Conqueror - Dark's Custom Journal

“The only thing that changes your fucking DNA is discipline.” - David Goggins.

“Many dreams die while suffering.” - David Goggins.

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So, the field test of Khan went about as well as I was expecting. I talk to a few of the girls there and I was able to keep a flirty vibe throughout the interaction, but I wasn’t able to escalate which is my biggest problem at the moment, but I’ll deal with that over time.

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Merry xmas brother!

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Merry Christmas!

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This is meant more so to be a reminder to myself than an actual journal entry. EOG has made me realize that I’m actively getting in my way, in all aspects of my life. My mind is hampering my success in literally everything I do, to be honest, I wonder how I even managed to get to where I am today.

If I set a goal of reading 5 books in a week, I’ll read 2 books on Monday and do nothing for the rest of the week.
If I set the goal of finishing up my work in 3 days, I’ll set up my notes and make a detailed plan of action, only to not follow through with it.
When a girl gives me attention, I egg on the flirting and escalate the tension before fucking up and making the attraction fade away.

I knew I had a problem in this regard and I’m partially aware of where it may have come from, but I never stopped to think about how deep it ran. I’ve been sabotaging all aspects of my life for so long that I stopped noticing what I’ve been doing to myself.

EOG st1 showed me what I’ve been doing to myself, uncovering the way that I’ve been stifling my growth and opportunities over the years. Negative manifestations and self-destructive behaviors were revealed to me and I wish to no longer be affected by these things.

My apprehension to success stems in part from the fact that I don’t want to fail. I’m very much scarred of trying my best and not succeeding. If I fail at something that I only gave half of my energy to then my ego can tell me that I could have accomplished it had I tried my best. I remember when I started to unconsciously implement this philosophy in my life. At the time it helped my young mind cope with the stress of school. Now though it just causes me trouble in all aspects of my life.

I’m tired of being this way. I want to be able to truly give my best at things. I’m envious of those that can dedicate themselves to doing something and I long for the day when I will be amongst them.

The route leading to my success is right in front of me and my goal with EOG is to finally follow the yellow brick road.