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tensegrity. Only because those 80s aerobic outfits are fun.

REBAL adjustments are effective. Experiencing a vibrational state.

Resonant Energy Balls I think. Monroe talks about them if that’s the right one


Years ago i went to this chi kung seminar and we did these exercises which were simple but had a huge positive impact on me. Sadly i never continued them due to lack of motivation as they were so passive.

There was one called the hanging tree where you bend over and just drop your body and arms to your toes and just remain there for minutes on end. It was suppose to remove emotional and sexual blockages.


I sometimes have these moments when I imagine being something and my whole aura changes. A while back at a bar I said to myself; I am a tree. A split second later I felt completely relaxed like I was walking on air and imagined the wind gently rocking me from side to side as I was walking.

Seconds later a women sitting with her boyfriend jumped up infront of me to tell me that I looked so majestic when I was walking! My reply was; well yes of course, I’m a tree :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I had this friend once who could see auras around people. By the colour of the aura and where it was on the body she could see whether that person had health problems or not.


Increasing sexual energy using yoga this might he useful.

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@Tobyone the aura does very much depend on your mood which is my experience.


That’s what you get for not going through stage 1 and 2 first.


Excellent point i think some people want to see results right away without having to do stages 1 and 2.


I think with the powerful multi-stagers—the ones that lead to deep, comprehensive changes—there are often ‘latency periods’, where you’ll see a dip in obvious results as your internal resources are transforming and being grown and reorganized.

That effect could possibly be even more pronounced if you’re exposing yourself more (i.e., two 15-minute loops).

If I’m right, then at some point you’re going to experience a ‘bounce-back’ effect. It may be during your resting and processing days. Or it may be at some other time, once your mind has integrated the script more and adapted to it more.


Why did you wrote Kahn instead of Khan


Maybe he had just come back from the pub after a few pints and was feeling tipsy. Sure he meant to say Khan not Kan, Kong or Ding Dong.


I think you should run for more than one week before any conclusion. Khan is a big subliminal.

My experience is that you can say that Khan might not be the money maker sub or the one who pushes you to work out, but there is no way you can say Khan doesn’t make you horny.


You need to spell it as Khan else it won’t work properly. Spelling is important since subliminals are spells :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, from Monroe, Monroe just took existing concepts and renamed them, like bandler and other late 20th early 21st century creators. So he calls auras rebals, he spins chakras and calls it relax and recharge. Most SEEMS Vedic in origin.


I know when i attended a kundalini seminar over a decade ago i remember my aura kept expanding as i performed the exercises with the teacher. My libido funnily rocketed that day after they gave me Shotipa. It was one of the most remarkable moments of my life to experience this. Sadly i never continued with the exercises when i left.

@Lion i know you are from India have you tried any of the kundalini exercises to expand your aura ?


One day. I have always been interested in Kundalini Yoga and the third eye.


If you do find a guru in india who can perform Shaktipa please let me know.

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I honestly hope you’re trolling and not actually adding another unnecessary layer of BS to things to sound smart

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You know khan isn’t just for sex
You could also use khan for money goals

But it sounds like you could use a few week run of stage 1 and possibly stage 2

You could ago do something different and try out stage 4 and add in mogul or rich

But def keep running it for a few months if you want to see significant changes