Combining As Above and So Below in the same custom?

Here is my question to customer service:

“If I was building a custom subliminal, what would happen if I put in As Above and So Below into the same custom? Would it work? Would they cancel each other out?”

Customer service replied:

"Thanks for reaching out to us. No they wouldn’t cancel each other out. They would work similar to our As Above & So Below subliminal on

So, no worries on combining the two! Have fun experimenting and please feel free to contact us again if you have any other questions."

[reply was edited by removing extra link(s) to products and product descriptions]



I forgot I asked that one. That’s been a while!

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I started to think about energy oriented subliminals, as occasionally people seem interested in that. Then I remembered your question. Seemed like a logical thing to ask.


This is especially interesting as some Yogis talk about kundalini practices not so much as energy rising up from the root to the head, but rather from both below and above and meeting at the heart center.

This opens up for some great possibilities, so thank you @RVconsultant for bringing this up! :pray: :relaxed:

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That’s interesting. Thank you for sharing.

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@RVconsultant Did you ever build a custom with both of these? I’ve been considering it.

I read the customer service response you posted above but I don’t feel too confident about it. They don’t explain what the effect would be having both in a single custom.

This is a good point. I don’t know what the effect would be, however I guess it would cause an increase in energy.

This is definitely a support ticket item.