Ascension + Primal Seduction Back to Khan

I notice this tends to happen to me more during times when I’m experiencing positive change in my life which slowly but surely I’m getting on this stack.

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I forgot to mention In the last entry that for some time now I haven’t been doing the 5 on 2 off approach(at one loop each sub) I have been doing things differently.

My listening week begins on Saturday so what I have been doing is since Ascension is my main sub of priority and PS the secondary.

I’ll overload on Saturday with 2 loops of Ascension and just 1loop of PS

Sunday I’ll do 2 loops of PS and just 1 of Ascension

Monday I rest

Tuesday I pick back up with 1 loop of each

Wednesday same as Tuesday

Rest on Thursday and Friday.

This method has worked far better for me than the 5 on 2 off approach. Which makes me wonder if I should have ever dropped khan in the first place since my lack of results might have been from overloading and maybe possible stonewalling from 5 on 2 off.

Anyways I’m still deciding to stick with this stack because it’s lighter I notice changes a lot quicker and the changes that have come I didn’t experience on khan. So for me it seems a foundation was a dire need.

Also I sprinkle limit destroyer Ultima when I feel like I’m not overloaded like today I’m going to sprinkle it onto my stack.

Also there is something important I feel I need to discuss and add on to this journal. I was hesitant to add because I feel it is personal but I see it necessary to mention because subs will be affected or affect what I’m about to bring up…

@SaintSovereign @RVconsultant @Fire

Back in late 2015 and early 2016 I was kicked out of my house because my sister and I didn’t get along and she pretty much made the decisions for my parents always while growing up so if she wanted me out I was out which is what happened. Shortly after,I made friends with the wrong crowd and they had introduced cocaine into my life and i immediately fell in love with it.

I was kicked Out during a very low point in my life I had just gotten fired from my job which I was relieved because I was stressed out. My father had passed away weeks before I got kicked out so when I ran into that wrong crowd I felt I was in a very vulnerable place. This time of my life is why I don’t speak to my family to this day.

That may be a story for another day perhaps when I do some healing. The reason I brought that up is because I recalled one weekend I had gone all out on snorting coke and atthe time it was the middle of winter and I was living in my car also I was 21 at the time. I recalled snorting and falling asleep later on with the heater on. When I woke up I was gasping for air almost like I was suffocating and was thirsty and sweating profusely. I had woken up to some strange severe brain injury that I’m still recovering from to this day. I’m 100% certain I’ll recover but I know it’ll take time.

Reason I brought this up is because subs may or may not affect me negatively since my brain isn’t quite on the same playing field as others. That’s a risk I’m willing to take.

I learned a lot from this injury and perhaps one of the reasons I stumbled upon this wonderful community. The injury resulted most likely from asphyxiation. It injured the frontal lobe of my brain and pretty much robbed me of my third eye power and my ability to feel higher consciousness. It felt like a huge swelling is in my forehead and with time I can feel it has improved because I can barely feel swelling at this point.My personality changed shortly after the injury,blurred vision when making eye contact was apparent in every one of my interactions that led to me after a while avoiding eye contact because of it which others can interpret as lack of confidence or something but in my mind it’s because of the injury that occurred

i have personally seen first hand how a brain injury can seriously hurt your life from a professional level down to a personal level. It taught me just how much we take for granted and don’t realize what we have until it’s gone and the brain is exactly one of things I feel we take for granted.

An example would be I’m sure when you pick up a spoon to eat you may or may not be aware that so many brain regions fire away for you to be able to pick up that spoon and use it and we take it for granted because it’s something normal and automatic for most of us but when you suffer a brain injury and see what it takes away from you, you begin to realize that something as small as that can be taken away.

Reason I felt forced to bring it up is because maybe my injury could be hurting the results I could be having by now if i didn’t have the injury but make no mistake I am feeling and seeing changes with the subs.just makes me wonder if the injury could be minimizing the results.

If you made it this far I want to thank you for caring enough to read to the end .:slightly_smiling_face:


I did read your post. You must be brave to have made it through all that.

Is there anything we can do to help you with anything you want to work on, such as helping give you ideas for a play list or help you with your listening schedule?


Thanks for taking the time to post and your support I really appreciate that!

Reason I brought it up is because after the injury I changed. I became more anxious and not the kind that you would take deep breaths and it goes away but real deep impossible to remove anxiety I could no longer be in big crowds of people which wasn’t really a problem before my injury.bright lights and loud noises would raise my anxiety to horrible uncontrollable levels.

I truly feel like the kind of brain injury i got is what my definition of hell is. I became consumed by fear, i started avoiding people like the plague. It weakened me and it didn’t make things any better that from 2017-2020 I worked with the scummiest guy I had ever met in my life and subconsciously knew, he took advantage of my vulnerable state and made those years of my recovery the worst. It’s almost like people I knew I was stronger than suddenly became stronger than me because of my injury. It’s like before I was able to see and act on the right decisions that would make people around me see me as a leader but after my injury,other people were able to see those things a lot faster than me.

So as I have been recovering it’s almost like little bits of my personality and identity are coming back. So the reason I brought this up is because maybe the results of the subs are being weakened by my current injured state or worse, any changes I’m seeing may just be due to my recovery.

I’m going to go with the former because of the fact that there is a part of me that truly feels changed since running the subs. For example there are times where I feel extremely calm and it just comes naturally and I can’t say it was like that before.


I’m sorry you had to go through all that. If I had such an injury, I’d consider running Quantum Limitless from the main shop, and then building a custom. What are your thoughts?


@Mystery - I would advice to not be too concerned about what happened to your brain on drugs and past habits.

The reason being that you are here writing very coherent sentences and expressing your thoughts very well. Which implies that you have a functioning concious and subconcious mind. Granted that they may have programming that you want to remove and replace with better instructions which is possible because you aren’t someone having extreme mental challenges.

Am not saying this because I take what you said lightly but to say that from a 3rd person perspective, I just know that subs will work for you even with your brain injury. Especially since the brain is highly adaptive and parts of it take over the function of others when the latter has issues.


@RVconsultant i appreciate you caring and as far as your suggestion goes i did think about running st1 in the past because i know it has a brain healing component which a few years ago would have been a godsend. Im liking the effects of Ascension and PS too much to switch to QL. Reason i mentioned the injury was because i was curious if it would weaken my results.

@Lion thanks for your insight bro. Everything you stated is what i feel to be true aswell because around the time i found subclub last year around this time, i wondered to myself if there was a way i could act confident,sexual,etc without consciously controlling it and that’s when it hit me that the subconscious mind was the key to achieving that. So i figured if i could change on a subconscious level then my injury would not be able to sabotage that. Your post further reinforces that theory and i want to thank you for that😊

Btw good luck with Wanted!


Now that’s a winner’s mindset!

Thank you, bro!


Today marks roughly about 3 months since i began my stack of Ascension + Primal Seduction.

Today is a rest day. I will do one more day of listening tomorrow before embarking on a 1-2 week washout so I’m going to overload my subc. With 2 loops of each tomorrow before doing so.

Shoutout to @Leandros for recommending Humic/Fulvic Acid to me. I will be adding those to my stack.

Current updated supplement stack is now:

-Black Maca Powder
-Cacao Powder

  • Nutri- genesis multivitamin for men
  • Bacopa Synapsa & Bacopa Bacognize(before bed)
    -Gotu Kola
    -Lions Mane
    -Alpha GPC
    -Humic/Fulvic Acid

I booted Rhodiola Rosea because i felt like i wasnt resonating with it. Other than that i have noticed a noticeable increase in my energy levels since i began taking supplements again. I find it so much easier to plow through recon because of the abundance of energy i feel.

Speaking of Recon i notice that when i do go through it its because of PS. Im noticing that the lesser attractive women are giving me IOI. In some lesser attractive women i notice based on their body language that im being seen as someone worth more than them.

Today i was feeling in a much better mood so no recon. As i was walking in to go to work a lesser attractive woman gave me prolonged eye contact and i smiled and greeted her. The me smiling and greeting woman is a sign the healing is working from the sub because that has never been an immediate reaction when i come across women. Now i just need that to transition when i come across the hotter women.

I believe Ascension is the reason why im noticing that more people are beginning to see me as intimidating. Keep in mind that im a small guy lol
I can feel that im starting to generate this powerful aura that the sub describes.

Im debating wether to buy PsitU and use that as my ultima since I’m going to hold off on libertine until I’m more advanced.


Hey mister Mystery,
How would you describe the addition of aniracetam? I bought a big case years back, but never got to use it just because phenibut gives me such a nice boost in terms for cognitive processes and mood as well.

@lovage To be quite honest im thinking of removing it from my stack because i haven’t really noticed anything amazing from it. Im hoping my opinion changes now that i have added Alpha GPC since i found out a choline source is very synergetic with aniracetam. Ill for sure keep in mind any changes and update them here.:blush:

Id look into Bacopa more if i were you it has been the one supplement that i have been feeling relatively quickly

Ok so it’s not just me; I think I’ll give it one more try and force myself to use it for a couple of weeks, but basically that was my experience as well “I don’t really notice anything”…

Ive been using it for a couple nonths now and i hardly notice a thing but i did some research and maybe a stack with Alpha GPC may change our minds


Hey @Mystery,

Read your post, a very honest and vulnerable post. Thank you for sharing :slight_smile:

For me at least, I alwas feel better after sharing like this, but it took me many years to even get to that level of honesty with myself.


@Tobyone Thank you for taking the time to read it and expressing your support i appreciate it.

I was hesitant to post because i dont like to put my business out there like that and for any subconscious judgement i may get.

Luckily that didnt seem to be the case😊


So im still on a washout and plan on picking things back up either today or tomorrow which would mark a washout of 2 weeks at this point.

Instead of resuming my Ascension + PS Stack ill be replacing Ascension with the custom i created. Focusing on Ascension and Inner circle.

So it will now be Elite custom(Ascension + Inner circle Cores) + PS with either Libertine or PSITU as the ultimas when needed

I just got back from the dentist and it was a rather disappointing diagnosis with the potential of setting me back 10 grand😔

While there the manager who was atttending me throughout the xrays was very friendly and had a very magnetic energy i resonated with.

I could feel she was potentially interested just in the way we were engaging with one another. I loved the fact how she was weird and different and just oozed this highly sexual and vibrant energy.

She looked young but was in her forties so she looked good for her age. Idk why whenever i have plans on number closing a woman it feels like they know i plan on it and therefore device a way for that to not happen.

It happened with the Hr Lady aswell. Its like they go off to a more crowded area to eliminate that possibility.

In these kinds of situations i like to be discreet because i dont want others around to know I’m trying to seduce her to preserve their reputation.
In both scenarios i was looking to seduce women in their 40’s while me being a 27 year old male so hence why i planned on being discreet.

I planned on number closing her because she was going to show me her house on her phone and thought it would have been the right opportunity but she shows me right when i get to the front counter and the older lady right next to her basically making it impossible.

Maybe i just need to not give a fu*k and do it anyways lol

Overall i could feel there was a bloom with that interaction.

Today im feeling calm and collected with pretty much zero anxiety which is unusual for me to say.

Hey what results did you get from PS so far?

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I was reading this journal to see if any quotes were applicable for your situation. I see you’ve already found it, though :slight_smile: