Any insights into PURPOSE while running the new ZP titles?

So far am considering Emperor and/or EoG for finding purpose/mission in my life. Will read the sales pages again and think about it some more.

I also think Mogul is a viable option based on it’s sales page which reads:

MOGUL also contains scripting to help you discover your personal mission and guide you down a path toward generating massive amounts of wealth from that mission”

Maybe I will start with Mogul or AM.

Thank you all for your comments, my friends!


Mogul is in Emperor and much more…

And Yes, EMPEROR ALSO Contains the ENTIRE Scripts of Ascension, Mogul and Sex Mastery X, and “Quantum Limitless Lite.”


I agree. But Mogul or AM could help manifest what I desire regarding my purpose faster.

Anyway, I haven’t made the final decision. Let me think on it. Emperor does have loads of other benefits in it too which help with career building.

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Yes, Ascension (including AM/Mogul) is also an excellent tool to find one’s passion. I still think those who are relatively new to subs should start with those titles.

In my experience, Emperor will - however - let you dream a step bigger. Nothing is impossible, you will not settle for less than excellence. Ascension might push you to follow your passion and become a politician, but if your true passion is to become the goddamn president of the United States, Emperor will make you go and pursue that, and you know what I think there is a high chance that you will be successful - even if it might sound crazily unachievable for you right now and the people around you.



  • Go to Free Astrology Birth Chart Calculator and create your free chart
  • Look at your ascendant. That gives a first direction.
  • then, check Venus to see what you love and what ppl will love you for.
  • mars will tell you what gives you motivation and drive.

Combine the two and you have a rough outline.

Now, add the north node. This will tell you what you need to learn, develop, and evolve into over your life. If you follow that path, the universe will support you in that transformation.

That gives a good start :grin::sunglasses:


They probably don’t know about it or don’t have the means.

Not everyone has the privilege to follow his passion.

Wrong choice of words haha

But if you read through the natal chart you see how precise it is.

It still leaves A LOT of room for your personality on HOW you actually follow your passion.

Which is why I said initially it won’t tell you who to be.

And , well, channelings are a belief much like many other things, including the carnivore diet haha

Find what works for you and follow that. I’m absolutely not telling anyone what to do.

But if anyone is interested in extra data to get a direction, check it out above.

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Thanks a ton, @AlexanderGraves

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I am not a fan of that either haha

No for a lot of people it really isn’t.

That’s why we tell people to look at all the aspects of the natal chart, and if this still does not satisfy them, we can also look at the connection between the aspects. There is soooo much room for interpretation that one can pretty much always make it work.

Trying to find your purpose that way is like trying to find it with the 16 personality test. It is fun and interesting and might give you some food for thought but in my experience it will do far less for finding your true purpose than most people think.


I meant this to say you can see for yourself how precise it is. I.e. judge for yourself :grin:

Other than that, sure.

It’s a belief like everything.

A tool that can help. Or not.

But imo it’s always worth to look into other data. You might find something that resonates.

Or perhaps they weren’t destined to know.

The real fun starts when you tell people to use a different astrology system, instead of the tropical, for example the draconic

And now the whole natal charts has totally different signs.

And now that too it is accurate. For some people, only that is accurate :joy:

Then you can also use many different house systems.

One the way, one might also realize that the website one uses to create the natal chart uses the wrong coordinates for your birth location OR that the time when you were born was not accurately dated, again changing some signs.

Now instead of becoming a doctor, one should rather become a porn :star: haha

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The description to this video is great, as it talks about “The Five Laws” (no idea where they came from and tbh, not interested either):

"The Five Laws (observable facts)

  1. You Exist (you always have, always will)
    death is an illusion
  2. Everything Is Here & Now
    time & space are illusions
  3. The One Is All, The All Is One
    separation is an illusion
  4. What You Put Out Is What You Get Back
    physical reality is a mirror
  5. Everything Changes Except The First 4 Laws
    change is a constant, that never changes"

As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without.


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I would actually describe myself as coming from a somewhat similar place.

or maybe not.

Well, it’s in there, at any rate.

I guess what it comes down to for me is that I haven’t seen anything about human beings that suggests much qualification to discern beyond our own ideas/spheres of activity/frames of reference.

And I suppose I also don’t feel any great responsibility to do so.

Just cleaning up after ourselves seems to be an unmanageable full-time job.


Ultimate Artist, Renaissance Man and StarkQ are also confirmed by SaintSovereign to have scripting to directly address and help those who feel lost in terms of purpose/mission in life.

Hence the list so far is:

  1. Mogul
  2. Ascended Mogul
  3. Emperor
  4. Ecstasy of Gold
  5. Ultimate Artist
  6. Renaissance Man
  7. StarkQ

Each person as u maybe aware will not experience the same things at the same time! Subconscious minds are a fingerprint to the soul and each one of us has one! What works for one, one way might work the same for you. Your sub has a conscious mind of its own. I like this place because, the ability to build a custom designed approach to your goal. I asked questions here and those who build such a house of cards has to be looking for any positive reactions while listening. Little stuff that doesn’t mean much consciously, those small things we pawn off as; coincidence or any type of synchronicities is that seed growing and maturing . From using other subliminal’s off and on. I for the past twenty years played it as the cards were dealt to me. Waiting for technologies to catchup.

I also know when I purchased one for a friend, the same cd, he experienced something way different than I did. Both results were unique and weird at the same time. I am learning all this new information here, still going to take awhile. Most comprehensive information on subliminal’s I ever read about. Lastly, I found to be fair and true to self is to give yourself a chance around 6 weeks or so, something is definitely taking place deep inside of a universal biological computer’s hard drive.

Nothing you’re doing here in my opinion is a waste of time, even though your 5 senses disagree at the moment. But deep down inside, you’re building a solid foundation, if you follow the companies instructions. Think of it as a “Seed” one plants it and waters it waiting for some sign of life, but your 5 Senses tells you if you can’t see it, then it’s not growing. But we understand the laws of sowing and reaping, we don’t question the how’s and the why’s.

Now from the physical laws to the non-physical laws; it all works pretty much the same! You can’t force anything to grow and that’s the stink of it, especially in this fast time pace, this worlds going through. If you can continue to add similar modules or cores and let your minds do the rest, it knows better than any of us you can rest assure!


What makes you think this?

I realized I need to go back to my true self which flowingly engages in creative endeavors and is not obsessed with what will sell. Primary subs were Regen + Elixir.

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Purpose seems to involve choice and passion; Will and Nature.

Choice taken too far becomes arbitrariness (which feels meaningless).

Nature taken too far becomes fatalism (also meaningless).

The sweet spot in the middle; that’s the crest of the wave of Purpose. We ride it, we fall the f*ck off, and then we swim like hell until we can catch up and ride it again.

“Balanced. As all things should be.” -Thanos

The dude may have been a lunatic, but he made some good points too. The Yin and Yang of existence and purpose.

Anyway, big fan of this sentiment @Malkuth