Aurum Ex Machina: Building A Wealth Machine

Listen day today. This morning I changed up my stack and decided to run RICH first, before AEM, to see if it makes any difference in how I feel. Just an experiment.

Yesterday I worked on my “boring” side hustle project a bit, and it was different than when I worked on it while listening to AEM. I was able to get the work done, but I could tell I wasn’t in a flow state. It felt like a slog again and took quite a bit of time to get to the waypoint that I’d set a goal for… writing an article, in this case.

Today I’ve added Lion’s Mane to my coffee again, along with my stack of RICH + AEM + QL1. But, I’ve decided to work on my tech project this morning instead, as I’ve been neglecting it for a while. I need a specific piece of information, as I’ve mentioned, and have not been able to locate it.
Yesterday while showering I had a thought of where I might be able to find it, and how I might also be able to determine it myself, if the source didn’t pan out.

The source did not have the information I needed, unfortunately, so today I’m designing an experiment with the prototype to be able to measure what I need to by testing on my own body. While I must be vague for privacy and data security reasons, I can say I’m looking for a specific property relating to a physiological response, as part of the development of this new biomedical technology.

Today feels different. 2 days ago on this stack, with the same supplements, I felt manic. Today I feel less focused, but like I’ve got clarity on my tasks. To be fair, I’m also dealing with a legal matter and have been interspersing my work this morning by emailing with my lawyer, so it’s not much of a surprise that I’m not as focused I suppose.

One sensation that I’ve noticed - While listening to AEM, when I shift my focus from one task to the next, even if it’s just switching back to this tab to type a little more in the journal, it feels (mentally) the same way as rotating a spinning gyroscope. I can feel the kinetic energy, symbolically, in my mind. There’s a resistance to switching tasks, but much more present is the sense of an immense power being brought to bear. Not that it’s resisting, maybe a better example is like gently steering a heavy car that hasn’t got power steering.

I think that makes sense, the way I’ve described it. In any case, it’s an interesting feeling.


Happy Monday, another Lion’s Mane + coffee-powered listen day! (buzzing already!)

Edit: One other thing to mention. I changed the order of my stack so now I’ve got RICH before AEM, followed by QL1. Not sure if that affected the results or not, but I’m noting it all the same.

I ran a modified schedule last week, and had an interesting result to report. AEM is largely geared toward one specific project, relating to internet marketing, but I’m also stacking it with QL ST1 (moving to ST2 soon) for general cognitive boosting effects. The IM project has good profit potential, but it is, honestly, a bit boring. I’m not really creating anything new nor am I adding any real benefit to society with it… just another voice in the crowd, trying to sell stuff. But, it’s not causing any harm of course and it’s $$… so… I’m doing it.

I decided I’d been spending too much time on that project however, and switched to my innovative tech project for a few days. Holy cr@p. I’ve made more progress on that in a matter of days than I had in the previous months!
I was waiting for a specific piece of info, and at one point (which I journaled about before) I wondered why I hadn’t tried to figure out the info myself. I was able to get exactly the info I needed, plus I discovered several more key pieces that are critical yet I had glossed over previously.

On Saturday, I decided I would listen while relaxing and not working on anything at the same time… and to borrow from Frost… That has made all the difference.

I was out for a walk with my daughter on Saturday afternoon and observed that I had a different feeling about my project. There was a boundless confidence present that I hadn’t felt in a while. Optimism mixed with joy, and a deep belief that I can do this. I presently only have a couple of rough prototypes scattered about my desk, yet I have a feeling of “YES! IT’S WORKING!”… and it’s strong enough that I spent almost all of my free time over the weekend studying more about this project.

To that end, I’ve created a spec requirements document to outline each part of the prototype that needs to be designed, with the intention of outsourcing much of it to an electrical engineer (as I’m more about the concept than an electronics engineer, by any stretch of the imagination) yet as I was doing that, more of the pieces fell into place and… correct or not, I now believe I can do this myself… at least enough for the first functional device to start testing. Of course, I’m still hindered by the lack of available microprocessors… but yet again my brain poked me and suggested I try something different… and, around 10 last night… I found a supplier that has several thousand Cortex chips still in stock, bundled with a dev kit… somehow overlooked by eager manufacturers scooping up all of the MCUs they can find.



Onward and upward! Increase!

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Late-morning update. I got just over halfway through AEM after a loop of RICH, and then had a call with an old contact about a new project. I’ve got various non-compete agreements for my other ventures of course, but it looks like a totally new avenue has opened up for some high-level consulting that I hadn’t considered before. Nothing too crazy, but likely a couple of thousand $ extra per month, on the side if it goes ahead. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.

RICH + Inner Circle perhaps?


Wednesday, listen day… and a bit of a rough one so far. I woke up sometime around 4:30 with a migraine… bright lights in my eyes, nausea, throbbing pain across my head… the whole 9 yards.

Painkillers took the edge off so I could get a little more sleep, then my wife made me a coffee when she got up around 7 and brought me some ice packs as well. That got it better enough that I was able to get up around 9:30 and be somewhat functional… plus I got my loops of both RICH and AEM in while I wasn’t doing anything else.

Not a whole lot to report today otherwise though. I’ve still got increased confidence about my project as I understand more and more of the technical aspects; I’m diving into ARM processor datasheets and discovering all sorts of nifty things I can make my prototype do.

I’ve got 2 things that are bothering me… one is an upcoming certification exam that I am not at all confident about passing, and the other is related to a financial matter that I know I need to do but I feel a considerable amount of anxiety over, despite knowing that if I miss a deadline, then the opportunity is gone. I’m really looking forward to Lion IV and Furious Ascent kicking in, as I understand that most, if not all, of my limitations are the result of fear in some form or another.


Listen day. More Lion’s Mane in my coffee, along with my RICH + AEM + QL1 stack.

I’ve been focusing almost exclusively on my tech project rather than my marketing side hustle in my available time, and I’m making steady progress. Tech limitations are coming up and my brain is saying “how about this solution?” I can only imagine this would be more effective with my next planned stack, the “still-untitled tech genius custom” - which is effectively Stark without any of the social or fame scripting.

But that’s not there yet.

At the moment I’m still processing some ideas about my own limitations, and have identified another long-term pattern. Every so often, I start feeling a lot of anxiety and frustration and I realize that I’ve let several things pile up and get stuck. Deadlines that all seem to be around the same time, or important events that somehow all fall on the same week (or even day) and it quickly becomes overwhelming. I catch myself thinking “once X is over” or “after I finish X” then things will be great.

But… after mountains, more mountains… of course.

This past January I had too many things on my plate and I dropped some of them, to the detriment of all involved. I keep saying never again, but it keeps happening. This week/early next week is another one of those… Between my sub stack, my supplement stack, and the rest of the calming influences in my life I don’t consciously feel stressed out at the moment, but I recognize the signs that I’m approaching a bit of burnout. I’m tired often, and I’d rather watch YT videos or read a fiction book (or the forum) when I have blocks of time to work on my side projects… like I’m doing right now… oops.

The drive to work is there, but it’s smashing up against feelings that I ought to be working on something more important and urgent - in this case, my technology project rather than my marketing project. I still have so much to learn though, whereas the other project is just cranking out the work until I have enough to validate the concept well enough to outsource the rest.
I try to tell myself that the marketing side project benefits me whereas the tech one has the potential to benefit thousands of people, maybe more, too. But I still think I’m just avoiding the work on the other project as I can do both, I just need to get one rolling first.

Might be recon, though I can’t discount the several “big” things weighing on my mind at the moment, nearly all of which will be finished or otherwise passed, by the end of next week.


Not sure if this is helpful. What about just looking at the one next step you can take on both? Do one step each day. No more than that until you’ve done one step on each.

Then you can do more that day if so inclined, but only if you feel like it.

It becomes less about progress and more about:

  1. Inertia
  2. Habit
  3. Momentum

The next step is always the same… write an article. The thinking is done, in terms of the planning at least, and I have tools that tell me what the headings, keywords, etc ought to be.

The stupid thing is, I only need to do it a few times to validate my concept and then I can hire writers to do the rest. A couple of hours a day for a couple of weeks would be sufficient to test… yet aside from a really productive spike a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been avoiding the work.

Or… maybe I’d really just rather work on what I consider to be something truly meaningful.

Or… maybe it’s just recon. :exploding_head:


That’s always been my issue. My job at Apple was like that. Aside from keeping bills paid, I didn’t find it particularly meaningful explaining people’s “unrecognized” iTunes charges to them. It showing them how to do an iCloud backup.

This new thing with Uber Eats kinda feels the same. But at least I’m mobile and I decided whether to work or not in any given moment.

I manage with this, though, by connecting it to the idea of being able to run subs or listen to audiobooks whilst driving. So today at least gives it a sense of usefulness to me.

What sense of “purpose” can you “connect” the article writing to? What does the article writing and testing of concept do for you?

It’s purely for building another income stream. I’m just adding another voice to the existing din of the internet, hoping to squeeze out some affiliate commissions by people finding my article (and clicking) rather than doing the same on someone else’s.

I can’t find any logic to why I don’t want to do the work, I think I’m just avoiding it because I feel it’s drudgery compared to the other stuff I’ve got available to work on. lol.


Clarity in that might be useful in your case. Regen or Dragon Reborn if you have one or both.

Even faster may be Faster EFT while holding that thought pattern in your awareness. That stuff works amazingly quick.

Also useful, but more expensive: A good hypnotist might be able to help you get at the core of that pattern and replace it with a better one.


EOG at work.

A project worth thousands & potentially temporary,
vs another worth millions, that builds lasting wealth.

In the grand scheme, the former is a waste of time.

:man_shrugging:t2: :+1:t2:

PS: Numbers were assumed in the making of this post.

PPS: Meaning & Sustainability are indeed more important to EOG, even if the numbers were similar.


I have Regen in Halcyon, and I think I’ve bought the store title too… I’ve not bought DR yet though. I’m sure I need it, but it also sounds very daunting. lol.

Yep, definitely a possibility.

Both have the potential to produce substantial wealth, though only 1 would really make a difference in people’s lives. The plan was for the marketing one to fund the development on the other one, but TBH I have enough cash on hand that I’ve been able to dive right in, actually…

Best case scenario, the marketing one can do $$$,$$$ per year. Best case scenario for the tech one is $$$,$$$,$$$. Both hard work, and the tech one would be a huge uphill battle, fraught with regulatory peril… but so worth it.


Monday, listen day. Tomorrow demands optimal focus so I’ll save the Lion’s Mane until then… just coffee and my sub stack today.

After my post on Friday, I had what can best be described as an in your face manifestation.

There are 2 main software tools I’m using for the marketing project right now, and they work well together. Friday afternoon I got an email from one of the companies offering, for 1 day only, free access to a 2.5h training course on… how to use their tool with (coincidentally) the other tool I use, to… do exactly what I’m working on and how to speed up the process and avoid the drudgery of the actual writing.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :exploding_head:


I signed up for the training and have access now, but haven’t taken the time to go through it yet.

Otherwise not much else to report; my wife and I watched No Time To Die over the weekend. Wow… Still reeling in my jaw from that one.

Edit: I’ve also just learned that 2 of my friends had a healthy, happy, baby girl early this morning. :relaxed:


Happy Wednesday, or whatever day it is wherever you are in the world!

Yesterday was a bust. I had an exam scheduled, but it ended up getting cancelled a couple of hours before it was supposed to happen. I was actually relieved, as I’d been apprehensive about it and did not sleep well… in fact my Oura ring informed me that I’d been waking up on and off since about 2am. Ugh. So I’ve got a little more time to prepare for it… but it also means I get to be nervous yet again. lol.

Another listen day today, with more Lion’s Mane in my coffee.

I feel as though I’ve made huge progress in my tech project, though it tends to come in fits and starts… going from “gah this is impossible…” to “oh, that was easy!” several times in a row. I decided to simplify one part of the hardware design for the prototype that had been causing me some delays (the power system… I had been working on a built-in battery charging system and was having issues with the battery protection circuitry) and then I remembered something I heard in a YT video recently about buying a tool vs buying a project. If you need something to just work, buy something that already works… don’t try to reinvent the wheel just for the sake of reinventing the wheel.

So I scrapped the whole power system (for now) in favor of a holder for rechargeable AAs. Much less convenient for a user, but as I had to remind myself… this is a prototype. Just a proof of concept. So what if I need to swap out batteries each day? I’ve got tons of Eneloops and a charger… easy enough to recharge some AAs. Much simpler, and the project moves on rather than being stuck with me looking at datasheets for charge controller ICs for days, only to find that the perfect chip I’ve finally found is back-ordered for the next year…

I’ve got another call coming up soon with the consulting contact I mentioned last week, he seems pretty keen to do some work together. More on the marketing side than any tech stuff, which I’m looking forward to.
He’s also got some contacts for helping arrange some government R&D grants/funding, so I’ll be asking about that as well. I’ve already got some leads on another grant up to $1M, but I really need working tech, at least a functional prototype, before I can seriously be considered for that one.

I’m really curious how much this will accelerate once I add my tech genius custom to the mix, as the custom I’ve got right now was actually meant to enhance my marketing project. haha.


Another listen day today, also with Lion’s Mane.

I had an interesting dream last night - some people I knew (in the dream, nor IRL) had a functional version of the device I’ve been designing and I really wanted to borrow it to run some tests to verify a few of the functions. They wouldn’t give it to me, and it felt a bit like a childhood game of keepaway.
Unfortunately I woke up before I managed to get the device, so no revelations in dream form… either about the tech itself or about myself. Or maybe the message was that I need to figure this stuff out on my own, as I’ve been doing up until this point.

I had a follow-up call today with the contact who wants me to do some consulting, sounds like it may be a bit more than I had expected originally (or maybe less… still very much up in the air) but he has asked for a quote, and wants to move ahead in some capacity. So that’s cool.

Other than that, today has been relatively quiet. I got a random payment for $34.99 for some online art sales last month and thought “Hmm, that’s exactly the cost of a sub…” then realized I’ve hit the post count to be Arch-Alchemist now, so subs haven’t been $34.99 for me for a while now. heh.

I think that’s about it for now. Just cranking away on my tech project, still high levels of confidence about its viability.


Monday, Monday… another sub + coffee + Lion’s Mane-powered listen day.

I didn’t take time to listen to QL on Friday, as I was inspired to listen to a podcast interview related to my tech side project instead. I learned a ton of useful stuff, and will go back through and take notes I think. I usually listen to podcasts and audiobooks at 1.5x or even 2x speed, but this one I will re-listen to at normal speed just to get all of the info… it was like a firehose of gold. Wait, that does NOT sound right… :sweat_smile: :rofl: It was highly relevant info. haha.

I’m really feeling Machine:Action today, as I had to write an email to a contact who is a prospective consulting client. Long email, summarizing an hour-long call we had on Friday. Normally I waffle over the details of an email, and would usually have spent an hour or more on an email of that length… today, with AEM on, I hammered it out in about 20 minutes. Gave it a quick read for errors (caught one that Grammarly didn’t) and then sent it off.

Then the grocery delivery arrived. As I was putting them away in the kitchen, I thought about yet another side hustle… this one can be completely outsourced from day 1 and would not take much of my time away from my main project(s). I have all of the resources needed to start, just need to hire a VA to do the work. I suppose I could also partner with someone who wants to work on an e-commerce business in exchange for a share of the profits too, but I think I’d prefer a VA as that’s much simpler. In any case, I’m tempted, very tempted. I’d originally had this idea months ago, but didn’t do anything about it. If I had, then it would have benefitted greatly from BFCM, but oh well. I’ve had more important things to work on. I still do.


Monday, listen day. I’ve dropped RICH from today’s playlist as a sub-specific washout for swapping in RICH ZP on Wednesday. No Lion’s Mane today, as today is pretty quiet with nothing uber-important to work on out of the ordinary.

I’ve had some dreams that are interesting, and worth touching on briefly.

In one of the dreams I was searching for something. Clues to solve a mystery, pieces of a puzzle, something along those lines. But interspersed throughout the dream I was going to appointments with a counselor or shrink, to deal with some anger and grief over a specific issue. Now, I don’t think I’ve quite got that in waking life, but in the dream, it hit me hard.

Something else came up today, as a result of something I posted elsewhere.

I feel angry about this.

Not at myself, I could have handled the whole thing better but it still needed to happen, but at the whole situation. I live in a city where the living wage is ~$75k+ and most professionals are at $100k+. Most houses in this city are $700k+, and the only thing under half a million are tiny condos.

All that to say, you need to earn a decent amount of money to actually be able to afford to live here.

When I really started driving toward success, I got a LOT of pushback. Accusations of selling out, of “turning to the dark side”, of becoming “one of them”. What follows is a story that I may have posted before, so apologies in advance for anyone who has read this before.

The worst of it was dinner one night before a board meeting of a NGO. One of the people present, one of my best friends at the time actually, was complaining about something at his day job. He works as a mechanical engineer and had worked on an HVAC system in a house in the very wealthy part of an already wealthy city. Old money… mansions in the tens of millions value, Maseratis in the driveway, etc. His complaint was that they had huge TVs in every room and multiple luxury cars in a garage as big as his apartment.
So obviously, they were unethical and probably corrupt… :roll_eyes:
What was the conclusion from my friend?

“They deserve to be robbed.”

Also at the table were 2 other people, one of them a teacher and the other a local politician/councilman. To my shock, they both agreed very enthusiastically. I sat there with my mouth hanging open as these seemingly respectable and well-educated people got angrier and angrier at wealthy people, simply for being successful.

I have no idea how that particular family became wealthy, but the likelihood that they achieved it through hard work is greater than the idea that they are criminals of some sort. I started noticing this same attitude from other people I knew, and before long it was intolerable.

I responded by resigning from both of the NGO boards I was on - president of one, just a director for another - and withdrew from the social circle. I stopped calling people back, I stopped engaging with them on social media - and then stopped using social media completely.

I haven’t seen most of them since early 2016, and while it’s true that I don’t think I miss them, I realize I still have some anger over the whole thing. I want to have enough to provide for my family and be able to make a difference in the world. If that means I need to become a millionaire to afford it, then that’s what I want. I was told I was wrong for wanting anything more than scraping by, as otherwise, I am “greedy”.

I disagreed enough that I left, it’s done. So why am I angry about this still?

I’m not seeing the answer yet. This shouldn’t be bothering me. But it is.


The West is collapsing, and it’s only a matter of time that hunting of the wealthy begins.

You know they are coming for you. It’s going to happen in your lifetime.

A lot of smart people have already started moving out.

You aren’t prepared for this.


EOG makes you subconsciously aware of trends, going 30-50 years into the future.

This is getting combined with your strong Fear/Survival Instinct.

There are dark clouds on the horizon.



It’s not just in the west… I’m not sure where is left to move to.