Any recommendations for hair fall/hairloss/ hair growth?

I’m losing hair at an unprecedented rate.

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Calm down, stop being hard on yourself and stressing out because you dont reach your goals, relax more. I had/have the same issue. It is because I was freaking out all the time without noticing. My whole bodylanguage indicated restlessness.
Check this out


Hey @mecharc,PM for that I will send you a link.

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Hair clippers.

Been there, 20 years ago. Seriously, it’s not worth worrying about. Just cut it off. Women don’t really give a shit, unless you’re insecure about it, in which case they’ll pick up on that. Just own it and it won’t have any negative effect.


I concur with Bujin. I began loosing hair at 26 years old. I just bite the bullet and shaved my head. For some shaving your head is a giant leap. What you might want to do is gradually shorten your hair to a point where its fuilly shaven. I know its easy to feel insecure and shy when your loosing hair. You will get over it.

I was reading the other day that all the main stream porn stars have boyfriends with shaven heads :slight_smile: