Ascension for broken person

Cycle 2 day 18

I’ve taken a few more extra days off here and there this cycle, I think the sub is going in deeper to my subconscious or something.

I’ve started a routine of waking up early and doing a 4.5 mile walk first thing in the morning. Not much as far as exercise goes but I guess I’m building a habit. I know about taking action, I’ve taken some, and I hope the sub can help me keep it going. Is that how it’s supposed to work or am I misinterpreting something?

I keep on masturbating. Not to porn, I’m very good about avoiding that. But still I feel a life force draining. But it’s hard as a 25 yr old guy with no woman in his life at all and never had one. I think about sex and romance a lot. I looked at the seduction subs and keep thinking about them. But they won’t do me good because I have too much internal work to do right now.

I have to continue with ascension. Maybe 2 more cycles or longer, until the minor recon I’m having subsides. Then maybe healing to let go of my childhood and shitty parenting so I can confidently live the remainder of my life. Someone suggested elixir and regeneration. Then after that ascended mogul because a man without status and money is considered less than human in this society (for good reason too, biologically speaking). Then after all that I can possibly thing about seduction subs. But all of that is a long time away, for now onwards with ascension.

Cycle 2 done, on washout. Gonna give it a week this time since 5 days wasn’t enough. Misjudged some workload at work yesterday and pulled off a 12 hour shift with my coworker. Interesting stuff.

You might be blowing this sex stuff out of proportion. Sex is not that hard to get if you put some work into it. At some point you’ll sleep with someone. :man_shrugging:
Are you taking any steps to make it happen? Are you putting yourself in situations where you can meet women? Have you started working out? How is your self confidence? Have joined a dance class? How many women have you started a conversation with over the last 30 days? How do you dress?
In a nutshell, are you making yourself attractive enough for a woman to see you as a possible sex partner? I understand that you need to gain those skills. While it’s not the easiest thing to do, it’s not the hardest thing either.

None of us had perfect parenting. We all have family and childhood trauma to heal. That’s part of life. The sooner you let it go, the better. Good luck.


The sex thing was sort of a rant, I don’t think I care about it too much. A sexual or romantic relationship would serve no purpose right now. Gotta move out of my parents fucking house first :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thought up an idea I want to implement further. Spend as little time at “home” as possible. Only eating, sleeping, and morning routine. Stay the hell away otherwise from the toxic environment. Easy to do on weekdays, just add in a few hrs of exercise before and after work. Harder to do for weekends.

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Cycle 3 day 2. Feeling pretty good. Found the answer to stop masturbating at night, and that is currently to walk 9 miles a day. Half in the morning and half at night. Probably would be a better use of time to hit the gym but I’m anxious about working out in public for now. I think if I can find someone familiar to go with it would be less stressful. I know a coworker that hits the gym often but I’ll have to think about how to ask him.

Cycle 3 day 10

Got a final job offer that will double my income. Started the application a while ago and it came through today. I will finally be able to move out of my parents house.


Congrats!!! Way to go!!!


First off, congrats on the job offer! Gaining your independence will be a huge milestone, it sounds like.

The walking is excellent, implementing that as a daily habit changed the game for me as well (I also do morning and evening walks). Don’t feel like you need to jump into going to the gym, there is lots you can do at home to get fit and it’d likely work up your courage to eventually join a gym.

I have a relatively simple home workout routine that just requires a simple mat and dumbbell free weight.

10x squats
30 second plank (or just as long as you can hold it, I always try to increase my time)
10x pushups
30 seconds v-hold/lying leg raise
10x bicep curls w/ dumbbell
20x jumping jacks

Repeat for 3-5 sets. I do this daily after my morning walk. You could probably cut down on some of the walking length to make time for a workout like this. Give yourself a couple months of that and I bet you’ll be feeling eager to hit a gym.


3 cycles ascension are done. My new job starts tomorrow. I’m going to do 2 weeks washout so I can just focus on adapting to the job right now and give a break from the sub. Maybe some extra time to integrate for my subconscious will be beneficial.

Still do feel like I need some healing before I try out some other subs though, so I may be adding in something alongside ascension for the next cycle.


Dude, I think you’ve come a long way since your first post here!



@LastTry : You posted your first message on July 26th. That was 78 days ago.
Here is what you said about yourself.
:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Look at the impressive progress you’ve done in less than 3 months. These subs are fabulous tools and you’re using them the right way. Pat yourself on the back! You deserve it. Now imagine where you can be a year from now, if you stay consistent with the subs and take solid action.
We’re all rooting for you!


Appreciate the encouragement guys.

I’m settling into the job well so far. Waiting for my first few paychecks so I can figure out my income post tax, retirement fund, other deductions and stuff.

Been on washout for 11 days. Not sure if I want to add any more subs right now. Maybe I can just keep boosting my mental stability level and ambition levels with Ascension.


Stay with Ascension as long as you can. It is a great foundational sub. Switching subs too soon could sabotage the results that you started having.


Not switching, I mean adding on to run alongside Ascension. That can still cause problems?

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It really depends on what you add on to it. If you add a sub that has objectives that are vastly different from Ascension, it can slow things down because your subconscious would be working on two different things at once, therefore splitting your mental resources on two different goals. But if you add a sub that complements Ascension, they would build on top of each other. A good way to know is to ask yourself which major goals you want to achieve in the next 6 to to 12 months, then add the sub that helps you achieve that goal. Things would even go faster if you take consistent action towards the goal, like you’ve already been doing.

So let’s assume that you want to build a more masculine frame of mind with authority and presence, Godlike Masculinity would be an ideal complement.
If you believe you need more self-love and self-esteem, add LBFH and don’t look back.
If you need to open money avenues for yourself pretty quickly, add RICH.
If you want to solve money issues in your life and future once and for all, commit one or two year to EOG.
If you started a side business, in addition to your work, add Mogul or True Sell.
If you think you lack discipline to get things done, add The Executive of Limitless Executive and possibly stack it with Godlike Masculinity.
I you decided to go to college and to feel like you need to improve your learning ability, add Quantum Limitless.

Now if you’re not an entrepreneur or you don’t have immediate entrepreneurship projects, stay away from Stark as it would just sidetrack you. Stay away from HoM as well, it’s just too early for you as that just is a massive monster that generates crazy reconciliation. Stay away from Dragon Reborn, for the same reasons, those two are not beginner subs.

Do you see the point?


Thank you for the insight and the so many examples @ksub . Appreciate the time you took to write that.

Since I can’t really make a decision after pondering for a few days, and honestly those experimental versions that are being released are confusing me more, I’ll just do more Ascension for now. Cycle 4 day 1 today.


As others have said taking up boxing or muay thai will help develop your confidence on so many different levels. Its not so much about fighting its more about bringing out that masculinity that unfortunately has been repressed by modern day living. Once you get in touch with your masculinity this will translate to all aspects of your life. Of course there is also the cardiovascular and strenght aspect which will greatly benefit your physiology.


@LastTry : Don’t worry about the experimental versions. Ascension seems to be working for you. Stick to it and enjoy going from success to success.