Ascension for women ZP

Anybody has any experience with “ Ascension for women “ ? I just completed one cycle in ZP solace. Not much experience yet
How many cycles are recommended to start seeing positive change ?
Has anyone experienced a period of mental turmoil from external triggers before you actually start “ascending” ? And / OR disturbing vivid dreams
I’m pretty new to sub club and would love to hear how is has gone for others, cheers

Am sure you would have experienced something. Don’t handwave away the results.

Were there any of these?

This is a form of release. And your mind reconciling to the subliminal.

Do think about it and you will see that you have had more results when you reflect over the last 3, weeks of running Ascension for Women.

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Do you keep any kind of journal?
Journaling is, amongst other things, very good for reflecting about your progress, about what is going on inside yourself and also and also for recording your progress.
If you’re Journaling for a year and then start reading what was going on in your life you can notice your progress much easier.

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No positive breakthroughs yet . If anything I trusted a company I shouldn’t have for a project and seem to have gotten scammed so being hard on myself now.

After the 5 days rest period is it advisable to run another cycle ? Perhaps the results take time.

I’m also considering stacking that program with the Sells title. Would that be too much of an overload for a beginner ?
Ty @Lion

@Lichtenauer I shall def journal.
But so far only thing I can identify clearly is creepy creatures vivid dreams / eels , snakes … I end up killing all lol wtv that means

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You mean True Sell?

You can stack another title.

There will be in time. You have had changes happen. Even if slow, it will compound and get you the results you want.

Keep going :+1:

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@SaintSovereign, @Fire - please advice on this thread.

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Be patient with the process. I myself struggled at first with ‘Love Bomb For Humanity’ because my old subconscious mind heavily rejected it. It took me about three months to start noticing positive results – before that, I experienced some tough dreams and difficult feelings (recon). Pairing it with ‘Dragon Reborn: Phoenix’ really helped me overcome the blocks (DR:Phoenix was also very good to incorporate the messages of Emperor into my mind

Our subconscious minds are deeply programmed, and those patterns might directly conflict with the message of a subliminal. It doesn’t recognize the new goals, the things you want to become, it identifies with the old patterns and thoughts. In my case, the self-love and self-worth portions of ‘Love Bomb for Humanity’ were completely foreign to my subconscious, causing a lot of resistance. My old identity felt threatened. It was a “way of life” that worked well for decades (for me about 4 decades). How can I suspect to change it in only a few days?

I suggest you to stick to Ascension for Woman for some more cycles and see what happens.
All the best for your journey.


@TheRock thanks for sharing :hugs: and everything you mention makes sense. Nice you were able to pinpoint so many discoveries about your progress with the program.

I will take your advice and stick to ascension. Started the second cycle today. Perhaps I’m too eager for results too soon! One can’t expect to transform so many aspects so soon perhaps ascension is more complex but worth the wait.
I need to boost my home business sales but I trust this tittle alone will be enough

Feel free to share any other insights :slight_smile:
This is my third sub, so I’m fairly new to this technology.



1 What do you want to accomplish?

2 How would you recognize a result?

3 What are you expecting from the subliminal program?

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I’m also fairly new to subliminals, only 5 months in, I started to recognize that action is the crucial thing. First I couldn’t pinpoint what this means, but slowly adapted a method to incorporate some actions, based on the objectives of the sub that align with the lifestyle I want to achieve and the person I want to become. Take the superb questions @RVconsultant asks in the post above and write down some actions that incorporate this questions and your personal goals. An example of such an S.M.A.R.T. Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achivable, Relevant, Time oriented) could be:

Goal Example For Ascension for Woman
“Within the next 3 months, I will significantly enhance my personal and professional presence by adopting a daily routine that reinforces my inner power and develops my social intelligence. I will do this by starting each day with 5 minutes of powerful affirmations related to my status and confidence, followed by 10 minutes of visualization exercises focusing on achieving my goals and commanding respect in various settings. Additionally, I will dedicate 15 minutes each day to practice power poses to boost my confidence and work on my body language. To further my understanding of social dynamics, I will spend 30 minutes observing social interactions twice a week, noting behaviors of influential individuals. Furthermore, I will identify and journal about one limiting belief per week. By the end of these 3 months, I aim to have a noticeably stronger command of my presence, significantly improved social skills, and a clearer path towards my personal and professional ambitions.”

This is an example of a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound goal that takes the questions from RVConsultant and expands on it:

By taking such an approach, I take the lead on the change I want for myself and let the subliminals work in the background shifting my old patterns of thinking and believing in the right direction.


Yes, occasionally someone will post something such as “I’m not noticing any results”.

It could be they are getting results, but the results they are getting are not meeting their idea of results. For example, if they are running SSX and women are staring at them and smiling, that could be considered a result. However the person might be dismissing the results in his mind because he’s thinking “I’m still not having sex” or “Women aren’t asking me out on dates”. And then he thinks he’s not getting any results. When in fact he is getting results, he’s just not having his personal objectives met.

What is a result?

How is a results defined?

What has changed since starting the subliminal?

What might you be not noticing that has changed?

Are the results you’re expecting realistic in light of the objectives of the program?

Are the results you expect congruent with the objectives of the program?


@RVconsultant Thank you, and your questions led me to some deep reflection eventhought I know what I want from this sub, that unshakable confidence to revive my business, I need to take more action in the social aspect and find business events / exposure.
I live in a remote setting lots of nature and animals. Less people

As for action taking, working on new digital marketing , ultimate goal is sales.

I understand everything you are saying and it makes total sense.

Also Thanks @TheRock for taking your time to explain and give an example of smart goals. I’m with you. I will note this down to ensure my goals are also realistic. After all is only been one full cycle. You seem to be on the right track :raised_hands: hands down

Not sure if I shall have stacked this sub with “true sell” but also don’t want to overload my subconscious so I will just chill. One of you said to stick to just ascension for woman so I will.

I do need clarification on the number of cycles recommended for each title. I have tried a couple of titles in the past and my intention is not title jumping or whatever that is called.
I want to stick to something without over exposure so now I’m on the very beginning of a second cycle . How long do I keep going after the rest periods ?

Thanks again to everyone that has participated on this discussion& your encouragement to keep going.


Until the goals you want to achieve with this subliminal are met.

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That totally depends. As Lion said, as long as it takes until you reach the goal you’ve set.
We have one business woman (forgot her username) from Brazil in here. She listened to EoG for a few years in total, but now makes the kind of money that is considered much in most countries.

My opinion is, that as long as you aren’t to broke, it’s not a big Deal to try a few titles in the beginning. Get a feeling for subs, learn to notice how they work. Also, no one can read the descriptions of almost 100 subs. At least not at the beginning. But over the time, especially if you read in here, you might find better fitting titles. Or it might even happen that you realize the cause of your problem and you know just the subs for it.

In total I bought 8 subs for myself.

My first base subs was Emperor. I listened to ot for 4 cycles. The other subs changed, but emperor stayed. Over the time, I realized that it’s to huge for me and takes super long to bring the results I want (It covers everything: Sex, Status, Finances, Fitness, …). So I switched my base to Genesis Mogul. The groundlaying sub for finances and getting a job. I stayed with it since then. 4 months now. I started the new year with Khan Black. And it’s still an ongoing process. And will stay for perhaps 8 more cycles.
My third sub was changing more. I tried Phoenix when it came out. I can’t pinpoint it’s results but I see inner awareness growing. And that lead me to the insight that my self esteem was in shambles. Around that time the new LB was published. And now it’s my third title.

I know these subs will stay for a while.
Only a custom would change that.

We call it sub hopping in here.

A cycle consists of 26 days. 21 on and off days (11 listening days and 10 processing days) followed by 5 rest days.

Then it’s rinse and repeat.

After some time (a year perhaps), serious change/success, or overexposure (it’s only bad in the moment, but it’s instructional) you can make a so called washout. A longer rest period of perhaps 2 weeks without any subliminal input. That gives space for change toanifeat and the processing to end, so you can get to k ow your new you without being under constant subliminal influence.

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Have you read the support articles about such topics as listening schedules, rest days, washout, etc.

What subliminals have you bought already?

Which ones do you think are congruent with these objectives?

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Yes I have @RVconsultant specially the ZP listening instructions. I will check out more support articles

I have paragon health & regeneration. I did 2 or 3 cycles of each many months ago and took a long break.

Now I’m on the 2nd cycle of Ascension for women as you know. I’m keeping positive this program encompasses everything I’m eager to change/ manifest. And that it will take longer but it will work as long as action is taken so I think im feeling very hopeful about it. I notice people acting friendlier on the street :wink: must be the aura module.