Blue skies review - The power of love

I never really talked about blue skies in my journal, but I kind of need to because honestly, blue skies is really powerful.

Since the moment I started my custom sub I had blue skies in it. Self love, self compassion… It’s something I had problem (and probably a lot of you guys and girls too!) with for a loooong time.

When running my custom sub I didn’t noticed it at first, but I really had stopped comparing myself. Feeling so peaceful with just being me. Not caring so much about other people’s judgment.

I’ve always been hash on myself, had a pretty bad self talk and forcing me to do shit. Now I do it because it’s good for me… I allow mistakes and I allow myself to feel bad sometime, for example, I made a post yesterday about reconciliation, doesn’t mean it’s easier, but I am much more delicate when I speak to myself, taking care of me and allowing some “me” time.

Accepting my quirks, weakness and feeling a LOT less hurt when being “rejected”.

For everyone who haven’t added this module to your custom, you definitly should give it a try :wink:

And for those who are running it, please share your thoughts on it, I feel like the module itself is under appreciated!


As it’s going to be the sole general emotional healing module in my custom, I am looking forward to results and attributing much to it.


I’d say it’s lessened, definitely, but years of negativity will take a while to work through.


Oh yeah, this is why even if I have seen strong effects from it, I’ll stick with the same module for long!


@GoldenTiger. This is a great post. Thanks so much for sharing it.

My next planned custom is about pulling together and consolidating the Inner Strength and Structure, the internal resources, to guide and direct my life to how and where I want it to be, and to inhabit my life in a way that reinforces and affirms my dreams and my Soul as well.

I have just been thinking in the last couple of days to move Blue Skies into that Custom. (I’d originally had it planned for a different one). So your experience shared here is timely for me. Thanks.

Of course, my planned custom is not planned to be built for another 8 months, so who knows what wonders will manifest by that point? haha.


I’ve definitely noticed a huge increase in sense of love of myself and life since starting Blue Skies,
it was insanely strong for a few weeks, then evened out, and now I’m in reconciliation territory from that or Khan Stage 1. As I’m noticing the parts of me that experience apathy, self judgement and hatred, victimhood, and powerlessness really coming out after my custom. They don’t take me over but it’s clear there present and being dissolved/obliterated/ purified/ love to death-or however all that healing works.


You are right
I have this in my custom and yes !! I do like myself and more , it’s kinda I ma loving myself and want to do more things for myself . I have a feeling I am worth more and I deserve more . Also I feel this adds to happy mood and contentment.

I am pampering myself more and I feel more love I feel for myself , more I am able to share love feeling with my loved ones and otherwise too .


Is this planned sub up for review anywhere? Could be good to have a discussion for it

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I have been thinking about including Blue Skies in my next custom, but I am a bit confused about its actual effects. The literature talks about love, while some users have suggested cognitive improvement. The producers themselves have reported massive reconciliation, but the context is not clear. It is also mentioned that the original/test version was too intense and therefore the one available publicly is a bit easier to run.

Would therefore appreciate if those who have actually used it could clarify, based on their actual experience, as to what they think this module actually does.

Suppose there are four themes to choose from:

Custom 1: Focused on job/profession, such as getting more productive, getting smarter, developing super duper skills valued by employers, getting more noticed, becoming more alpha, etc.

Custom 2: Focused on achieving sensual desires, such as getting smoother at seduction, manifestation of opportunities, experiencing love, better connection, better sex, etc.

Custom 3: Focused on healing from past traumas and situations, such as being reborn as a new person, developing better confidence, self respect, and belief in oneself, healthier self love, etc.

Custom 4: Focused on wealth, such as effortless identification of gaps in the market, business ideas popping up out of nowhere, manifestation of relevant people, manifestation of random opportunities, drive to earn and accumulate, etc.

Which of these would Blue Skies be most relevant for ?

I have also noticed “O.G.” being mentioned along with Blue Skies, not sure what that means. Would appreciate if someone could clarify.

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Similar to the recent Love Bomb. Blue Skies originally started out as an experimental program, not for sale, just used by Saint. People started calling that version the OG version. Later, a gentler, refined version of Blue Skies was developed for sale.


I would fit in the category 2-3. But don’t get it wrong, it can still be powerful for wealth and productivity.

I must say that Blue Skies radically changed how I viewed myself. I just love myself more than ever. You want more wealth? Do you deserve it? Do you consider that you really subconsciously deserve that success and abundance? Do you think you are able to work a lot?

Working hard, focus, motivation, success in relationship, financial success… It all start with the relationship with yourself :point_left:

My advice, if you can, run Dragon Reborn while running your custom, add blue skies if you really need some more working on loving and caring for yourself!


Thank you Malkuth and White Tiger.


This seems like an underrated and wierd module. Are there any other reviews? It seems to help with energy development, self-love, lots of unrelated topics.