Bill Clinton's Charisma

Apparently Bill Clinton’s Reality Distortion Field is bigger than that of Steve Jobs.

While writing my book, I heard some version of the above story about Clinton not once but three times. So, I Googled “Bill Clinton” and “eye contact.” A number of references to Clinton’s eye powers turned up.

A New York Times Magazine profile near the beginning of his presidency referred to his facility for “making eye contact so deep that recipients sometimes seem mesmerized. Tabloid rumors aside, Clinton embodies the parallels between the seductions of politics and the seductions of sex. As one Clinton watcher said recently: ‘It’s not that Clinton seduces women. It’s that he seduces everyone.’”

A post on the celebrity news blog WENN said, “Actress Gillian Anderson has discovered the secret behind former U.S. President Bill Clinton’s sex appeal—lingering eye contact.”

Anderson (Special Agent Dana Scully on The X-Files) spoke on Late Night With David Letterman of an encounter she had with Clinton several years earlier: “We all, mostly women, lined up. And when he gets to you, he takes your hand and makes eye contact. After he leaves and he moves on to the next person, he looks back at you and seals the deal. When I got home, I expected to have a message from him, and I didn’t. I bet women across America expect it too.”


The handshake is also very important. This along with the eye contact goes a long way to leaving a lasting impression. Anyone can do this, but it does help to at least have some kind of community leadership, such as a good reputation in your own social group. I once heard that when talking to people, Clinton made them feel as if they were the only person in the world. This is important, and when it’s coming from a person who has a good reputation in the social group (as small as it that social group may be), the impression it leaves behind takes on a celebrity factor.


Yes, Bill Clinton

I read somewhere that he made an effort to really know people from a young age.

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Nothing makes me lose respect for a guy quicker than a limp dead fish handshake

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Now that you mentioned it, and I’m thinking about it. The men and women who gave me the limp dead fish handshake turned out to be untrustworthy people. The handshake says a lot about a person and how they feel about the person that they are meeting. I’ll never forget the guy who had a sweaty palm. That felt so gross.