Ascension + limitless custom module recommendations

Hi y’all I am working on my custom and I plan to stack it with mind’s eye. I’ve been running ascension and lbfh for a while and plan to build on that. Any suggestions for modules that compliment these two cores? I want to learn a wide variety of topics while building my frame and self as a man. I’ve been taking life too seriously and want to enjoy the process of learning and growing myself lnto the man and eventually entrepreneur that I am destined to be.

Right now I have
Iron frame
Machine action
Divine self image
Mind palace
Book blitz
Harmonic singularity
All seeing
IQ cognitive booster
Mind palace
Joie de vivre
Emperor voice
Journey guide
Submodel alpha
Productivity unleashed
Way of understanding


I’ve come upon this one a couple of times recently in older threats.

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