Aurum Ex Machina: Building A Wealth Machine

Full disclosure, we had just watched the new Matrix movie the night before… that very may well have played into some of the imagery too… as well as the notion of an unseen prison, of course.

It felt like a wearable prison. Something I was trapped within, that I’d not been able to see before.

A definite possibility, though I’m well aware of my imperfections vs the public people have of me… in this case, it was a shocking revelation to see the damage.

It didn’t feel like a positive change, FWIW. More so like an attack. Something that had enshrouded me to trap and damage me.

Haha… yes… I always need more sleep. Sadly my sleep still relies somewhat heavily on several sleep supplements, and hasn’t been “good” for many years… despite what my Oura ring says. Though I get 2-3h of deep sleep many nights, which is quite good. My issue is that I’ll often be woken up by unpleasant dreams… even if they’re not overly “scary”, they just feel fundamentally wrong or disturbing somehow.
Like if you returned home one day to discover your family had been recast (as if they were in a movie/tv show), yet you didn’t consciously remember who they were previously. Just a subtle gnawing sense that something isn’t right.

That’s been a common feature of my dreams for years; many of them take place in an alternate version of reality that… here’s the weird part… is always the same. I’ve had multiple lucid dreams and have explored this world extensively, and it scares me. There’s nothing weird or obviously unpleasant about it, it just feels “wrong” compared to the actual world. If that makes sense. Things are in the wrong place, or people are in the wrong roles.

I had no original intention of sharing this next bit, but I feel it’s important.

The strangest part, which is a whole other thing, is a child I met in a dream 15-20 years ago. In the dream it was my niece… Half-asian, and the cutest most lovable little girl I’d ever seen. I scooped her up in my arms and wouldn’t let go. When I woke up and realized it was just a dream, I was heartbroken because I missed her so much.

Well, many years later my sister is not with an Asian guy (nor has she ever been) but… I’m the one with a Chinese wife, and a half-Asian daughter that feels very familiar. And her name is very similar to the girl from the dream too, though my kiddo’s name was the result of much deliberation with my wife, and I’d forgotten all about the dream until very recently.

Did I meet my future daughter in a dream many years ago or just a coincidence? Who knows. Dreams are weird lol.

I need to go take a breath.


Yes, the domed shell covering a body is straight out of that movie.

Maybe Saint was right about it being an abomination.


That sounds really disturbing. I can only imagine what that must feel like.

And that sounds equally beautiful.


Another listen day today, had a nice result in terms of mindset.

I’ve got a new business deal that’s been in the works for quite a few months now that will see me joining a new company to head up R&D, product design, etc. Very exciting technology to be working with. They have been rather quiet lately though, so my wife had been growing concerned that the deal would fall through. I’ve had some of the same concerns, as some parts of it seem a bit loosey-goosey, but the technology I’d gain access to is revolutionary so I’d be willing to cut quite a bit of slack with the confidence that I could whip everything into shape within a reasonable amount of time.
The stack of AEM + Emperor has given me a nice internal frame to hold the faith that the deal will go through, and today I texted the CEO personally to just touch base again and we have our meeting next week.
Previously I’d have felt anxiety to mirror what my wife was feeling, so this was a nice change. And… if the deal ends up being a dud, there are lots of other companies to work with, lots of my own projects I could invest in, etc.
It’s a pretty nice feeling to be looking at projects that I want to do and be able to walk away if not, rather than looking at something just for a paycheck because I need money. Huge contrast compared to a few years ago.

In other news, after we watched Matrix 4 the other night, my wife decided to have some fun and teach our daughter something to say. So yesterday my daughter ran into my office and said “Daddy! Daddy… I know kung fu!” :rofl:

She also made her first pun, which amazed me.

She said “lā bǎ ba… lā bǎ ba…” which means to poopoo. Then she pointed at my wife and said “lā mā ma!! lā mā ma!! Mommy poopoo!!” and started giggling like crazy. This was funny because, for everyone that doesn’t speak Mandarin… bà ba means daddy…

15 months old, and already making understandable puns in addition to allegedly knowing kung fu. That’s my kiddo. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Another listen day, AEM in rotation this morning. 6.5h sleep, 2:21 of that was deep sleep, so I feel good.

Today has been productive in a knowledge sense; I’ve been helping a buddy with some ideas for an online business. AEM really kicked in this morning; I was able to come up with a bunch of niche ideas and dove right into doing some keyword research for them to see which ones might be viable. I’ve got a business call in an hour, so I’ve wound down the searching stuff for now, but in the meantime, I’m setting up access in some of the SEO & content tools I’ve got so he can start learning the tech.

I also brainstormed some other monetization methods for him, including some services that can be fulfilled with the software tools mentioned above. I have no interest in doing those services myself, but what I came up with could generate $50-$60/hr relatively quickly, so I tossed it out there as a possibility. Getting into a “flow state” with internet marketing tasks with AEM is crazy easy, though I suppose that’s the point of the custom after all. I’m really liking how it pairs with EmperorZP too.

I also jumped into some research on another topic that’s interested me for years, going back to my green building days. I’m still super interested in that whole sector… the product and tech side at least; I left that space because it got too political… which always seemed foolish to me. I’ve set that aside as a “passion project” to pursue in the future, as I’d really need a much larger shop to really get into it.

Ideas and thoughts are flowing like a river, but it’s also easy to grab and understand each piece… very cool.


“DO IT” - Palpatine

The last month has been NUTS, details are forthcoming…


Updates still pending… but in the meantime, I had to share a thought, probably Emperor-related.

Unless it violates the laws of physics, don’t tell me something’s impossible. Tell me it’s prohibitively expensive, or very difficult, or flat out illegal. But not impossible.

Presently waiting on an email response to a more specific version of the above. The reply will determine how much longer I continue to use that particular firm. :angry:


I don’t agree with a lot of things my dad says, and over the years, he’s been saying less and less empowering things.
But one thing he’s said as far back as I can remember and still does to this day: “The impossible just takes a little longer.”

He grew up being told “You can’t X”, “You can’t Y”, “That won’t work.” And he built a pretty strong “The fuck it won’t!” muscle lol


@BLACKICE did you ever get back on RICH?

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I haven’t actually! I was a bit all over the place with my goals, so decided to focus on ONE major goal - fitness. I’ve been running only Emperor Fitness ST2/3 since last summer, with the exception being a few days when I needed Sanguine…

There have been so many changes and updates to wealth-related sub tech since I started this journal that I should definitely consider creating a new version for my revised goals. I had a great plan worked out for an internet marketing side hustle, and then along comes a flood of AI tech that makes my whole VA team structure redundant… seriously, I have software now that does in 2 days what would have been several months of work for human writers. That’s kind of changed just about everything I was planning.

I think that does deserve an update of its own here once I actually shift focus back, thanks for reminding me that this other journal still exists! :nerd_face: