Brahman's Journal - Road to Financial Freedom

Stark black keeps me up till 4 am working. I then slept for 6 hours and am back to work again.

Its easier to build habits on SB. The drive is insane. A welcome addition to my stack. Memory has improved tremendously. That 1 loop from 3 days ago seems to be hitting now

I was back in my old place for a few weeks, was gonna stay till month end but ASBR kicked my ass. I suddenly got a nudge from the universe yesterday, i quickly packed my bags and left today afternoon, i came back to mississauga.

I have a strong belief that I can make it here

Today was my 2nd listen of SB and everyone simply follows whatever i say. Even my random comments seem to make people want to follow it

Had a bit of recon today, mostly from stark black. I was frustrated with my current financial situation. I was doing DoorDash, but felt it was a waste of my time could be selling stuff online or something. I was also too tired today

I changed G:M and put my stack back to AM, chosen. My recon from SB is completely gone.

There is something in AM & Chosen combination which makes me so smooth while in conversation.

Some mild effects from SB. People look at me more now. The cognitive boost is really good. I can literally feel my brain becoming sharp.

A few good things happened.

Some sudden changes, but all is good

I have changed my 2nd program from chosen to KB1
So my stack is AM, Kb1, ASBR

My voice carries a lot more authority. People are intimidated by me in a good way.

I was able to secure a landscaping job for now. I have also enrolled for a course related to my field

I have also become a lot more patient under stress

I ran SB NR and QL1 for a cycle.

  • People stare at me more. I get things given to me.
  • NR gave me thoughts to start an AI business.
  • QL1 seems to be doing something in the background because my interest in reading scientific books kinda came back.

I am gonna go back to AM Chosen combo, third will be QL1