Can We Get A Simple Product For Deep Sleep?

I was using 10mg nightly for a couple of years, and after even the craziest self-experimenter I’ve ever known told me that was “too much”, I dropped back down to 3mg, without issue, and where I’ve been for the last 2 years.

I stack that with 2.4g of magnesium (a blend of l-threonate, glycinate, and taurate), 250mg of l-theanine, and 500mg GABA as well as a mug of sleepytime tea an hour or so before bed.

I’d love to not need anything though… my wife can sleep anytime, anywhere, like a cat… me? I need my “princess mask” (as she calls it… otherwise known as a totally normal, non-princessy, black sleep mask that I bought for my first trip to China years ago), 34dB foam earplugs rated for a shooting range, and a couple of hypnotic trigger phrases that knock me out fast enough that my Oura ring thinks something is wrong lol. I still wake up from hearing random sounds, as well as from dreams. Not sure about the dreams portion, but I understand the rest of it is hypervgilance… my hearing is excessively acute, and I wear my earbuds much of the day even without anything playing simply to muffle the background noise… which, in a suburban house near the end of a cul-de-sac, is already pretty damn quiet.


The Emperor sales page does mention “Rich, Deep Sleep”. That said the Emperor page lists the version as Qv2 so the quote may not apply to the ZP version.

Unfortunately it does not, at least not at the rate I expect it to. It’s in my stack for 45 days but it’s doing other stuff instead of improving sleep

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That’s too bad, but interesting to know. Thanks for running that experiment and sharing the results @SubliminalUser

To be honest, I really think you should try the 300 microgram dosage of melatonin because anything over is not only excessive but detrimental to your sleep. The last time I took a higher than 500 mcg dose of melatonin, I stayed up for hours. Finding the right dosage has really been a life changer for me personally.

Which product would you recommend? This? It has timed release


Exactly. Not sure about the impact timed release has to be honest, but it really induces sleep regardless.

They used to sell those exact ones on Canadian Amazon but now they’re overpriced, so I use these instead; they can be broken in half so it’s approximately 500 mcg, which isn’t ideal like the product you posted but better than nothing.

I sometimes take 400 mg of 5-HTP at bedtime, it tends to do the trick. It’s the product from Ezyleaf.
(5-HTP is not recommended to use if you’re on an SSRI, but I’ve been fine. The SSRI enhances the effect of the 5-HTP, but also increases the risk of side effects.)

I’ve also been interested in melatonin and l-theanine. Have tried neither. I find that a low-dose lithium supplement can help (lithium in small doses is extremely healthy for the brain, maybe even more than omega-3s).

Might order some melatonin and l-theanine and give them a shot. Falling asleep is a process I passionately hate, for the sole reason that it is extremely fucking boring. But oh so pleasant it is when you wake up and want to snooze!

I’ll look for 0.3mg melatonin the next time I buy some, thanks!

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I found this product really helped me to sleep. I’m not usually into this kind of thing. But this one I tried.

The only downside is that it tastes very good. Which is annoying. haha. need to be careful not to eat too much. (that’s subjective, of course. You may not like it.)

It worked basically every time I took it. But after I finished the bag, I did not replace it.

As with almost everything, the strategy that works best for you is going to be related to the underlying complex of causes that are generating the issue.

The exact same presentation may have very different causes:

person A is out-of-breath and limping while running. She has asthma and is carrying extra weight right now.

person B is out-of-breath and limping while running. He was shot in the leg and has been running for 20 minutes with an excess of circulating cortisol (stress hormone).

Person A can just slow down the pace and keep jogging and her situation will improve over time.

Person B needs to get surgery and post-trauma counseling.


This is exactly the problem with all melatonin supplements. I have never seen any below 1mg. Usually, they have a minimal 3mg and more. I got one with 1mg but this is still too much for me. I tried 3mg which was way too high and 1mg also. This one at least my product can not be cut into smaller pieces :(. Hope there is some product of melatonin on market just with 0,3mg.

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The gummies in the post above are 1.5 mg each. And they’re gummies so of course you can divide them however you like.


i think this happened because these people had significant sleep deficit,

they where drowsy because they woke up when the body still needed sleep.

i sometimes sleep for 12+ hours when i have had several really bad days of sleep

on those days when my body needs 12+ hours, if i try to wake up after the normal 7-8 then i feel drowsy all day.

this is very well said and quite profound,

i have a question for you that might seem random but would appreciate your input on this after reading this post by you.

if you could use only 1 product for problem solving/creativity/etc…which product would you choose?

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My immediate answer was:

Quantum Limitless

Then as the echoes of that answer faded, I started hearing ‘Stark… Stark…

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I definitely remember better sleep when i tested emperor several months ago.

im hesitatnt to run emperor right now because im trying to focus on money and im worried the sex stuff in emperor will make me want to go out and pursue women/sex.

thank you for your input.

if you could pick only a ZP product, what would you choose?

also, i tend not buy products that have such broad objectives,

I like really focused products,

Stark for example just seems to be trying to accomplish way too much for my tastes, to me its almost like it should 3 separate products,

and i think the creators have a similar perspective to me as i know they have mentioned products like emperor that where very broad are now going to be way more focused in ZP.

oh, you said “ZP”. Otherwise, my immediate answer would be “Alchemist”. Just put your seatbelt on and play that for 9 years.

But ZP?

…I don’t have one yet.

But in practice, I am only playing one ZP product. That’s Mogul ZP.

My stack is: Dragon Reborn Qv2 and Mogul ZP.

More than enough, for the time being.


I 100% agree with you, have had the exact same experiences myself actually. Melatonin is problematic if not dosed properly.

With that said, there are products with 300 microgram doses, @SubliminalUser posted the best one on Amazon.


Would you please refresh my memory?