Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sub Club Deal?

Off topic here, but is anyone else noticing the paypal button that used to be there at checkout is no longer? Maybe my Brave browser? Hmmmm

It’s still there for me on Safari and Brave

Thanks for letting me know. Don’t know how I’m missing it.

You’re welcome

Ah! Duh. " We are currently NOT accepting PayPal for custom titles. You may purchase our Major Subliminal titles using PayPal @" Well, now we know :nerd_face:

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Through his skills. And learning.

When u don’t have money you have time. You put time to learn something and then you apply it. And get good at it. And learn some more. And now you have money and you trade that money for knowledge and now you make more money lol

Cash flow is king. Idk why the hell people are so focused on saving and investing when they make less than 1M a year or 100K a year lol.

Learn the skills that make u have the ability to generate crazy income and then invest it learning how to maximize your income potential

Once you reach your max income threshold, invest it into high returning companies, deploy your cash to make it multiply and replace your income with your investments lol.


@Vinci is definetely correct here, @athrylith & @friday

Warren Buffet is a fool to be so adamant in using coupons and whatever.

He should live to the max without giving a ****. But alas.

@aaa He is correct. Time is money.

That’s what we both said.

Well I invested it in coaching programs, books, gyms, things that help me become a better and more skillful human being.

For Ex. I paid 3K for this coaching course that taught me how to start my biz, then in a month Im making 6K/month consistently…

That ROI is damn near infinite.

Yes. Theres a thing called the Mirror effect, you attract who you are. If your the type of guy who negotiates and constantly haggles, you’ll notice that when your selling something, everyone will negotiate and ask for discounts. If your the guy who pay full price with no hesitation, you’ll manifest clients that never negotiate. I never once had a guy negotiate the price with me. EVER.

Ex. Barbershop, a guy is asking for $40 rate… do you really try to haggle that down? No. I don’t care. Hell I’ll even tip the guy an extra $10.

Ex. Car dealership, your looking to buy this car and your tryna secure a discount lower than the “ticket”. But who loses? For one, the dealership can’t afford to pay its employees high wages that allow them to live comfortably, you’ll lose the relationship with the sales guy and most of the dealership and you’re here thinking “what a steal” but then your car breaks down or something and then you need ASAP service, but instead the sales guy who you haggled doesn’t care, and the service guy doesn’t care. So you wait an extra hour or so, meanwhile the guy who bought full price no hesitation came in 45 mins after you and got the same service done.

Lesson: The price also reflects relationships and so much more.

Lmao… dude for some context… look up APR Staking for certain Crypto Projects…

Man… you need to unplug yourself and actually look at how people make returns lol…

You think 12% returns are nice? Lmao…

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