Aurum Ex Machina: Building A Wealth Machine

I received a reply to my question about running a modified listening pattern:

Thanks for reaching out to us. I reviewed your listening pattern and it looks like you got everything right! Is there anything else I can help you with today? If no, please feel free to contact us again if you have any other questions. Always happy to help! :blush:

Thank you,

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I wonder if Story Teller would benefit you.

Stories sell. Like crazy. By telling a great story about your product/ whatever, you will be able to engage lots of people and convert them to loyal advocates of your product.

I should know, I regularly write emails that contain some story that brings in sales of 20k+ in a day.

Helps with getting funding too, when you tell a great story.


I would add Deep Sleep.

How about Machine: Rest and Machine: Action?

Maybe Fusion Optimized?


I have Deep Sleep in my first custom, and I believe I’ve hacked my sleep rather effectively through various means - I track with an Oura ring, and most nights I’m asleep within 2-3 minutes now, with deep sleep being at least 2 hours, or about 30-35% of my total sleep time.

Machine: Action is one I’m curious about, especially how it compares to Executive.

Fusion Optimized looks fascinating. Wouldn’t that be better suited to a health custom rather than a wealth/business-focused one?

Yes… I’m a big fan of story-based selling; I’ve got 2 of Donald Miller’s books and have bought multiple courses from Andre Chaperon (who, IIRC, was apparently one of Russell Brunson’s mentors, and is who taught him the soap opera sequence) who in turn was mentored by Jay Abraham.

$20k+ from an email is amazing!

Pitching to investors to get seed funding is something I’ve done successfully twice, but I’m ready to level up for the next project.

Anyone have any suggestions for what could be shelved in favor of Story Teller?


TBH I don’t know. I thought I would put it in the list for you to look at. It’s really up to you. I won’t insist either way. After all, you really think things through. Kind of like me. :nerd_face:

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Andre is great. I still am on his email list. Might have been for 10 years now. I’ve also read the books from Miller.

I should have written “I regularly wrote” as I have delegated that too. Now I mainly read through the email draft, simplify the sentences and sprinkle in some low key humour.

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Another couple of unexpected (albeit small) windfalls have basically covered the whole cost of this custom, and then some… but I’ve just noticed I haven’t updated my forum rank in forever, so I’ve submitted a ticket for that. Might as well get the correct discount when ordering a custom, right? :sunglasses:

Here’s the final final final list, modules are already in my cart:


  1. AM
  2. EoG4
  3. Inner Circle
  4. RICH


  1. Lion IV
  2. Carpe Diem Ascended
  3. The Lines
  4. The Single Point
  5. The Streams
  6. True Sell
  7. The Way of ROI
  8. Sacred Words
  9. Instant Business Tactician
  10. Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
  11. Yggdrasil
  12. Mosaic
  13. Natural Winner
  14. Story Teller
  15. Ultimate Writer
  16. Secrets of Akasha - Wealth

Part 2 will be built around HoM, with a bigger focus on manifestation as well as deal-making and “bigger picture” financial topics. This one is purely boots-on-the-ground launch stuff.

Exciting stuff!


Thank you for doing so!

I have no comments about your list of modules.

As for your Part 2, if you want to post, please do. I’d encourage you to be very selective about what you put into part 2 as by the time you order it, you might decide you want to put others in there, either because your goals have changed a bit because of progress you’ve made, or because a new module pack was released.

Now to be clear, I’m not saying a new module pack will be released in the next 30 days. I’m just saying at some point in the future there likely will be and you might want to have empty slots in anticipation.

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A new module pack will definitely be released in the next 30 days, gotcha.

lol jk. :rofl:

I understand, and yes I will post the part 2 plans as they’re ready… I intend to run AEM1 for several months at a minimum, and I plan to create some supporting stacks/another custom to supplement it before I even consider AEM2.

The supporting stack hasn’t got a name yet, but it will be focused on boosting intelligence and enhancing technical skills. That will come later though.

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I know I probably shouldn’t laugh as it might set a bad example…

Oh fuck it!


Okay now seriously, is there anything else? Did this answer your questions regarding input?

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Everything except… did I make the right choice with Ascended Mogul over Emperor?? lol.

I’m waiting for my status to be updated (high alchemist, woot!) before I order, but while I’m waiting, I compared the module list between AM and Emperor and there’s a few interesting things that might be tempting. I still feel that I need more healing before I can responsibly handle Emperor though… but that might just be self doubts.

If I were suddenly granted godlike powers, there’s most definitely a handful of people who would get dusted Thanos-style almost immediately… that doesn’t scream “alpha mindset” to me, it says “petty beta…” and for some reason I keep thinking Emperor would be too much, yet… AM wouldn’t be?

Pass the (sugar-free) syrup… I’m waffling. :rofl:


What would be the deciding factor(s) for you for AM versus Emperor?

Now I’m going to add something, how about Stark?

I looked at the module list, and the ones that stand out for Emperor are the Emperor Core script, Emperor’s Reality, Tyrants, and whatever the Evolution module are. Everything else is either in AM or isn’t something I care about at the moment. Excluding QL Lite, but I have QL already and that will be used elsewhere.

I just want the business drive and focus, with some supporting alpha scripting.

Stark has been my go-to for a long time… however it’s brought too much attention in areas I didn’t want it, with some undesirable consequences. I should have bought PCC to go with it. The supporting custom I would be building would have the intelligence/creativity/tech aspects of Stark with NONE of the social scripting, and even less of the fame stuff… might even include Umbra to help out with that bit. haha.

Imagine the business intelligence & entrepreneurial drive of Elon Musk but instead with the “hidden string pulling” presence and mastermind calculations of Moriarty.

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How about the Mastermind module?

Robert Downey Junior style :grinning:

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AEM1 has been ordered!

I had a couple of delays and setbacks, but all that is sorted out and it’s in the queue (yes, every single pun intended.)

Final module list:


  • Ascended Mogul Q Core
  • Ecstasy of Gold ST4 Q Core
  • Inner Circle Q Core
  • R.I.C.H. Ultima Core


  • Lion IV
  • Carpe Diem Ascended
  • The Lines
  • The Streams
  • The Way of ROI
  • True Sell
  • Sacred Words
  • Instant Business Tactician
  • Yggdrasil
  • Mosaic
  • Natural Winner
  • Ultimate Writer
  • Story Teller
  • Overdrive
  • Furious Ascent
  • Machine: Action

Damn, G!

I’m seeing bags of gold and cash on your life path very soon.


Bags of gold… from the machine!


Because the name of the custom is Aurum Ex Machina… “Gold From The Machine…”… yeah. :nerd_face:


There’s a couple of modules that weren’t in the original plan, I’ll comment on my reasoning for those separately. Time will tell if they were wise choices!

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