C.reative A.dmirable L.egacy M.emorable

12/23/2021 entry:

Today was an okay day. I’m listening to Ascended Mogul and there’s 21 minutes left. I think I’ll go to sleep after or something

Last night, I had a really vivid dream of running around in a big school full of doors and classrooms and small library rooms. I don’t remember what I was running from

[quote=“Calm, post:30, topic:10786”]

  • I honestly don’t even show love or affection my own family. I don’t really know how and I find it hard saying “I love you” back to my family when they say it to me.
  • I don’t believe much is possible to be truthful

I can’t say I blame you. I wouldn’t tell them that I love them either. It seems that they’ve held you back by instilling detrimental beliefs in you to hold you down by preventing you from realizing the great man that you really are, so that they can benefit from what you have to offer.

Keep listening to the subs. Don’t even tell them about them because they might try to take that away from you. You will grow and will become stronger.


thanks for this encouragement

Something interesting to note, I take anxiety medicine for my Autism and Social Anxiety and my father often says that my recent improvement is attributed to the medicine, and not the subliminals. I think it’s 70% subliminals, 30% medicine


12/24/2021 entry:

Today was really productive. I really felt my subconscious going to work and it felt good. I think I’ve gotten many things done

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12/25/2021 entry:

I woke up today and I really feel open to love and be vulnerable towards others. I just can’t find a reason to care what anyone thinks anymore. Today I have to listen to RICH ZP. Hopefully, I won’t experience much recon



I listened to Ascended Mogul last night and it was really relaxing. I went to sleep right after. It’s Tuesday morning and today will be a good and peaceful day. Something I’ve noticed yesterday… Everyone was so kind to me and people are drawn to me.


I’ve figured what would be the best way for me to operate as an adult from this point on in my life and that is to…

  • Speak when only spoken to

  • Never show positive emotions such as smiling and laughing

  • Never show negative emotions such as anger and sadness

  • Don’t open up to anyone

  • Be very attentive towards people’s intentions to me

  • Speak robot-like, and behave emotion-less

Dang! That’s the best way? Man. Sometimes the best thing is just to remember that thoughts are just thoughts. You don’t have to believe all of them.

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I’m thinking that the root of these thoughts are in my benefit. It will keep my emotions secure

I think I’ve had similar thoughts in the past but also at the same time what worth is life if you’re just going to live by what other people think you should be or what they like?

I think we came here to be the unique expression that we are and the best proof is that there’s only one of you, one of me.

Some also believe in some robot future but that is not here now. If you couldn’t feel you’d be dead. Feeling is how you know you’re alive.

I found that people don’t want you to mind your own business and keep to yourself. They’ll attack you and ridicule for that, then even if you be who they want they won’t like that either.

So you end up just being you and finding what makes you tick and living your happiness.


I understand more. It’s just sad to know that at the end of the day, knowone truly cares about me. Atleast that’s how I feel as of now. I’m going through reconciliation and I just want to hide away and share what I feel are my gifts and talents, without having an identity attached to myself. I fear judgement

12/30/2021 entry:

Today was a good day. I’m currently listening to RICH ZP. Afterwards, I’m going to just relax for the rest of the night

It’s been a little while since the day I started Ascended Mogul. I have had many breakthroughs and feelings of self assurance, confidence, much better work ethic, business ideas, and better creativity.

The aspects where it promises experiences with women hasn’t happened at all. Ascended Mogul has more so has helped me realize that I’m not fit for a woman or dating. which seems to be a better reality to accept

I’m just not human and that’s okay

What are you?

Colour me surprised the subs are working.

Now you are starting to have some success continue with AM for the next year or two and see how much better your life gets.

And why on earth do you think that is happening?

It is because you are starting from such a ridiculously low base (as clearly evidenced by some of the things you have already wrote in this thread).

So of course you aren’t worth dating AT THE MOMENT.

Yet you are not stuck in aspic, where might you be in five years time?


You clearly are human and you are only coming up with this shite because you are starting from such a low level.

And guess what, there is one thing you can do now, that you can take immediate action on, that will improve your life.

You can stop putting yourself down.


2022 would be an amazing year for anyone who takes on this challenge!

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January 2nd, 2022 entry:

I appreciate you guys for helping me develop tough skin. I had a breakthrough in my dream last night, despite remembering only portions of it. I feel relaxed and secure of myself at the moment. Reconciliation pays off

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There are people that care about you who don’t even know you. They have a broad spectrum care for humanity that includes you indirectly. At the end of the day, most people are only able to show that they care to just a few people in their life, those who are closest to them. If developing close relationships with people is something that you really want, then you will get there. In the meantime, give yourself the love and the care that others are not giving you. Find the good in you, value yourself, appreciate yourself, think well of yourself.


Thank you @lrw I think it’s challenge accepting support and expressing love, but I think the healing components of these subliminals will help get me there


You said in another post that you’re autistic. Everybody’s brain is wired a little differently and even people who aren’t autistic feel the same way that you do. There are many adults in this world who are autistic who you can meet with. Try to find a local support group and get to know some of these amazing people online.