. I did struggle with the idea of EIYPO but the way I understand this, is yes, EIYPO but within one’s sphere of awareness.

All experiences exists out there in the 3D, through currency (energy) we choose to buy the things we desire (experiences).

I’ve been able to trace back all my unintentional manifestations and events (good and bad) to my own thoughts tied to deep underlying beliefs.


Yes! I love this!

My emotional conditioning to the word “Mental Diets” and affirmations used to give me a knot/kick in the stomach. I use the word inner talk as a replacement and it takes off the self inflicted pressure.

There’s only so much I can do at a conscious level with regards to the beliefs that crop up which aren’t in favour of the life I want to create. Subliminal programming to me is weeding out the garden and watering the seeds I have sowed







You might be able to provide some insights on this thread.



If you could share your thoughts.

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On reddit I think? :smile:

I’m not as well versed though, but his teachings resonates with me. As for tips, I guess my only tip is to focus on what you really want, use the sub that resonates with you and stick with it.

Just keep going, and be confident in the knowledge that now you’re better equipped with even more powerful tools on your journey.