Becoming the KHAN

This should be enough reason not to encourage stuff that’s against TOS :wink:

It’s there for the safety of minors, for one thing, and to cover SubClub’s collective asses. I’d just be very careful as I’d assume the company could wind up in legal hot water over stuff like this. Especially given the forums are publicly visible.

Just my 2 cents…which I guess is 4 cents now that I’ve posted twice lol

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True, I forgot the Disclaimer in my last post.

Of course, this was all ONLY theoretical and follow the law and bla…

Or be a Khan and follow your own mind :wink:


Having said all I said, I do think research into how subs can help younger folks would be awesome. I can only imagine what my life would be like if I had ANY of these subs when I was 10 to start listening to. Emperor, Khan, whatever.

Imagine the focus and drive that would help to evolve in someone that young…and then as they grew up…into adulthood.

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Ok bro thank you ;)!

You can run Limitless or QL at your age. Which are allowed for those under 18. Someone correct me if I am wrong. That would be a fantastic foundation

do you still listen to it bro?


Mandela Effect moment here. I thought his name was Michael, this whole time! I’m like, whoa, that’s my first time seeing that his name is Michel.

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Hello friday
A question regarding Khan and emperor
U used emperor before Khan right?
So you say Khan Pushes you towards taking action for your dreams more than emperor?(in your case)
I exactly mean the studying thing for the exam of your life
Khan pushed you more right?

Khan was his first subliminal ig

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I can answer this. He integrates faster than anyone on the forum so Khan made him take actions other than anyone on forum and
On taking action towards my academic goal he recommended me limitless and emperor stack

Edit: I am not @friday :joy::joy: but I hope it helps

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He had ADD like me
Think about studying 10 hours a day with ADD
SC is legit

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Considering your experience with Total Breakdown would you say that adding “I Am” to Khan Complete would bring diminishing returns or rather would reinforce the ability to integrate it over the long-term as I will also be shredding incongruent believes?

Im sticking to St1 solo for 2 cycles,but it’s not easy. I dreamt heart attack dream, dreams that someone betrayed me or disappointed me.