Archetypes question?

Why is there such on focus on archetypes here? I’m confused


I think it gives an idea of who you’d be more like running a given sub. Like if you can’t imagine what you’d be like running Wanted, one could say “James Bond embodies the Wanted archetype”, so you’d think “oh so I’ll be more like that.” That’s how I think of it anyway.


Who said there’s an obsession with archetypes? What if there’s just a common understanding of them and they’re used in conversation to get points across?

That’s pretty much exactly what archetypes are… sets of personality traits that, when combined, make up an “archetype”


This is my take through the lense of my personal experience @James .

Exhibit A:


It’s the desire to reach one’s highest potential and be a part of the action. The aim for significance and transcending mundane life.

I’ll change the word ‘obsession’ to the word ‘focus’.

It’s similar to the focus on muscles when engaging in physical workouts, or with blood pressure and heart health when you go to get a medical check-up, or gravity and electromagnetism when studying physics.

An understanding of archetypes, both in general and in your own specific life, can be very useful when it comes to navigating and making sense of human functioning, growth, and identity.


I vouch on what @Malkuth says, ‘focus’ not obsession.
An archetype is particular kind of person that you want to become, because it has all their most important characteristics…

I want to be a simple person who sells products, but I want to learn-teach and be admired.

I wanted to be a warrior but I want my type to be limited only to games, because I want to become the best game programmer, and I want people to like me. I also want to compete to all game industries. I want to embed my life story into the games that I create…


It solves the other confusion…



We all probably already occupy an amalgamation of different archetypes we’ve experienced or embodied throughout our lives. I am running Khan & Wanted Black for their archetypal influence and benefits.


Changed the question just for you

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More important than that is for you to get your question answered.


The word archetype just means an underlying pattern, mold, or model.

These are archetypes:

IMG_99166x166, 50%

Also known as Cookie Cutters.

Combine this:


With the malleable potential of cookie dough, bread dough, cake dough, or jello, and no matter how many times you use it, the result will always be the same:

A star.


Of course, no two of those cookies will be exactly alike; but it’s usually easy enough to see that they are variations on the same underlying pattern.

The great Carl Jung (the same genius who developed the concepts of ‘The Shadow’ and ‘Shadow-work’) proposed the idea that our minds, our imaginations, our identities, are also shaped and influenced by similar underlying patterns. He chose to call them ‘Archetypes’ and they became a central concept in the theory of Mind and Change that he developed. He called his system Analytical Psychology. It’s filled with many other amazing concepts as well.