Avengers68 Quantum Limitless journal

Ok my friends I understand now what @Sovereign means by taking action. I started 5 weeks ago to listen to this monster. I was feeling a little bit strange with QL as I started to develop some kind of no stress and I can do it later mentality. Some kind of procrastination without the guilt and shame feelings and the stress and anxiety. It was “I know I can do it later, no problem”. But time was passing and the deadline for the paper was closer. I was forcing myself to stress to push myself to do it now !!! But there were always interesting distractions attracting my attention. And I was really really focused on these distractions. OMG if I could put all this energy in writing my paper, I would finish it in a time record ! I discovered that if I want to write my paper, I can’t do it when I listen to QL at the same time with my headphones. If I do I will have the temptation to do something else. So I experimented and discovered that I can listen to 2 loops before starting to work seriously. Then stop listening and start writing. Like that, I can assure you, my productivity was boosted at an incredible level ! Before I was able to write 1 or 2 pages a day. With QL used properly, I reached 5 to 6 pages a day ! In short my paper was 12 pages. In 2 days finished when it would have been 6 to 12 days.
Once you know how to use it Whouah !


And I forgot to say : normally when I write, I have first to write on paper and then on computer so it is not very productive. But with QL I wrote strait to the computer… so I gain a lot of time !


Fascinating experiences… I’m making huge strides in my business ventures, but nothing really as evident yet learning/brain dev-wise from QL ST1. I’m looking forward to ST2!

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Yesterday, I had moments of euphoric feelings in my brain. I dont know how to describe that. Something like being in the moment with no thoughts and just feeling at peace in the environment. It was Christmas, so very noisy, I could have these feelings of peace by entering in an internal sanctuary based in my brain. Today also I had these moments. But it does not last long because I realized that I am in this moment and my thoughts come back… interesting moments close to a meditation without meditating !


I started today QL St 4 and combined it with Emperor 4 and commander : wouah ! I have never felt as confident, calm and focused ! I will continue like that for a month and see what is happening


that sounds like an amazing combo! I want to add QL to my stack of E4 but i think i should give it some time until i do, considering the power of E4. ive been on E4 15 days now, when do you think is a good time to add QL?

How was it go? I’m asking since after doing my healing stack I might jump to QL.

Hi @Avengers68, I have a question for you.

When you run Quantum Limitless, did you find yourself becoming more knowledgeable in academic fields different from your area of specialization? I mean something like if you are physicist, did QL help you understand a paper on biology or economics better?

Hi @King well Quantum is very good with stage 3 to put myself in the zone and work in this mindset. But I did not feel more intelligent or better in my field. In general I don’t like very much several stages subliminal

Now how are u going with QL?? @Avengers68

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I enjoy it, stage 3 is in my custom sub, a real beast !

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Great. :grin:. Glad to hear that just give a quick update when u get unusual ,amazing events or things​:grin:

Hey are you in stage 4 now?

Man! He built a custom with that :sunglasses:

Could you tell me the results you got from it if you don’t mind

For me, the most interesting stage is stage 3. It helped me to develop a strong focus/concentration. I use it also in a custom Q and Ultima.

How long could you focus on stage 3?

Well several hours ! I passed many exams with it with success !


Nice! What results did you get from the previous stages?