Changing Physical appearance

@Rhinesuchus - I must admit that it was hard at first. Now I know how to do it but have to remind myself to do it often. Not yet gotten into the mode of doing it unconsciously but that’s a matter of time.

Age is an important factor that determines the rate at which the change will happen. I am 18 and even though I don’t have a fixed habit of doing it, I have seen MASSIVE change in my jaw and the overall face in just 1-2weeks. While on the other hand, my brother who is 33 hasn’t seen much change even though he says he’s been doing it since a few months.

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Completely change might be impossible yes but partial…it should be doable no?

From What I know and read and watched, theres no limit to the change as you age it’s just that it will require more time and effort.


There is a popular study you can easily find online where rats were exposed to a certain smell of cherry blossom and shocked with electricity, which led to them fearing the smell.

Now the second generation which was never exposed to this smell also reacted in fear when they were exposed to it, even though they were never conditioned as the previous generation.

Clearly showing that these memories are passed on from one generation to another.

Good genes definitely lead to greater success and happiness in life, but one more thing to note is that you can take it all in your own hands and do your off-spring a favor by doing the work in yourself to overcome these inherited limitations and unlock your full potential as a human being as you strive to become free of these influences and add new positive aspects to your gene pool by leading a healthy and successful life.

Everything is just a memory passed on and if we can change those memories then the past does not have to repeat itself.

What even is life, if we are succumbing to past memories that are leading our life, when the truth is the genes are there to serve us and we can take control of them through epigenetics, hence it is all in our hands as these studies clearly demonstrate, which is quite the liberation.