Ascension ZP, Heartsong ZP

What is your listening schedule?

How many loops of each program are you listening to each week?

Are you listening to the full 15 minutes of each track, or are you listening to 7 minutes or less of each track?

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Classic ZP like in ZP instruction. 1 day: Regeneration ZP , Ultimate Artist ZP , 2 day: OFF and so on but thinking about once per week give extra day off. 1-OFF -1- OFF -1- OFF - OFF. I listening full 15 minutes tracks. Recon is manageable so far.

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How about trying more days off, and noticing what happens?

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There’s no need to. Recon is manageable.

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Regeneration is subtle and kind of sweet. I was expecting ground shaking recons but none of thath happened yet. For sure there is recon here and there but it’s not so bad. I am more myself some traumas and traumatic way of thinking are less in my experience but it’s still too soon to make judgments, because one cycle it’s nothing vs old stubborn traumas and thinking patterns. So I will continue. I made less of priority for ultimate artist going just one 7 mins loop per week a moan focus is regeneration and limit destroyer. I am more aware of social functions in this world and huge differences in social standing between people. It kind of make me sick sometimes. When I am in bigger city and observe this modern age it make me sick. I see people low middle class living on rents a barely paying theyr living but working like a dogs in fabric, people in suits huge cars expensive cars, homeless people, teenagers who want to stand out in crowd, girls expressing theyr sexuality thought provocative outfits… I know it’s been that way for long … But it somehow makes me sick. Like I want to just sit in my room and do my music . Like I wanna hide from world sometimes. Do what I have to do and that’s it and don’t need nothing more… Another thing I observed about myself that I am going into extremes with almost everything I want or need to do. For example my music carrier I going all in everyday sitting at PC to late night’s, getting fat neglecting girlfriend and so on. Another example when I used to workout and be in great shape I would workout hard before night shifts. I would come to job totally devastated from heavy workout and that was all that matters. Hell i even wanted to break up with GF so I will have more time and money for my music. But some days ago I was getting frustrated in that living hermit style… I became a bit more grateful that I can go with my gf somewhere at weekends and don’t spend at least two days in job and at home at PC with guitar in my hand. I see that I am looking in more balanced life. Ofcourse doing what’s important for music career is number one priority but balance it out with more rest and doing some other things to make myself more happy. More balance and not so much extremes. I am not so happy lately and pushing priority to be happy aside for long term goals. In one point of wiew it’s great and my discipline is awesome but in other point of wiew it’s it really that great?

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Added EOG st 1 and planning to listen for 3 months at least to just stage 1. I can’t waste time anymore and I need boost in independence wealth sphere. I still have zero income from my YouTube channel. I need more watchtime and subscriber’s for YouTube partnership program. When I achieve that I will need to take care of legal side of trading in our country and start sell my tracks on Bandcamp. I have more ideas on music videos also and music app for drummers. But first I want to make it to YouTube partnership program. Criteria is to have 1000 subs and 4000 watchtime hours in one year. It’s going good but not so fast as I thought. When YouTube starts to recommend my vids and I hit good wiews for small channel per day 700+ after couple days it drop so much to like 250 per day. It’s like negative manifestation about this whole thing like plateau so I hope eog will take care of. I am constantly improving quality of my music and sound. Also bought some courses to get better at music theory so I am doing all I can to make this .


It’s been 8 days to eog stage 1 and it’s pretty awesome. I don’t know if it’s trailer effect or limitations about all things realeated to money or goin away so fast I don’t know. Thoughts coming from all sides about money making ideas even crazy ones. Not all of them are good, and I need to manage my time and actions wisely but it’s like support that saying no problem financial freedom will come, like it’s decided totally in my mind that I am going to become rich and out of the corporate world. Pretty sick results. Also productivity is very high each day and it’s growing so much. But I am also listening to ultimate artist so that helping with productivity and creativity too but still waiting for ultimate artist refresh. Negative side it’s that i am kind of anxious and stressed out to work and produce more and more. It’s not in ease it’s like rushing to it hard. Also I have teeth grinding I think as a stress response, I need sometimes focus on my jaw to not do it. I found out 7 mins of listening it’s enought for me . Unfortunately I had to drop regeneration because of heavy hits and healing from eog, but I think even EOG alone would get me where I want to be. Anyway I think 2 subs are more than enough for me right now and with 7 mins listening it will be manageable ride. There is still a lot to learn and a lot to make but I will not let go EOG for at least 8 months. First stage for at least 3 months and then next stages I will decide later.


Eog is unblocking my thinking in big way. I can think of being rich being millionaire now. Back in the day that would not be possible some excuses and counter thoughts would appear why I cannot be. It’s like when you work in 9-5 and you ask some of your regular slave mindset coworker when you will be rich or do you have plan for getting Rich they starts arguing that only theyr bosses could be rich we as workorkes don’t have nothing and it’s bad age people don’t have money and things like that. They are blocked in area of money . Blocked to even think about some plan to make just side income. But we know that first step is to atleast start think differently and can clearly visualize that reality and then take actions to support your new beliefs and make that them into reality. I realized, that my whole life I was the “muscle of group” . I mean I could think to make something like learn to play guitar flawlessly, do in hard labour job in other country to make better money or my old fitness dreams to be fit and teach people how to be. I neglected way of using brain with it to make it all happen, like think about strategies , marketing and promoting. I realized that you can have best possible product but without proper marketing and promoting and thinking you won’t get far in money making. So I started to train my brain. I am learning skills of copywriting in course and studying all about marketing and promoting. I made two insta pages in purpose to catch most attention I can and then monetize that attention. They are not related to music. I realized even tho music is my purpose and my love I cannot rely only on that. I need to be more flexible and start simple things that grap attention the most . For that purpose I have made two insta pages not related to music . Basically open at least 3 paths of income until I hit stage 3 and 4 to be really manifesting. Another thing is I can admit to myself and to people I know that yes I want money. And yes I want to make money of people. It’s no more in my head bullshits like I want just help them.
It’s basics but for me these realizations were huge.

So I am saying to everyone who will read this:If you have been working your whole life in regular 9-5 job, been raised in regular income household, then EOG stage 1 is crucial and mandatory for new mindset to break free and starting your own thing.


I am doing 7:30 - 3:30 (15:30) job, but yeah I agree with you.

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Yes dude I just says it that way so everyone can understand

Currently on washout from eog and ultimate artist. I am experiencing deep anger and deep sorrow. I am pissed of at my life. I am pissed of about how weak I was, how unproductive how beta, what bullshits I believed how much I tolerated in my relationship and so on. I don’t know how this things can corelate with eog financial type of healing but somehow it is. I am pushing myself everyday with reaching the goals and workouts. I made my body to look 30% better in just 3 weeks, but I feel like I balancing on the edge of burnout. I gotta slow down, but it’s not so easy. I wasted my almost whole life, I can’t be just laying around. I will wash for at least 5 days, and then we will continue EOG 1 with limit destroyer for boosting results and once a week ultimate artist. That’s the plan

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What is your listening schedule for the next 9 days?

Eog stage 1 - 7to8mins, limit destroyer - 7to8 mins
Ultimate Artist 10 mins
And it repeats

my youtube channel going worse and worse day by day … Less wiews less subscribers … I starting to doubt myself big time with this music thing… I cannot think clearly about it . It sucks. I am impatient, I am not progressing as I thought I would be. As I progressing with Eog 1 I now believe, that I will have money, but the fact they are not there yet is struggle. So I lusting for results, doing not so efficient actions and probably making things worse with my needy energy. This is probably recon talk. I need to detach from outcomes somehow to be in better place mentally, and also in progress.

Currently on washout. Will not listen for 2 or 3 weeks. I need longer wash. God I am so confused. I am questioning everything I do. I don’t know if I am capable to make money with music. I have very little time to learn other skill like copywriting or e commerce to make good money to live free a play music just for fun of it and not for pushing for income from music. People praising my music tracks they are good but I don’t believe in myself anymore. I’m grinding 9 to 5 hopelessly, working out to keep me at least a little in mood. It’s like my intuition is totally silenced by all thoughts. I don’t know shit. I don’t see the light. I am not satisfied , with anything. Negative empty shell of me. However I don’t blame subs. I blame me and my capabilities. I am not listening for 6 days now. Hope stage 2 will help me to clear my confusion.

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Yes sir. Shifting our foundation is not always easy but always worth it. It seems to be the price we pay for getting to where we want. Some say all of that stuff you’re now conscious of was always there and this is good that you can now see it. It’s temporary.

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@ABC333 Yes for too long in my life I neglected my needs, I was hoping that somehow being in average job, have average relationship , live average to low style will satisfy me. But not anymore. This could be bloom from limit destroyer. I know what I want my subconscious knows what I want, but there are still certain parts of me that trying to hold on to my old self, my old well known life. It’s like snake shedding skin painfully. People say to me be grateful for what you have- to some degree I am but how can I be grateful when I want to be better? How to be grateful when I see how hard things sucks ? Anyway thanks for your comment, it brought some clarity and encouragement to me.

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