Be the Change You Want to See in The World (Stark Chosen)

Sick story! And yes, I definitely am not playing it down. Thanks for the reminder!

Especially because right after one loop of Stark 2 of the people I respect highly on this forum (I.e. you and @Malkuth ) comment on my journal, as well as a lot of likes so the fame is definitely working LOL

Plus, this:
I was showering about 30 minutes ago and was thinking of making a video soon about the Law of Gender (been thinking about this for a while) and how polarity works between the two, including the POWER both seek, which is different but still power.

Then you come along:

I mean, like, how much more OBVIOUS can it be?
There were a bunch of smaller things today which I manifested RIGHT AWAY. Nothing spectacular, but still noticable that ME is FIRING.

I decided to keep running ME alongside Stark and Sex Mastery for the next 21 day sprint.


On another note, astrology is kinda crazy right now.

The moon, Mars, Venus, Pluto, and mercury are all in the sign of Capricorn.

No clue what it means but I never seen this before :grin:


So after @Invictus message about the ā€œgelingā€ with the subs I realized that some subs I have run have felt much better than others.

And I donā€™t mean recon. Just how they implemented themselves, and how I felt personally while running them.

Plus, Mindā€™s Eye showed me PRIMAL and it keeps popping up in reality everywhere, plus I drew the Queen of Cups today which says I need to trust dreams, meditation, and intuitionā€¦ soā€¦ thatā€™s a lot of hints.

So I decided as a test, to match them to my natal chart, to see which ones align with my given personality.

I am gonna keep this simple with just the planet positions. I know aspects should be taken into account, but for now, letā€™s do it this way.

Hereā€™s the placements:
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Taurus
Venus: Gemini
Mercury: Gemini
Mars: Pisces
Jupiter: Taurus
Saturn: Sagittarius
Uranus: Sagittarius
Neptune: Capricorn
Pluto: Scorpio
N Node: Pisces
Ascendant: Capricorn
MC: Scorpio

Lots of Gemini placements as you can tell, which is where @friday also told me before Primal is a great fit. And I felt very nice on Primal Seduction (one loop so far). He also talked about Khan although I personally didnā€™t like that TOO much.

Alchemist felt super nice which is the Mars and N Node placements I guess.

Renaissance Man is also an old friend I liked (QV2) and Friday also said this fits well.

Now maybe Stark isnā€™t the play here although it feels nice so far (albeit recon). But Iā€™ll definitely try the RM at some point.
Maybe stack them both. Idk how Chosen fits into this although I truly loved this sub.

Stark Iā€™ll test for the next 21 day sprint to TRULY see how it is.


Also with all the Taurus placements, stark feels just right. Renaissance man for the Gemini.

Sounds right imo

Iā€™m also already building on my purpose which seems to be aligned. Still, great to reaffirm myself every now and then.

Now letā€™s see how stark feels over a month.

External results are firing like crazy I can tell.

How are you deciding which subliminal program goes with each planetary assignment?

Depending on the zodiac sign certain characteristics align with the sub and planetary constellations.

Taurus placements for example are usually connected with wealth.

You can also use Jungā€™s archetypes. I would be the Jester for example. Which aligns with Gemini and why renaissance man works.

But there is so much more to it. Certain planets mean other things. Sun is for example how you express yourself generally.

Venus is your creativity, love, and what youā€™re loved for. Mars is what drives you and gives you energy. Etc.

Thatā€™s an interesting idea. Thank you for elaborating.

Day 62, Stark and Sex Mastery

Stark is a fantastic sub! It gels nicely with me I can tell.

  • The funny thing is that thereā€™s also a lot of positivity in it. Or this IS because of the nice geling, idk. Either way, I just feel great, having fun, doing my thing, enjoying life, bantering with people.
    Maybe itā€™s just how Stark is :wink:

  • However, the superquick result I got from Sex Mastery a few hours later where I literally had the mindset of ā€œforgettingā€ of any inhibitations around sex I ever had. I was visualizing it and just ENJOYING myself. The focus was not on positions or lasting or whatever. Just enjoying the feminine body, the feelings, etc.
    Havenā€™t had sex yet because the wifey is on shark week, but I can tell that itā€™ll be great. This is also part of it, being SURE itā€™ll be fun. Sets up the mind well even before you drop yer pants!

  • Outside of that, tax season, right?
    I had been postponing that shit for the whole month. The recent loop of Stark made me get it done in a few hours lol

  • External results are fascinating. Everyone wants to talk to me. My wife is actually in blabber mode. She is constantly talking and looking for my attention. Itā€™s sometimes even a bit annoying tbh haha


Stark gave me another realization today.

Well, it might have also manifested the 9k USD bill out of nowhere.

I had to call the company and virtually ask and pledge to not charge that money because I literally cannot afford it.
And it made me realize how I am still dependant on other peopleā€™s goodwill because of the money situation. Chosen helped me to get out of there by being nice, but direct and forceful. Idk if the company will do it, yet, but it looks good.

However, I now fully understand the term FUCK YOU MONEY :wink:
When you can actually just say ā€œfuck it, whatever, I donā€™t want to waste my personal energy on this, here take the 9kā€
Well, I probably still wouldnā€™t just give that away, but the point is it is a completely different energy to come from a position of abundance, as opposed to having to do these things.

I never cared much about money but I understand now why it helps to live freely in this society. As much as I donā€™t like it to occupy myself with this shit, I understand why itā€™s necessary.
Certainly part of the wealth scripting in Stark, I am sure.


Okay so THIS video just popped up in my Inbox (I am subscribed to this GREAT MANā€™s newsletter): How to Heal Yourself as a Man | @Pat Stedman | Full 21C Speech - YouTube

(This might be the most important speech for all of us/you).

Which is clearly a manifestation that I need more healing of my shadow. Especially the father thing and productivity from the Inner Child was interesting and hit home hard.

Not switching the stack right now, but CFW will definitely will come back. Maybe I need to pull DR more into the present.

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Day 63, Processing

So Sex Mastery sent me into tough recon the last days, but it also gave me a realization.

We use the term recon a bit too easy.
This might be interesting for you guys @SaintSovereign @Invictus @Malkuth

The last 24 hours have been slight hell for me emotionally. And it must be Sex Mastery because Stark was easy on me last time. And, it makes sense, lots of sexual ā€œshitā€ happened in the past.

However, it made me realize I am not really reconciling anything there, am I?

Itā€™s not like I need to reconcile that from the past as a good thing. I am HEALING.
Working through it.
The sub brought up these issues, I FEEL the emotions, releasing them in the process, clearing emotional blockages. But this is - imo - just a healing process.

Recon feels different to me. On ZP I rarely have this anyway. Most of the times itā€™s just when I overload myself.

I think the ā€œreconā€ most people experience on the forum is either healing old shit, because ZP does this regardless of sub it feels, or overload.


Outside of that, today I feel that the healing is working, because there is A TON of energy being released. I am SUPERHORNY, which I noticed is really just energy circulating my body which has been blocked forā€¦ idk, probably decades.

I truly come to realize, that CFW and DR might just be the most powerful subs available right now. We all have shit to work through. Subtracting the bs instead of adding on top seems to be the play.

I now understand what Saint meant when everyone should start with Regeneration. (Although for beginners, itā€™sā€¦ tough)


Thats interesting. For me since I started ZP Ive been feeling recon in the form of anger coming out. I feel the anger, release it or express it as a way of clearing the blockages.

Early this morning I did CFW and Heartsong ZP and felt angry for a couple of hoursā€¦ anything triggered me.
Went out for a walk and thought about a lot of shit and let it go.


The support site has an article that may help people differentiate between reconciliation and overload.

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Thatā€™s exactly how I feel as well.
Like a part of ZP actually makes people see their shit clearer, so that they can actually get their shit together, before trying to achieve the subs goal.


Itā€™s quite amazing when this happens, I used to very blocked sexually in the past. When you feel the energy starting from your lower chakras and surging up through your energy system, itā€™s so overwhelming in the beginning until your body has gotten used to it.

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I would like to believe this. (currently neutral)

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I still feel like most of it is blocked in my lower chakras.

No idea how to get it out, but I guess Sex Mastery definitely was the right choice.

Interesting recon this morning:
My son woke us up early, so I was lying in bed for 2 hours, pondering.
At first, I had a lot of VERY negative thoughts about money. Everything going to shit, etc. Then I consciously realized that my mindset is very badly set up there.
Immediately I thought about dropping ME or even Stark, because I donā€™t want to manifest negative things.

RIGHT after that I realized that my mindset is run by fear.
Fear of losing it all.
I am ATTACHED to these things. Which hit me deeply because I talk a lot about detachment :wink:

Then, it all vanished. All of a sudden, my mindset became superpositive towards it all. ā€œI am gonna make it. I can do it.ā€
Or as Rumi said, ā€œItā€™s all rigged in your favor.ā€

And I believe that. Whatever happens is intentional to learn from it, and it will come out great. Now I am positively set up towards the whole situation and even visualized me having $500k, paying off all the debt etc out of nowhere. Felt great.

So, either I was only half awake, or I had conscious reconciliaton, which was worked through VERY quickly :wink:

I am still pondering about the stack, though. I need to reduce loops, for sure. But maybe Stark is ā€œtoo broadā€ in what I want to achieve. 6 months of Mogul, RICH, ME might be necessary to get me out of this rut.

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Both are good options. Iā€™d rotate each washout period.

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Day 64, Processing

So the business side of Stark is firing HARD!

Not just productivity, but the manifestations. Even on this very forum where great people like @Hoppa freely share there deep business knowledge which made me realize a bunch of mistakes with mine.
Currently in the process of reshaping it all according to what I am learning!

I also throw in half an hour every now and then of OpenTTD. A remake for the new computers of the old Transport Tycoon Game. One of my all-time favorites, because it virtually teaches you basic things on how to raise a business from scratch. Funny I come back to this all of a sudden, isnā€™t it? :wink:


100th post in this thread.

A man needs goals.

Here is one of mine: