Best sub for dropshipping

Just launched my first drop sitting website just wondering wich subliminal would be the best at getting sales and customers?

Mogul or EOG or both.
@Hoppa had great results with his E-Commerce business when he ran EOG.


From experience, HoM or Emperor with RICH. Don’t need anything else.

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How much you made of ds?

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Not me but someone who’s close to me who has. A good amount to live a good life and travel whenever he wants.

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Not dropshipping, but have had success in running a marketing agency - classic digital nomad style biz

Start with mogul or ascended mogul, if you’re purely looking for wealth

HOM is better ran after mogul and ideally even a run of EOGST1, in my opinion, but some people go without that exact path… however HOM is not a great “beginning” business sub

RICH works well if you have a bit of traction that you want to multiply and Mogul works well when you want to build from zero


Emperor, Am, Mogul - Entrepreneur mindset, taking action.

Helped by

EOG st 1 - releases your brakes.


Im interested in e-commerce is much money needet to start from scratch?



To be honest, I don’t know how much you need to get started today.

I run my own factory. It’s been many years since I started and I use enterprise level tools nowadays.

I think @ksub might have a better answer for you.


You can start for free or buy ads and followers for about 20-30$ wich would help alot more

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Also shopify is 1$ subscription for 3 months now

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@Doc : As a marketer myself, here the first thing I can tell you. Do not ever buy followers. EVER!!! There are ways to build organically a following without resorting to techniques like buying followers. There are too many reasons I won’t get into here. The main one being that it will hurt you down the road when you try to build lookalike audiences to sell your products, or when you want to retarget people who visited your page. Look, we’re in 2023, there is no reason to do things the way it used to be done 10 years ago. Not if you want to build a serious and profitable business.
Facebook marketing and ads is getting more and more complicated and technical. If you’re not already an expert at that, just outsource it completely to a person or an agency that knows what they’re doing.

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@Doc : If you’re looking to get in E-Commerce, make sure you have a job first, that your bills are paid and that you have some money left on the side for E-Commerce. You will lose money before you make money. Don’t become one of the too many people I have seen lose money on E-Commerce while struggling to pay their bills.

E-Commerce is a vast industry: what do you want to sell and where? Shopify, Amazon, Ebay?
One thing I recommend to most people is to first try E-Commerce on a small scale and make or lose money on a small scale first. That way you’ll know if E-Commerce is something you like or not. I often recommend that people spend 6 months to a year making money on GearBubble or ShineOn first. Those platforms are easy to understand and easy to master. You won’t have to worry about fulfilment and you will learn a lot about creating a product, selling a product on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok. You will understand the importance of accurate data like your followers being real followers that you acquire through a real campaign and not random people that you bought for a few dollars. You will understand when you should kill a campaign and when to scale it. You’ll also learn why it is super important not to be emotionally attached to products. Gearbubble or ShineOn have enough information on their Facebook page and YouTube channel to get you up and running quickly. No need to go buy any gurus pricy course that will teach essentially the same things you can get for free on YouTube.

After that learning period, you will have enough information to know if E-Commerce is really something you want to pursue for the long term. If you do, the only course I would recommend is Anton Kraly’s course. I don’t know him personally nor am I one of his affiliates but I know his course is endorsed by Shopify and got selected by Shopify as the best E-Commerce course. His course if pricey but you will learn how to really create create a massive E-Commerce business that could replace your job income.


Echo-ing Ksub, in my experience with marketing agency owners, a LOT of agency owners start agencies after starting e-comm stores (and failing) because they didn’t realize the capital involved in building an ecomm store.

What most people don’t realize is that the funnel for an ecomm business’ success is simple simple simple

get a product → run paid ads to product → sell product

each step of the process has to be correct or else the system falls apart… obviously a bad product won’t succeed (although “bad”/“good” are more subjective than objective for ecomm)… if you can never get any eyeballs on your product (paid ads) it’ll never succeed… and if people see your product and never buy it, it’ll never succeed (and that’ll either be because it’s bad product or bad sales marketing)

But without a budget to test out paid ads, you can never find out if you product is even good, let alone get eyeballs on it, let alone get enough eyeballs on it to split test what the bettetr sales conversions are… or run it to the stage where once you finally know what funnel gets you an ROI, you can’t actually spend the money to double because you have no money to double cuz it was all spent on ads.

Totally possible to build an ecomm store! not a deterrent. just a simple explanation of the funnel and how it takes a bit of cash. I can’t give you numbers on how much cash, as i’m an agency guy, not an ecomm guy


Thx guys, much appreciated


I was reffering to the fact that on tiktok you need 1000 folllowers to be post links for your website that work,a majority aren’t going to be bothered to copy and paste a link


I know you simplified the funnel on purpose to get your point across. But if someone new to ecommerce/ online marketing happens to be reading this, I want to add here a very important point:

After the sale, add the customers to an email list. If you do ecom, use Klaviyo if your platform supports it.
Your front end funnel might be losing money with paid ads, but if you can get more sales from your customers by email, your ROI will skyrocket. The email autoresponder tools are highly efficient marketing channels.

You will need a Welcome series after the first purchase. Build a relationship with the customer.

Then sell them something else, by email. The second purchase is critical for your success.

You can automate all that. There’s a lot you can automate, but I’ll keep it simple here for the newbies.

The money really is in the list. The ROI is just ridiculous, since the tool is very cheap vs the revenue you can get from it.

In my business, the highest single revenue day has been just under 50k €, with one email. We also do lots of smaller campaigns over the year. Generally even the tiniest one of those does over 10k in a day. And we also do reminder emails for those campaigns. Lots of money to be made.


@Doc @anon31823662

I know a website that has access to a lot of digital marketing and ecom courses for only $32.50 a month. I’m not an affiliate, I just use the website whenever I need a course. The Anton Kraly course @ksub mentioned is on there. Idk if the rules will allow me to post the website name, though if you guys pm me I’ll tell you.