Hey everyone, sorry its been awhile. Lost track of what day it is, but I’ve having so much fun on Seductress. I had some reconciliation for a few days and it was pretty bad, but once it wore off a bunch of stuff started happening to the point that I had a hard time believing it was real. Everywhere I went, guys were opening doors, moving out of the way, smiling and apologizing. One guy at Vitamin Shoppe paid for my creatine and protein powder, saying that a woman as beautiful as me shouldn’t ever have to pay for anything. I felt bad and tried to get him not to pay because that’s not who I am, but he insisted.
Physical changes are starting to happen and that is what I’m excited about the most. It looks like my hips are starting to curve and give me a figure rather than me looking like a big rectangle haha. It is working differently than i thought it would. I thought that maybe the bones or something would change but it looks like I’m getting more muscle in my butt and upper legs. On one hand it looks great and I’m starting to get guys turning completely around when they pass. On the other hand having more mass there will make it harder to kick. So we’ll see if that becomes an issue. I havent noticed it hurting my fighting skill (Muay Thai Mastery X is taking care of that).
My breasts seem to be a bit fuller also, but I can’t tell if that’s an actual size change or a perception thing. Like my confidence is at an all time high, it could be that I’m just accepting the size I had and not hating on myself.
Last but not least, I didnt even know if I should mention it, but I went on a few dates and they were all amazing. One in particular. This guy is like my dream guy. The type of man that every girl wants and doesn’t think they can get. I’m not really looking for romance too much so I was really down for hooking up, but to my surprise HE suggested that we wait because I’m worth waiting for. Of course all my friends are saying that he’s gonna play me or whatever but the thing is, you can’t “play” someone that just wants to be friends with benefits. I let him know that and he still wanted to wait because he wants to date. So, hopefully he’s not playing some kind of unnecessary game because even if he just wanted to 'hit and quit" I wouldn’t care. But if he IS genuine. Wow. Subclub wtf hahaha.
Loving this sub. Next update will be more on Muay Thai Mastery as I’m heading into fight camp. @SaintSovereign @Fire where is BJJ mastery??? haha