Best module for time management?

Can I see the whole custom build and can you give me the direction you want to go?

Thank you

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This is the current draft


I mentioned on my Project Invictus thread about how Iā€™ll order it on the 28th, because I knew it will go through a lot of modifications, but now I have this list and my final decision is to whether I should add the 3rd core and make it at a lower power (ZPT or maybe just standard ZP), or leave it at ZPT2 with just 2 cores.

The goal is to enhance myself, with the 2 archetype combo that suits me better than almost every single combo Iā€™ve tried (trust me, I tried a lot), combined with making my life easier and more enjoyable, as well as succeeding in all the areas Iā€™m concerned about (fitness, fame, productivity/success).

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Would this also be polymorphic?

As in, work with fitness when I need it, and then work with my career when needed?
As I kinda thought about it all again, and seeing as Iā€™m leaning towards more physical shifting modules, I decided to swap Stark for EF st4, with all the modules as they are (mostly), and ended up with one free slot, and have been thinking that maybe a wealth module might be better there.

For reference:


Edit: this might sound extremely ā€œnarcissisticā€, but I have a very unique issue, because of which I removed Overdrive, which is that whenever I see success and know that Iā€™ll succeed anyways, I stop ā€œtryingā€, so in that context, Iā€™m leaning towards Natural winner more :thinking:

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I want to see Khronos key into your modules lmao ahahahah
If youā€™re already p^roductive on wanted and stark and itā€™s just a matter of time management then obviously machine action seem to loose itā€™s value, but if you feel that wanted might make you too lazy then it might give some more balance ?
Appart from that I think your two cores are perfect, like you write enough about them for everyone to know that yeah itā€™s obvious

As for your desire to add EF4 well Iā€™d have as much hesitation as you lmao

Also I really like your agenda
I think I need to buy one like that thanks for posting that picture it motivated me to organize myself more and less be in my head :pray:t2:

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Hahahah I ultimately decided to keep it WANTED + EF, itā€™s more focused that way, so no khronos key, but so far it looks good.

I also changed Earthshaker sexuality, because I almost caused a traffic jam yesterday, and then alter on at night 3 girls at a restaurantā€™s drive through were being too straightforward (verbally), and thatā€™s only with WANTED, so I donā€™t want to risk having them turn aggressive with their approach, because Iā€™m loyal to my girl :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Added fearsome there, seems good with fenrir.
If you can persuade me about khronos key, then Iā€™d happily switch it with machine: action, because remember, I only wanted one module for time management :stuck_out_tongue: and Mastermind helps planning anyways.

So itā€™s either khronos key or machine action :thinking:

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Are you sure youā€™ll do without the fame aura of stark ? :eyes:
Seemed quite fit but I guess if your fitness goa lis more important then by all mean donā€™t look behind and go for EF

Honestly Iā€™m just about to project my own desires for Khronos key, in the end it all depend for what you feel you lack the most : productivity Or time ?

Both ensure the same end result for your case but the advantage of machine actions are that it could help counter the lazyness from wanted (yeah I had it too, not the best inner aspect of myself lol)
But Khronos key for his advantage is that he has a broader effect and could be utilized for other area of your life : making time pass more quyickly or slower is pretty amazing in itself and might be just greater in the end for productivity as long as you can manage to spark enough motivation for it

you get a feel for whatā€™s best donā€™t trust my opinion Iā€™d just say what I want lol :joy:

Ethereal presence, WANTED, the spotlight, physical shifter sexiness, will all increase my ā€œfameā€ anyways :rofl:

Plus I could always stack Stark if needed, this custom will basically be a steroid for me (with my favorite archetype getting a productivity boost).

Either itā€™s neither.
Itā€™s more about how I planned my time, and I loved how well I managed my time while on HoM, so I guess to emulate that effect, Mastermind would be the best module (which I already have).

You know what, just for you, Iā€™ll switch machine: action to Gloryseeker :kissing_heart:

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Donā€™t do it just for me maaan :flushed:

I think youā€™re quite far ahead in your thinking and donā€™t need further talk from me ahahahah
So Iā€™ll let you do the choices

Ah yeah quite true, I got lost in my focus around the core modules

Then you have your answer :crazy_face:

May you become CEO at the end of 2022 lmfao :love_you_gesture:t2:

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Hahahaha donā€™t worry I was just kidding, Iā€™m probably just gonna keep it as it is, or put a result enhancer there instead :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m more of a ā€œone small goal at a timeā€, so my first small goal is to become a project leader for a big project (hopefully the lead coordinator for the World Cup, it would be an amazing opportunity)

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Yo my man, I have it now in the new custom.
Second day on it now, and time truly feels different.

When I do chores, time speeds up, but when I was on my date, it felt like I was with my girl for over 5 hours, when in reality I barely spent 2 with her.

And with Machine: Action, itā€™s really making me optimize that extra bit of time, as itā€™s 4 hours earlier than my usual gym time right now, and Iā€™m already done with everything today, so now itā€™s even more free time to enjoy gym more :partying_face:


Yes, yess, YEEEEESSSSSS !!!

I bet yaā€™ it does :sunglasses:

And from the rest of your post it looks like it was a really great implementation
Iā€™m glad I forced it a bit lol

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Hahaha it was a good choice for a module
And i like how itā€™s mixing well with everything else.

For example:
With deep sleep, I feel like it made my sleep feel much longer, all while being much deeper.

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I can easily imagine how it would impact everything
With zp itā€™s almost a game to see how modules impact what you want or what you didnā€™t even know you wanted, so many imbrications

Life is a free to play and subs are the ā€œfreemium boostersā€

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Iā€™ve made this comparison with my friend before. Using subs feels like a cheat engine in a video game. Everything just comes to you and becomes easier.