Building a damn strong foundation (Asc, LB, Stark)

Youre going for the full and complete foundational collection lol. I honestly think GLM may be a bit overdoing it given what saint said about combining that sub with alpha titles. Spartan is def a good add though, back when i used it for a bit i didnt miss a single workout a day, despite being completely new to it and not even having a regular schedule of when to do it. I just impulsively felt like it at some point each day.

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I am using Spartan right now and very like it. You are right I will rule out Glm, asc and primal should be enough, thanks.

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What is your next step and when after this stack?

I will be going on a big vacation with some friends soon, so i may add CWON than since ill be in nature quite a bit.

Aside from that ill see a bit how it goes. I still have my eyes on subs like CWON, libertine and stark, so eventually i may add one of those in.

For now though, its not like i find anything lacking in my stack so i could easily see myself stick to these subs for a long time.

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We are quite similar, after my alpha stack I have had Stark in a plan :slight_smile:

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Recon city recon recon city.

The recon on primal has been quite prominent. Mostly coming in the form of anger and hella frustration. It has become very obvious to me that the area primal is dealing with is something incredibly big. I genuienly cant even imagine what my life would look like if i genuienly believed i could get any girl i wanted. I guess ill just have to wait and find out​:smirk::smirk:.


Im kinda proud on how i acted like today. So there was an open dorm room and we were with 25 different people basically competing for that one room by trying to act like were the most fun person and all that. Its really stupid, but you know, housing crisis and all that so we dont have much choice.

Anyway, im usually awfull at situation like that with such a big group. This time though i think i did very very well. I dont necessairly think ive gotten the room, nor do i care that much about that given i still have a bunch of other chances for different rooms that speak to me more. But i actually think im somewhat in the running. There was also this other girl with whom we were very close to makinng out, despite there being very little alcohol involved and this really not being an occasion where that really happens. Its actually somewhat formal (as much as something can be formal with students involved lol). Sadly she got picked up by her parents though. Still, this is one of the first times i actually did really well with a girl with no alcohol being involved at all, and actually made a bit of a move and all that. Thats a W in my book.

Did get her insta but she lives at the other side of the country, so not that eager to try much.

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Lmfao you crack me up sometimes btw RVC. Keep doing the good work!

Im taking a few extra rest days, ive been in such a terrible mood lately, taking it out on anyone that does anything i dont like. Ive never experienced this kind of recon before, its very annoying.

Im pretty sure its mostly pent up frustration about myself and the world coming out. The topic primal is addressing is definitely something quite personal.

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Perhaps my standards are just way to high lol. There are actually quite a few girls i am like 90% certain they like me. I never really gave them much thought though as i never felt like they were anything special or anything like that. Perhaps i could try asking one of those out or something, at the very least it could give me a bit more experience.

Its kinda funny, last year i had a gap year, and i was really was getting down on myself for how little i did each day. People that read my DR journal may remember how much i complained about that. Nowadays though i have so many plans and so many things to do, that today it felt amazing when i had a day where i had very little to do. Just goes to show how different my life is compared to how it was a little while ago.

Primal is lowkey my favorite sub right now. Im actually starting to believe myself that i can get girls, wich is a big difference compared to before like anyone that has read this journal can attest too. Theres just such a big sense of not giving a fuck about anything, wich is an absolute godsend to an anxiousass dude like myself. While on my other subs i started acting like the person i want to be would, but with primal i actually start feeling like the person i want to be.

All this after just half a cycle too! I normally dont get that many results in the first cycle, but with primal thats clearly different.

I also feel like primal is the thing thats really gonna allow WANTED (and even daredevil) to blossom as well! I may actually put both of them (wanted and primal) in a custom at one point as well. They work to perfectly together to not combine them.


In a way im starting to feel like changing a sub in your stack kind of affects your whole stack. For instance, this cycle i added in primal, and since adding it i really havent noticed anything new from ascension, mostly just from primal. This isnt necessairly something negative as im perfectly satisfied with what ascension has already brought me, but it is something to keep in mind when wanting to “try out” a sub or something like that. It seems new subs definitely dominate over subs that have been in your stack for a while. (Either that or im just so used to the results the older subs have brought me that they dont stand out as much).


or maybe your subconcious prioritized primal. Maybe with another sub this didnt happened. Who knows?

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With primal right now i find myself switching between feeling like an absolute king, to being hella frustrated with everything and just wanting to be a shut in.

I just kinda hate everything about my life right now, despite my life actually going really well.


I feel like at this point im just impatiently waiting for my vacation. Ive kinda stopped doing much for school or really going out much aside from my crew with whom im gonna be travelling. I just dont have the energy for all that at this point tbh. I mostly just have a big desire to be done with all the uni shit for a little bit and just get out there and have some adventures, make some memories and all that good stuff.

The current subjects at school are just so boring. I really despise going there rn bescause of it. Only 2 weeks left though so i cant complain to much.

My next step is coming to terms with how introverted i really am. Over the course of all my journals theres one theme that everpresent. It is the fact that i despise how little outgoing i am. I actually really enjoy meeting new people and making friends and things like that, but it drains the absolute shit out off me, and i cant handle large groups in the slightest. I always try to repress this and still go to quite a lot of partys, clubs and whatever regardless and pretend like i love them. Honestly though most of the time i feel hella awkward there, and they drain the everloving shit out of me. I guess there is quite a bit of anxiety at play here.

I really want to enjoy myself a lot more at such occasions as i love the idea of just letting go and meeting a shitton of new people and just drinking and having fun. My social battery just often cant handle it, and i need to start accepting that such things may just not be for me. at least, not in the way im doing it now.

The dilemma though is, for an introvert, i also very much dislike being alone. Its kinda like the worst of both world right now lol.

Ill make some sense out of all of this later, for now i gotta go to sleep. Im still very much behind schedule for the test ill have in a few days and theres quite abit to do tomorrow.


I didnt mention this but i also did a loop of CWON yesterday, and goddamn the extreme sense of calmness is an absolute godsend. I have incredibly high hopes for what this sub can bring in the future as im already loving the effects im gettin right now.

Today was my last loop of ascension. Ive been on this sub for 4 cycles in a row now. Its kind of interesting that this happened at all lol, as when i first joined subclub ascension, and all these alpha subs were the last subs id ever thought id use. I definitely think i made the right call though, ive gotten a lot out of these cycles, especcially relating to inner power and standing up for myself. This all said though im happy to be done with it now. While there are a ton of positives ive gained from using it, i also definitely feel like the ascension archetype doesnt fit me that much. I dont like how serious it feels and how it can sometimes turn everything into a game of power. Me being a bad loser also seems to have been amplified by this sub. Its a really good foundation for sure as it does give a lot of traits that are extremely usefull, but i wouldnt want to completely 100% embody this archetype.

In this sense primal definitely fits me more, although that sub does feel like its a bit less versatile and more one-note compared to ascension.

As for my next stack, as i mentione previously, its gonna for the most part be based around my vacation thats around the corner. Because of this CWON is an absolute must.

Theres also quite a big chance ill be ordering a stark + WANTED custom that ill run alongside it as stark on paper seems like it could be one of the best subs for me, and it seems like it would perfectly play off of WANTED for an extremely synergistic effect in a custom.

Its still dependsnt on how dense my custom will feel ( and if i decide against buying it ill most likely just be using stark and WANTED seperately), but if i decide to add a third title, ill most likely be sticking to primal. Primal is a great sub in general and definitely one that has a lot more results to bring.

So my stack would become:
possibly PRIMAL