Ascension experimental has it worked for you?

Have you had any interesting experiences on this sublim and what goes well in combination with this one?

Ascension Experimental? It is not released yet.


I believe he means Ascension Chamber Experimental, don’t you?

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That was a catchy name for a thread though and I got to look, I thought I missed that release :sweat_smile:

SC has made many files with “Experimental” in the filename.
Maybe he means the New Dawn version from early 2019.



yeah that one

It works.

It seems people are more interested in semantics than giving you any detailed responses unfortunately @PurpleFogFrog .


Since changing to the .flac version a few weeks back, my manifestations have changed from quick to near instant.

For example. The title I just that day with AC tends to show related manifestations.

Spartan x AC one day resulted in my hairstylist that’s been feeling me for a long time randomly hitting me up ‘to see how I’m doing’ and to let me know that her and her bff were going to the gym to ‘work on getting they booties fat’.

New Flame (Heartsong/ME), when I was using it, almost always resulted in an old flame - lol - hitting me up the day of, or tinder likes going brazy, or useful information that catalyzes my dating/love personality and outlook to greater, more - as y’all like to throw around on here - ‘congruent’ expression.

Plenty, and plenty more.


If @PurpleFogFrog wanted actual answers they would have taken the time to search the forum properly instead of making a new topic…

Not everyone knows proper etiquette for this particular forum. There’s many forums that actually prefer it if you start new threads. Also, OP obviously made a typo. What, really, is your point?

This seems like an excellent time to quit while we’re ahead, guys.


Dont lose yourself over 1 missing word buddy, well wishes

My comment had nothing to do with your typo, I was simply commenting on the fact that you decided to start a new thread instead of going through the one that was already posted.

As a side note, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t try to be condescending towards me.


Of course , have a lovely day.

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