As Above & So Below Ultima has anyone used this yet?

Damn and I’ve been powering mine with a unicycle


If you do all three are you a Jedi?

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Yup. And if you want to go Sith, do some Magick


I appreciate that. Believe or not, we actually have done this, even recently! Our goal is to help people better their lives. If we don’t have a title that fits their needs, we most certainly will recommend another company who does have one.


I hope one day subclub makes a Nofap subliminal/ porn addiction subliminal etc I prefer not to go to another vendor for this. I would like to stick to sub club only. Until that day arrives I’ll wait :heart:

Have you tried Commander Ultima? You were MIA for a while, so don’t remember.

We had a No-Nut-November thread as well, but none of us followed up on it. :sweat_smile:

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I think I remember you mentioning commander sometime back and how it was helpful for Had I known about that no nut November thread, I would have went m i.a to because November was a rough Nofap month for me

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Yoga or tai chi

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I tried both subs once and then got bored.

But let’s say you know how to move energy do you just listen to the ultima and move the energy while listening?

Ultima version ?

unfortunately this subliminal seems to be not popular but I think it has allot of potential

yeah the ultima versians

have you tried ascended mogul? it has anti porn scripting and its helped me pretty much lose interest in that stuff all together, give it a try


I’ve tried it. It does work wonders but I would like to see a subliminal that specifically address Nofap only. I know several members who would also like one.
Believe it or not for me personally primal kinda helps me with Nofap because I’m expressing my sexuality in healthy ways instead of repressing it. Old primal I was to horny it was unbearable

I haven’t been doing any energy work for a while now; other than what occurs spontaneously during meditation.

I’ve been thinking about it. Back in October 2017, I set the intention and then worked through the recommended 100 days of foundational work to establish a basis for further development (as I had also done almost 20 years before that).

But after that I let it drop off, mainly because my sensations of energy were kind of fleeting and unpredictable. There was not that satisfying feeling of effort, feedback, and making progress. Felt like flying blind a lot. (I can’t really tell at this point what the quality of my qi flow is and how much of that practice is still alive in my system. So, if I return to it, I’ll most likely be starting another (blind) 100-days practice.)

Haven’t been practicing taijiquan either, since 2016 or 2017, I think. Decided to concentrate my time on straight meditation.

The other thing is that I found myself feeling ambivalent about taijiquan. It is definitely meant to be practiced and used for self-defense, and I kind of felt that if I was not using it for that, I was somewhat wasting my time. Like practicing an empty ritual. But taijiquan is also an advanced qigong system. So, I guess if I could develop greater energy awareness and inject that into my practice, that might be enough to keep me with it.

I’m very interested in giving it another try when the time is right.


So how are people recommending to use As Above and So Below?

Prior to meditation session or during meditation session?

Prior to qigong/energy work session or during qigong/energy work session?

I’m at the point where I’m considering working with them.

Guess I’ll play during my meditations first and then see how I feel after the session.

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well,I tried them both for a while…I also tested the supercharger versions…with no doubt…Ultima version works better…I love them both…
I used AAU while I was meditating…it works much much better that way…the energy surging is strong …I felt energetic and I could even see the boosting effect carrying over into others subs…I also tried it before or /and after meditation…it lost its magic that way to a great extent…

I only tried SBU few times …not as much as AAU…cuz…it got me restless…my energy system fires up after I meditated on SBU…just really hard to calm down and fall asleep…even if I ultimately fall asleep…it disrupts my sleeping pattern…also it projects a really strong presence…it might have some help ?I am not sure what to use of it …


Thanks so much @Sebastian_Po. That really helps.

Sounds like As Above could be more appropriate for evening/pre-bed meditation (higher chakras, calm, elevated consciousness) and So Below for pre-activity meditation (lower chakras, focused, directed consciousness; might be interesting pre-magickal working). But, I’ll see.

I’m glad that you observed it to work well when paired with meditation as that’s the way that’s most convenient for me to use it. Thanks again.


I will tell you soon. My soon to be custom will be with As Above, SG, Heartsong, Love Bomb :slight_smile: