Comeback Story of The Great Badass. Khan and Wanted Road to Power

How do capitalize this and made the words bold and thick?

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So far it’s been fine. I’ve seen some effects from the use of them both and it’s a popular combination. Also to make bold letters on here, highlight your text and click the ‘B’ button in the text editor. Alternatively, put two ‘**’ asterisks before and after your text to make it bold.


Where is the text editor?

Click on the three lines at the top of the text box

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Okay Done

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Baby boss :))

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Cmn, give us sth more. About the social behavioral results of this triangle

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Khan Graduation
This wraps up all 4 stages of Khan.

I will restart Khan from the beginning around the New Year and go more in-depth and solo with the stages.

I’ve been away for a while. Super busy. Drained, tired. Working like a work horse. Dealing with lows and working even harder to hold on to a dream. Too tired everyday to be social, but craving freedom and joy.

Relief is coming. I deploy overseas in a few months. It’s crazy that I have more joy being deployed than working my civilian job, and people ask me why I don’t go full-time in military. That’s a whole other story. I’m ready to embark on that journey and see new things in a new country.

Update: Running Khan ST4 for rest of year, Stark is being added in for experiment.

@Alphamale I would give you an answer to the feelings and mindstate of Khan, but I cannot really give a full description yet. I’m way too drained by work to notice fully. I have to reflect. Will get you that answer.


Are you still running WANTED along Khan and PCC?
WANTED made me passive; like people were overstepping my boundaries easily and I seemed to not have a problem with that.

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@Alphamale Yes. PCC has a price in my opinion for me. It is not subtle by any means, and I respect it. Idk if I’m trippin or not, but it unleashes evil. Not in a bad way, it is just there and makes you aware.

@Vesper That is amazing. Like super. You really just sold the hell out of Wanted.

I catch myself accidentally using the laws to get what I want.

Wanted is a subliminal for a man with a flexible schedule. I don’t even have time or energy for sex these days.

I can definitely tell the subliminals are working because if I don’t drink enough water in a day, I immediately get dehydrated, whereas I did not before.

Khan is a slow burn for me. I don’t think I’ll know until the end, the real impact.


Thank you! But everything has it’s side effects like this: The Anabolic Genius (Limitless + Empfit ST3 custom) - #64 by CyberTate

I completely agree and I have to be honest I have one of the best schedules especially since I work remote. I keep one hour a day for whatever I want to do for example relax, go out with girl, etc and then Saturday are my go out days. All the other days I’m fully focused on work and nothing else.


Whats up man?
How is it going ?

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Going great brother @Alphamale . Currently on break from Khan for a cycle (few more days). Running Stark + Wanted. It’s funny because I get a shit ton of women complimenting me or comparing me to a celebrity.

Haven’t posted here lately because I cannot really gather the thoughts for it. It’s inconclusive, so I’m giving it a while before I publish results.

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I see the vocabulary you use have improved, such as publish and inconclusive.
I am also running Khan+Stark+WANTED.

Could you share the reason you decided to drop Khan for now?
Now that stark kinda integrated with you pas Khan results. How do you see the Alpha aspects of your stack? With & without the stark.

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It’s funny that you mention this.

HILARIOUS if you look at all of @summit’s other journals, he doesn’t post much, gives brief snippets of his thoughts.

But on Stark he’s sooo articulate, so communicative, what he says resonates so deeply.

A forum full of Starkies is an active forum, and a well spoken forum, indeed.

Ban me from the forum if i ever run it, i talk too much already lol


I do agree

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This is just a break from Khan as I enter the holiday season. I want to do so many experiments, very badly. Khan isn’t really noticeable by me. Others around me notice I have managerial and leadership skills and should be at the forefront of the business (without Stark).
I was pretty much raised to be Alpha and it’s all I know. Not in the hyper-masculine, douchebag sense. My heritage of strong, enterprising, educated, successful ambitious men and women with gravitas.

I’d like to say Khan is what you make of it, but I honestly don’t inherently have a strong direction at the moment. I’m recalibrating where my life is going during a quarter-life crisis. The woman that raised me and instilled so much ambition and high expectations within me is no longer alive with us, and it’s tough because I feel lost. Not saying this for any sympathy or regard; it is what it is. What I would like is my extreme ambition, motivation and confidence back. It is regrowing slowly.

The greatness is still in me somewhere, and I have to find it. It’s what keeps me alive. @Alphamale

Fun, Dating and Sex
Part 2

On the flip side Khan and Wanted are fun. I haven’t fully explored the fun sides, but I can tell it’s very fun.

Khan + Wanted keeps the inbox going. Have to be active though in life.

Stark + Wanted makes women hit on me. Hot women, younger women, older women. Women. I get compared to celebrities too. It works very passively. Minimal action. All I really have to do is sit back, respond to the great compliments and get a phone number, Snapchat, etc.

I’d call Stark + Wanted a dating optimizer. It can take rookie numbers up to impressive numbers.
