Ascension with Primal

Sup y’all! Wanted to go ahead and start a journal for Ascension and Primal but first a lil backstory.

So some of you may have seen my posts regarding Emperor and well I have decided for the time being drop Emperor. I will say I do love Emperor and it was doing a lot of good for me, I truly felt that I would benefit more from smaller titles such Ascension. Also on my previous Emperor post I believe @Billions (sorry if I tagged the wrong user lol) suggested Primal for internal healing in regards to self and sex so I decided to run Primal as well and plus I have read a lot of amazing results for that combo! I also decided to run Ascension because it had a lot of inner scripting as well and trying to acknowledge my self worth and potential is a big thing for me right now, and plus your outer world will never change if your inner world never changes.

Now for what I have noticed:

  1. I am a lot more relaxed around women sometimes I will start convos sometimes they have started them, and if nothing happens it’s like I no longer care. Not that I want nothing to do with them, I just don’t need the validation or attention.

  2. Sex drive I am not sure lol like it’s there but I seem to have a lot more control over it than ever. I also wanna state I practice NoFap and learning sexual transmutation.

  3. Kinda just hit “Fuck it” in a good way. I had to make up a test today as well as a scheduled test today and I studied for both in an hour before and passed both with good grades! Stressful situations that would stress me out either don’t or not as bad, and take more proactive action.

  4. I am starting to feel a lot more charismatic and people seem to like my vibe more and seem a lot more comfortable around me.

  5. Information is sticking a lot better, I am retaining a lot more in class.

  6. My emotions have improved overall, I seem to have a lot more control over them as well.

  7. I had a realization that I have 6 months of school left and trying to allocate more time for studying but also deciding to go inward and figuring out how I can I grow as a person in the meantime.

These are what I have noticed so far I also understand that since I did Emperor for about six weeks before switching so maybe it’s starting to bloom more. Anyways the difference that I have noticed with this stack is that after listening to them I am not as groggy as I was when I listened to Emperor, and I a little bit more social too.

Well this is what I have noticed so far and I am really liking the results. I will listen to them again on Sunday after a two day washout and will update y’all next week! Unless something crazy worth sharing happens between now and then! As always all questions, comments, and insights are always welcome! Have a great weekend y’all!


Davisnwc has a great journal regarding Primal Ascension, if you haven’t seen it yet.


That journal was one of the factors that pushed me to do this stack lol


I think the more social thing is going from Primal.


Looking forward to seeing these results


That’s what I have been thinking too

Same here lol I will definitely keep this journal updated!

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Okay so I do plan on having an update this Saturday (4/9) however a lot has happened the past few days so its time for an update!

So an old co worker of mine who is also a friend of my family is reopening a Massage Clinic primarily for athletic massage. Now I am in school for massage therapy and I have only 6-7 months left until I can get licensed, however I am a Reiki Master and can legally perform reiki sessions in my state without a bodyworks license. I am also going to be her business partner as well as an owner so she can refer clients to me and me to her. Now the best thing about this is that:

  1. I will be able to control my hours while I am in school and when I graduate
  2. I can make the same amount of money working half the time than being a part time butcher.
  3. It teaches me how to run a massage clinic which is something I would want to do in the future. Especially since she has done this before. I also want to clarify that she was successful and her last business didnt fail lol, she just got really burnt out and sold the business to pursue other endeavors
  4. Helps me build clientele sooner rather than later as well as secures a job for myself.

I will also say that hearing that news made me realize a lot about myself. I will say that since a few weeks before Christmas I have been working on myself and while I have done a lot of growing (also thanks to SubClub) I havent changed all that much. A voice popped in my head shortly after that said “You gotta straighten the fuck up now.” Its right though, that said I am cutting back on my going out to the bars even more now, and really watching how much I drink when I go out, getting back into working out with more intensity, being more mindful of my diet, sleeping sooner etc. My main thing is that if I am goin to be a business owner to something that promotes health and wellness I want that to reflect that.

I will say that I would usually criticize myself harshly and beat myself up and change but now I am coming from a place of self love instead, also taking baby steps instead of huge ass strides, so that way I can learn more about myself along the way.

Now another thing that I have came to terms with is my past relationship. I wont go into crazy details but we were good for each other just not right for each other, also clarify that there wasnt a whole lot of fighting, and none of us cheated, so it wasnt a super toxic relationship. I also realized and owning up to the things that I have done wrong with the relationship. Not taking the full blame but I am owning up to the things that I have done wrong and using that acceptance as a starting point for my growth. I am also now starting to love and also respect my self, which will help me in future relationships. I let go of a lot of anger that night and now I just truly want the best for her. This is honestly something that I can thank the healing aspect of Primal for.

Other thing I have noticed:

  1. Standing straighter
  2. Starting to sleep better.
  3. More control over emotions and actions
  4. Retaining a lot more in class
  5. A lot more proactive
  6. Calmer in stressful situations, in fact just calmer in general but when needed I can get goin.
  7. Confidence is starting to build up more with women, definitely getting more looks.
  8. Also don’t need the attention from women like I used too.
  9. Definitely appreciating the beauty of women but not hyper sexual like I used to
  10. More control over my sexual urges and energy and able to channel that energy into other tasks/activities.
  11. Loving and respecting my self

Its only been a little over a week since I started this stack but I am really enjoying the results especially with the healing and being a lot more honest with my self. So thats my update for now, comments, questions, insight is always welcomed. Have a great week everyone!


Nothing out of the ordinary today just wanna say that yesterday (4/6), just tried listening to my stack differently.

  1. I decided to switch from listening in the morning to later on at in the evening/night, since I believe ZP’s make me more tired than energized.
  2. After seeing a few posts on various articles about listening to ZP’s for only 5-7mins I decided to give 7 mins a try.

I had mild recon in the form of irritability starting about 30mins after listening to the stack but about an hour after the irritability began to subside. I had a really good night sleep, but was kinda groggy this morning, however once I got a redbull in me and woke up I felt great! Very social, making people laugh as well as other people in different programs laugh. More looks from women as well, however I didnt have the time to make any moves due to clients and class work lol.

I will say that this is only one day of using ZP’s for only 7 mins so im not goin to suggest anyone to even try it out, do that research on your own and make that choice for yourselves, however I will say that today I did feel the effects come a lot quicker and smoother. I will continue to try out 7mins for a few weeks and try to include a proper assessment in the near future!

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Still really enjoying the stack, I am becoming a much calmer version of myself and my mood is really starting to shift into a more consistent positive mindset. In light of the news that a family friend is opening a business in the field that I am in school for and is making a co owner I have came to a lot of realizations over the past few days. Mainly in regards to internal growth, as well as a lot of painful memories from my past, from childhood to basically present time, also ways that I need to grow.

  1. Not going to go into full details on painful memories but a lot of them has been resurfacing, main scenarios are times I never stood up, nor respected myself. Has they come up one by one they dont cause as much pain as they used to, forgiving myself, and in some cases forgiving the person that caused the pain in said scenarios. Also having a desire to heal from my past and face myself to become a better man for the future to come. I have also realized a lot of memories and anxiety stem for more areas other than sex/women.

  2. In regards of women while I am a lot more relaxed around them, and they are becoming more friendlier to me, as well as giving me more looks. With everything going on I have decided that at this point in time I need to focus more on my internal growth, healing my past, and building my future with the business and finishing school. I’d rather chase my goals right now than chase women and sex. That said if someone does come along and she understands my situation and is to understand that I am more focused on my life, and of course if I vibe really well with her I will go for it. I have mentioned that I dont crave womens validation or attention to the point that I am realizing more of my self worth and promising myself to never rush into anything relationship wise again. She would have to prove to me that she is worth my time, and love just as much as I would to her and that one is very groundbreaking for me lol. No more just throwing it all at women.

  3. My business and reason why I am in school is massage therapy. If I am going to own/manage and work in my business that represents health and wellness, I want to be a reflection of that. I have been taking baby steps to cut back on drinking, cleaning up my diet, and coming up with a consistent workout routine and I am now even more motivated to accomplish those goals and turn them into more life long goals as well.

  4. Wanting more emotional control, I have improved a lot in this regard but still a long ways to go.

5.Wanting to conquer and destroy negative habits and old vices that has plagued me for years. With these subs I feel my internal power growing stronger every day and know that deep down I will become strong enough to accomplish this.

  1. Wanting to take charge of my life and no longer caring as much about what people want out of me, or their opinions. Unless they are opinions of trusted peers then I take more consideration on what the say.

  2. Im respecting and loving myself even more and setting up more boundaries.

  3. Obviously to anyone reading this will know that I desire a lot of change, in a way I almost want to be completely broken down and rebuilt.

Thats all I have for this list I know its a little disorganized and all over the place but these past few days have been eye opening and intense haha so this is me finally getting it out.

That said I will admit this. When I started my SubClub journey with emperor and got more familiar with other subs by reading descriptions, and looking at forums, a voice kept popping in my head the past 6 weeks that kept saying " You need a healing sub." I have disregarded it because I thought it was recon and well I didnt just want to buy a sub out of pure impulse. In light of the past few days and in regards of what I want to do for myself, I am starting to believe maybe there is merit to the voice in my head. I will also state that months ago I was looking up energy healing on a website and Dragon Reborn was advertised! So i bought it lol and after reading the description I decided I should wait and at least check out the other subs and now im here months later making journals lol.

Now I understand Dragon Reborn is one of the hardest subs to run especially for a beginner, but it correlates with my goals perfectly and I truly want to be reborn. Looking at the man in the mirror I know that I can be successful but not this current version of me. Im not speaking from a place of self hate/loathing I am speaking from a place of honesty, I no longer regret my past decisions nor the person I am right now, in fact I can finally say I love myself, but its truly time for change. Now I will say that even though I have followed the proper washout protocols I am taking a week off from subs so that way I can ultimately make this decision myself and not possible recon telling me to change a stack around. If I decide to go this route I will keep Ascension alongside DR while running multiple cycles of each stage. Maybe Stage 2 and 3 move onto Ascended Mogul, mainly for the business and wealth.

Well that was a lot but I needed to dump all of this so it can get out of my head and now I feel better! I also want to say that SubClub has really helped me out in regards of what I desire out of my life as well as myself, while also realizing my constantly growing internal power, and I could never have made these jumps in growth this quickly by myself, so I want to say thank you for all of these products SubClub has to offer, they truly are life changing.

All of you have a great weekend!


Okay now I will give an update on Ascension Primal. Please note that I have only been doing this stack for a bout one cycle so I can only give so much insight but I will try to be as accurate as possible. Also take into consideration that I took an ass backwards approach and listened to emperor first and then ascension. I will say that I enjoyed emperor but they aren’t kidding that you should have a strong foundation (Ascension/Ascended Mogul) which I want to do, so I can one day give emperor a proper chance in the future.

As you guys can tell from my previous post I have had a lot of realizations about my self and how I want to change and I can thank Ascension and Primal for that. This stack is very internal oriented especially with internal power. As internal power grows, the veil that you have allowed to cover you whether from other as well as yourself begins to lift. You see all the lies, the negativity, and all the wrong views that have been placed on you for what they truly are, which is just flat out negativity. You gain the power to start setting boundaries, love/respect yourself, desire change, not give a shit if people like you or not nor their petty opinions, not needing validation from others, doing what needs to be done etc, and most importantly imo you begin to become more honest with yourself and accept yourself for your faults and shortcomings but also realize your strengths and what you can bring to the table, what separates YOU from everyone else. This stack has also killed a good chunk of my social anxiety and is allowing me to just be me no matter who I am talking to.

This is what I have achieved from this stack I know I have only listened to it for one cycle so if some of you dont want to take my word for it I understand, but there are advanced users that have used this stack and made journals for it that have achieved amazing results. One of them is actually linked on a previous post on this journal.

To anyone looking for a good foundation stack especially for internal power and realizing your value as an individual and wanting to make changes to your overall mindset to a more positive one I recommend this stack.


Great post bro.

I was planning to run chosen + ascension + pcc in the future but a lot of what you noticed in yourself is a lot of the goals I have for myself as well.

Thank you for sharing, it helps a lot. I’m also happy to see how much it’s improving your life. These subs are awesome. The internal growth is just ridiculous. Keep up the great work man


Thanks bro! I have gained a lot of insight and help from the community so I’m just returning the favor, and I’m glad it helped someone! I really recommend this stack and honestly if i didn’t feel the need for a healing sub because of all the healing I need across the board I would definitely continue to run this stack cause I am enjoying the results I have obtained.

I hear you. My first sub was chosen from within, I added regeneration 2 weeks ago. My main focus is healing. Healing feels like priority #1.

But once I’m through it, I’m going to seriously consider your current stack. Just looks so right.

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I agree with the healing and I believe after a good couple rounds of healing future subs will integrate much faster and smoother

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Okay so I have been on a washout and during the washout i have noticed the following:

  1. Women are a lot more friendly to me and more willing to speak with me I have spoken to a lot more women at my school than I have since I started there! I however did not get any of their numbers and didnt really have the desire to flirt with any of them (Will be explained in point 2) I was so much more relaxed with them and overall my vibe seems to be a lot more social and charismatic.

  2. Inner happiness! For the longest time I was always desperate to have a GF, be in love, and all that other simp shit lol but that is finally starting to change. Last summer my GF and I split and well you guessed it, I became super depressed, started drinking a lot etc. However for the first time in my life the other night I finally said to myself happy as can be multiple times that “I am happy to be single!” Not saying that in a way as I hate women lol but I am starting to truly love my own company and well that killed my desire mainly because this is the first time I do love my own company and I wanna enjoy that, live and solidify it into my soul

  3. Physical changes! Now Ascension ZP objectives came out a short while ago and it does have physical shifting in it! Well a couple days ago I weighed myself and realized I put on about 12 lbs since I weighed myself a few months ago was I was all like “Shit” while I have been going a lot more lifting and I noticed my clothes have been looser still wasnt too happy about that. Well saw a friend I havent seen in a minute and we talked about workouts and all that and she said that “I was starting to V out, leaned out in the face, and my chest and shoulders got bigger and she was a little shocked I put on 10lbs and another co worker said the same thing today! I should also mention that I am 5’6.5” but I have a power lifter build and lately I have been trying to Recomp (burn fat, build muscle at the same time) which is very hard to do and I guess im pulling it off but the reason I am still not too happy is because now I am 236 lmao but maybe I am on the way of becoming 185-195 and becoming a beast? Who knows lol? I am a lot stronger as well! When I am done with school I will focus more on working out mainly cause between work and school I dont have the best sleep schedule

  4. Women Manifestation? So the other day I reached out to a girl I asked out while I was drunk and at a low point in my life aka going to the bar every night. Well she said that we are better off friends and after that I quit going to the bar as much (this was back just before Christmas 2021) and havent went to the bar since and decided I needed to change, which also led me to SubClub a month later. Well she responded saying that she was just thinking about me, how I have been, and that I have been MIA lol. Nothing came of it I briefly told her what was going on and she told me a little whats been going on. Nothing came of it but it was nice to reach out to old interests without resent like I used to and honestly if a friendship comes of it I would be cool with it! Another one is that I have had a friend for a long time that at one point had a crush on her, asked her out she said yes and then COVID happened a week later and she wasnt up for going out or anything and I decided to remain friends and ended up in a 1 year relationship shortly after. During that time she starts dating a guy and we lost contact with each other. Well 2 nights ago I was thinking about her out of nowhere and thought to myself wondering if she was still with that guy mainly just out of curiosity, well I saw her today and she told me she broke it off with him a month ago. She said that a long time mutual friend is visiting town and staying the night at her and her sisters place for his birthday and she invited me and my ex thinking we were still together lol. Now im not looking for anything atm as stated in point 2 but as I have mentioned before I am open to opportunities but I wont force anything especially since I do value the friendship and I can tell she has healing to do.

  5. More issues have been coming up from my past and I am starting to heal from more of them as they come up, I still have my bad days but I am handling them much better and still more positive overall!

That is the update for this week, I will admit I am still thinking about switching my stack around but instead of DR maybe Primal Seduction, mainly cause I have it already and seems to have a lot more healing in it as well, and later on when my life isnt as chaotic and if I feel the need for it I will run DR but I want to see what my growing confidence and self love can do for me first and by then I will also be more than ready for DR. Maybe run Emperor and Primal Seduction for 3 months and see how I feel. Idk its till up in the air lol Anyways looking forward to you replies and insight. Have a safe, great, and successful weekend yall!